Learning Outcomes At
By the end of this module you should be able to:
1. Describe healthy public policy and its emergence as a concept;
2. Discuss Health in all Policies and issues
associated with its application; and
3. Describe a rationale for utilising intersectoral coalitions and partnerships for public health efforts.
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Module 11: Healthy Public Policy
Essential Readings At
The following are essential readings for this module that you should review prior to completing your workbook. You can access them via the Reading List.
1. Baum, F. (2016). Healthy Public Policy. In The New Public Health (4th edition., pp. 617-651). South Melbourne, Victoria: Oxford University Press.
2. Laverack, G. (2013). Strategies to influence public policy. In Health Activism: Foundations and Strategies (pp. 51-65). London: SAGE Publications.
3. Laverack, G. (2013). Activism and the social determinants of health. In Health Activism: Foundations and Strategies (pp. 66-79). London: SAGE Publications.
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Reflect At
Activity 11.1: Healthy Public
-Healthy public policy is characterized by an explicit concern for health and equity in all areas of policy and by an accountability for health impact. The main aim of healthy public policy is to create a supportive environment to enable people to lead healthy lives. Such a policy makes healthy choices possible or easier for citizens. It makes social and physical environments health enhancing. In the pursuit of healthy public policy, government sectors concerned with agriculture, trade, education, industry and communications need to take into account health as an essential factor when formulating policy. These sectors should be accountable for the health consequences of their policy decisions. They should pay as much attention to health os to economic considerations.- (WHO, 1988).
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Address the following questions:
1. Why is working across sectors so important for public health?
2. Pick one of the following sectors and provide some reflections and specific examples of how public health is impacted by decisions made within this sector:
• Agriculture
• Criminal justice
• Housing
• Transport
Activity 11.2: Public Health Coalitions
Some examples of public health coalitions in Australia include:
• Climate and Health Alliance
• Alcohol Change Victoria
• Obesity Policy Coalition
Choose one and provide an overview including:
1. Who are the participating organisations?
2. What is the core purpose of the coalition?
3. What strategies does the coalition use to influence change (with particular reference to the chapters by
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Activity 11.2: Public Health Coalitions
Some examples of public health coalitions in Australia include:
• Climate and Health Alliance
• Alcohol Change Victoria
• Obesity Policy Coalition
Choose one and provide an overview including:
1. Who are the participating organisations?
2. What is the core purpose of the coalition?
3. What strategies does the coalition use to influence change (with particular reference to the chapters by Lave rack)?
Post your responses to the Module activities as a single thread in Module 11 on the Discussion Board by Sunday 3pm WST. Make sure you are integrating the module concepts and readings into your responses and responding to other student posts.
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Module 11: Healthy Public Policy
For Your Library A* *
These are useful publication/s to
save to your personal library and refer back to throughout your degree and future public health
• Public health: ethical issues [pdf] from the Nuffield Council on Bioethics considers what the government, industry, other organisations and individuals should do to enable people to lead a healthy life. Everyone should have a fair opportunity to lead a healthy life, and therefore governments should try to remove inequalities that affect disadvantaged groups or individuals. To support this duty, the report proposes a 'stewardship model' that outlines ethical principles that should be considered by public health policy-makers; and sets out a series of public health goals. In seeking to attain appropriate public health goals, the state should minimise the degree of
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