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2.5.3 Presentation and summary
Weight: 30%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Due: Week 13 and 14 in tutorial time
Submission: online, using Turnitin on vUWS
Format: Students will need to submit the transcript of their Pitch as a Word file, as well as a picture copy of presentation slide(s) copied as an appendix into your word file. It is recommended you use no more than 2 or 3 presentation slides Includes between visually captivating slides Includes a verbal delivery that holds the audience attention Must be delivered in a professional manner Students must submit their transcript on the day of the presentation.
Length: 3 minute plus 500 words
Curriculum Mode: Presentation
The panel has reviewed your Advocacy Statement. You are now expected to pitch your case at the meeting in the form of a 3-minute presentation. Drawing on your risk analysis and advocacy statement, the aim of this pitch is to verbally convince the panel whether or not the health system reform is worth implementing.
Your pitch should include:
- The problem
- Proposed solution to the problem (health system reform)
- Your position on the proposed reform (i.e. for or against)
* Rationale for the position, supported by evidence (drawing on your risk analysis and advocacy statement)
- Make your request of the audience - what you want the audience to do
- One or two slides to illustrate your points
Please note that the presentation may be conducted via Zoom if face to face is not possible at the time.
Aim of Assessment: to demonstrate you ability to provide a spoken pitch for or against your chosen reform, it should above all be compelling and make a strong position that convinces an audience of your policy position.
Note: it is not a summary of your previous two assessments.
How to Pitch
Resources are available on the vUWS site
A time schedule for presentation is provided on vUWS under the assessment submission link
Marking Criteria:
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory
Engaging opener (8%) Attention grabbing opening, that is also accurate and appropriate Opening is accurate and appropriate Opening is appropriate. although might be a bit vague Opening is appropriate, although not entirely clear or essential Opening is not appropriate or does not correctly describe the problem