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Assessment Task 2: Case Studies
Weighting: 50%
Word Limit: 2500 words in total
Due Date: 29 September 2022 @ 23.55pm submitted via e-assessment on the Study Desk
PART A: Ten (10) multiple choice questions - Weighting 10%
Advice for answering all multiple-choice questions: Highlight the MOST correct choice for each answer.
Remember that you are looking for the most correct choice for each question. There may be more than one choice that appears to be correct, but those choices might include ‘distractors’ that are meant to distract you from the most correct choice.
Q1: Which of the following statements identifies characteristics of a salutogenesis approach to health and wellbeing?
A – Enhances capacities and potential to live fully.
B – Primarily focuses on promotion of positive health.
C – Works to create health and wellbeing factors.
D – All of the above.
Q2: Antonovsky (1979; 1987) introduced the salutogenic concept of ‘sense of coherence’ (SOC). SOC refers to:
A – Our individual capacity to manage tension and stress.
B – Comprehension, manageability and meaningfulness.
C – Measuring the individual perspective on resources.
D – Material, ego, identity and social support.
Q3: The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (World Health Organisation, [WHO] 1986) prioritises five areas for health promotion action. Which one of the following is not included in ‘the five action areas’?
A – Build healthy public policy.
B – Enable advocacy for all.
C – Create supportive environments.
D – Strengthen community action.
E – Develop personal skills
Q4: The ideology of social justice provides for critical examination of the consistency, fairness and appropriateness of health outcomes for individuals, groups and communities. Enacting this ideology means acknowledging that:
A – All people have equal right to access health services, information and resources.
B – All teachers assume some responsibility for aspects of health and wellbeing education through everyday practice.
C – Health and wellbeing are influenced by interactions between people and their environments, including the economic, physical, sociocultural and political environments.
D – Health education is about sharing and critiquing suggested strategies for achieving health and wellbeing.
Q5: Which of the following are characteristic of a pathogenesis approach to health?
A – Identifies a pathogen and determines a suitable treatment regime.
B – Works retrospectively from disease to determine how individuals can avoid, manage or eliminate the disease.
C – Studies health development.
D – Proactively creates conditions of physical, social and mental wellbeing.
Q6: There are three tiers of health literacy. They are:
A – Functional, interactive, critical.
B – Critical, literate, evaluative.
C – Analytical, evaluative, reproductive.
D – Preventative, salutogenic, pathogenic.
Q7: A contemporary definition of health literacy is:
A – Capacity to read and act on health information in health care environments.
B – Capacity to manage extreme health epidemics and the resources to avoid illness.
C – Capacity to obtain, interpret and understand basic health information and services and the competence to use these to enhance health.
D – The cognitive and social skills which determine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain access to, understand and use information in ways that promote and maintain good health.
Q8: To advocate means to:
A – Speak or write in favour of.
B – Support or urge by argument.
C – Lobby health authorities, political parties and local councils to introduce policies, implement health promotion strategies and improve workplace health and safety, public infrastructure and health services to make health accessible and achievable for all.
D – All of the above.
Q9: Health education is:
A – A waste of time because no one changes their behaviours as a result of the learning.
B – A complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
C – A series of policies that force people to adopt positive health behaviours, such as sun-safe policies.
D – Any combination of learning experiences designed to help individuals and communities improve their health, by increasing their knowledge or influencing their attitudes.
Q10: Critical inquiry refers to:
A – Identifying values, behaviours, priorities and actions related to health.
B – Researching, analysing, applying and appraising health knowledge.
C – Decision making, behaviours and actions related to health.
D – Identifying sources of information, analysing credibility, reflecting on consistency and drawing conclusions using critical thinking.

PART B: Answer the five short response questions below: Weighting 30%
Type your response under each question – 1500 words total (300 words each).
Please use research and references to inform and compile your responses.
The answers are to be objective and research based rather than subjective and opinion- based writing.
1. What is the purpose of health education/promotion and why is it important to deliver health and wellbeing learning for the people who you will be facilitating learning for your future work setting – students/patients/clients?
2. What is a strengths-based approach to health and wellbeing education/promotion? Why is a strength-based approach considered to be a better approach for health and wellbeing education/promotion than a pathogenic or biomedical approach?
3. Why do experts suggest that health learning is only one component of a whole-of-settings approach to health education and health promotion? What else is included in a ‘whole of setting’, holistic approach to health and wellbeing learning?
4. In your career you will need to appreciate and account for the impact of social determinants of health on the capacities of your students/patients/clients to implement behaviours conducive to health and wellbeing. Explain what the social determinants of health are and what impact your knowledge of the social determinants of health will have when you are planning how to approach health promotion and health education learning experiences and the content of that learning?
5. Why is it essential to access accurate and current information, relevant and suitable for the target population, from credible research sources to inform health and wellbeing learning? If injury, accident and illness related information is pathogenic and not considered a priority in health and wellbeing learning, why does anyone involved in facilitating health and wellbeing learning need to access this data?

Part C – Case studies – objectives for youth health.
Word Limit: 1000 words in total for Part C. Weighting – 50%
In 2015 the Healthy, Safe and Thriving: National Strategic Framework for Child and Youth Health (COAG Health Council 2015) identified six objectives that have actions for youth health and are measurable employing existing data. These are:
1. Young people are active, healthy and thriving.
2. Young people have lower rates of preventable injury and mortality.
3. Young people experience lower rates and impact of chronic disease.
4. Young people are supported in their mental health needs.
5. Young people reduce risk behaviours such as smoking, drug and alcohol use.
6. Young people make sound choices about their sexual and reproductive health. (AIHW 2016, p. 208)
Select one of the six objectives identified above and investigate how the social determinants of health could impact on an individual’s health and wellbeing outcomes in relation to the objective selected. Synthesise information and ideas to suggest a maximum of three recommendations for action to overcome these barriers and optimise health outcomes in relation to this objective. Critically evaluate and reflect on your recommendations to justify each action recommended.
STRUCTURE: Identify the objective you have selected in a heading, for example, Case Study: Young people make sound choices about their sexual and reproductive health and write your response to this objective. You may use sub-headings to guide or structure your response.
None of the responses in Assessment Task 2 are to be based on opinion. For each answer in Parts B and C, you must use substantiating researched evidence to support your response.
Research and Referencing – weighting 5%
Research Sources: There must be clear evidence of the use of credible academic research sources to guide your response to the assessment task. You need to acknowledge all sources of information that are not your own words using the APA referencing style to do so, both in text and in the Reference List. Please submit ONE Reference List for the assessment.
Referencing system - American Psychological Association (APA Style): APA style is the only referencing style that will be accepted. Below is the link to the USQ Library site that will help you become familiar with the APA style. APA version 7: The new version of APA referencing is more intuitive and less cumbersome than previous versions. Follow the link below for the USQ Library Guide to APA 7. You may choose to use APA6 or APA7 for this assessment response.
Academic Literacy - appropriate standards of literacy. 5% Weighting
Use appropriate standards of literacy, including spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and language usage. Avoid use of colloquial language and be professional and objective in your writing. Follow the link below for help with assignments and academic writing and help to familiarise yourself with the correct style of communicating. It is an imperative that you conduct a spell and grammar check of your work before submission.
The usual practice of accepting assignments that are 10% over or under the stated word limit will apply.
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• Study Support
• Assignment Support
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Style guide: You will not need an assignment cover sheet to submit electronically.
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1. Wilson-Gahan S. U1001444. EDH2152 Assessment Task 2
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High Distinction
100 – 85% Distinction - A
84 – 75% Credit - B
74 – 65% Pass - C
65 – 50% Fail
49 – 0% Grade
Part A: Multiple Choice Questions - Define
10 correct 9 or 8 correct 7 or 6 correct 5 correct 5 correct
Part B: Analyse and Apply
• Discerning and thorough analysis of relevant information about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of relevant and significant facts, concepts and information from a variety of provided and independent sources
• Thorough analysis of relevant information about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of relevant facts, concepts and information, from a variety of provided and independent sources
• Appropriate analysis of information about health and wellbeing theory and learning
• Application of facts, concepts and information, from a variety of provided and some independent sources
• Simple analysis of provided information, about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of simple facts, concepts and information from provided sources
• Limited analysis of health and wellbeing theory and learning
• States some simple facts or information from provided sources
• Discerning and thorough analysis of relevant information about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of relevant and significant facts, concepts and information from a variety of provided and independent sources
• Thorough analysis of relevant information about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of relevant facts, concepts and information, from a variety of provided and independent sources
• Appropriate analysis of information about health and wellbeing theory and learning
• Application of facts, concepts and information, from a variety of provided and some independent sources
• Simple analysis of provided information, about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of simple facts, concepts and information from provided sources
• Limited analysis of health and wellbeing theory and learning
• States some simple facts or information from provided sources
• Discerning and thorough analysis of relevant information about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of relevant and significant facts, concepts and information from a variety of provided and independent sources
• Thorough analysis of relevant information about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of relevant facts, concepts and information, from a variety of provided and independent sources
• Appropriate analysis of information about health and wellbeing theory and learning
• Application of facts, concepts and information, from a variety of provided and some independent sources
• Simple analysis of provided information, about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of simple facts, concepts and information from provided sources
• Limited analysis of health and wellbeing theory and learning
• States some simple facts or information from provided sources
• Discerning and thorough analysis of relevant information about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of relevant and significant facts, concepts and information from a variety of provided and independent sources
• Thorough analysis of relevant information about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of relevant facts, concepts and information, from a variety of provided and independent sources
• Appropriate analysis of information about health and wellbeing theory and learning
• Application of facts, concepts and information, from a variety of provided and some independent sources
• Simple analysis of provided information, about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of simple facts, concepts and information from provided sources
• Limited analysis of health and wellbeing theory and learning
• States some simple facts or information from provided sources
• Discerning and thorough analysis of relevant information about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of relevant and significant facts, concepts and information from a variety of provided and independent sources • Thorough analysis of relevant information about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of relevant facts, concepts and information, from a variety of provided and independent sources
• Appropriate analysis of information about health and wellbeing theory and learning
• Application of facts, concepts and information, from a variety of provided and some independent sources
• Simple analysis of provided information, about health and wellbeing theory and learning.
• Application of simple facts, concepts and information from provided sources
• Limited analysis of health and wellbeing theory and learning
• States some simple facts or information from provided sources
Part C: Case Study
Analyse and critique
Discerning interpretation and application of health promotion theories, concepts and strategies that ascertain the significant enablers and barriers to recommended strategies Accurate interpretation and appropriate application of health promotion theories, concepts and strategies that ascertain enablers and barriers to recommendations Interpretation and application of health promotion theories, concepts and strategies that identify enablers and barriers to recommendations Simple interpretation and application of basic health promotion concepts and strategies that suggest some enablers and barriers to recommendations Simple application of basic concepts and strategies
Critical evaluation that comprehensively justifies recommendations
Evaluation and effective justification of recommendations Evaluation and brief justifications of recommendations Simplistic evaluation that supports some recommendations Simplistic evaluation that supports aspects of some recommendations
Investigate and Synthesise

Insightful investigation and synthesis of significant information and ideas providing discerning decisions, actions or solutions. Accurate investigation and synthesis of information and ideas providing apt decisions, actions or solutions. Purposeful investigation and synthesis of information and ideas providing decisions, actions or solutions. Appropriate investigation and synthesis of information and ideas providing simplistic decisions, actions or solutions. Decisions, actions or solutions are not evident or not feasible.
Critical evaluation and insightful reflection that comprehensively justifies recommendations. Considered evaluation and purposeful reflection that justifies recommendations. Feasible evaluation and reflection that justifies recommendations. Appropriate evaluation and reflection that supports some recommendations. Evaluation and reflection not evident and recommendations not feasible.
Part D: Research, Referencing and Academic Literacy
Comprehensive use of excellent substantiating research evidence to support ideas.
Thorough use of substantiating research evidence to support ideas.
Credible use of substantiating research evidence to support ideas.
Sound use of substantiating research evidence to support ideas.
Little evidence of use of substantiating research evidence to support ideas.
Accurate use of APA conventions, acknowledged both in-text and in a reference list. Effective use of APA conventions, acknowledged both in-text and in a reference list. Appropriate use of APA conventions, acknowledged both in-text and in a reference list. Variable use of APA conventions, inconsistently acknowledged both in-text and in a reference list.
Little or no in-text references or reference list.
Meticulous language use and literacy, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Careful language use and literacy, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure Methodical language use and literacy, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure Adequate language use and literacy, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure Careless language use and literacy, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure
Overall Result and Comments:
