MANDATORY FOR FIELDWORK PLACEMENTS. Refer to the Guide Questions below for each Journal Entry. Your completed Reflective Journal must be submitted electronically on Moodle and must be signed and dated by the Agency Supervisor, yourself, and your liaison person before being uploaded.
While on Fieldwork Placement, students are to write in a journal on a regular basis. Students should make time at the end of each shift to reflect on their workplace experiences.
The purpose of the journal is to help you critically review and reflect upon your personal beliefs and attitudes, your workplace experiences, and the concepts that are presented in the Diploma of Community Services. Guide questions are provided for each journal entry, which will help you explore various areas of your learning progress.
While writing, you should attempt to understand your perceptions and explore the actions of others. Note your thoughts and feelings. What did you learn? What did you do well? What did you learn from others? What would you do differently? What do you need to work on?
For 1st placements, complete Journal Entries 1 to 5 only. For 2nd placements, complete Journal Entries 1 to 7.
Complete one journal entry approximately every 5 placement days.
Journal Entry 1 (minimum of 250 words)
Reflect on how you integrated your classroom learning into your Fieldwork Placement.
For example:
Give an example of when you applied specific skills and knowledge in completing your placement tasks, especially in working with clients.
How did it challenge you? How did it motivate you to develop further as a community worker?
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Journal Entry 2 (minimum of 250 words)
Reflect on an important event or incident that you observed or were involved in during your Fieldwork Placement.
For example: What was the event? How did it challenge you?
Describe how this event impacted on your personal values and beliefs
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Journal Entry 3 (minimum of 250 words)
Reflect on the interaction and support you have received from your supervisor/s and other agency staff throughout your Fieldwork Placement.
For example:
How do you respond to feedback? To conflict?
What have you learned about your communication skills and style? What has been most challenging about working with other people?
During the placement, everyday was a new and different learning day, some days were really challenging and other days were relaxed. At the end of the day, all the team members discussed the tasks which was done that day and provide feedbacks to each other. There were some days where I received negative feedbacks and other day I was appreciated for my work. However I always take negative feedbacks in a positive way as it was good learning experience for me to work towards my weakness and improve in my skills. I usually asked for a report of my tasks from my supervisor and always got exited to know about new ways to improve my mistakes. My supervisors always assisted me to improve my skills through my placement. Getting responses from the team also helped me to enhance my communication skills as well. It was another way of communicating, I had to talk with my team members to get feedbacks and having meetings with clients as well..
Journal Entry 4 (minimum of 250 words)
Reflect on what you have learned about being a community services worker through your Fieldwork Placement.
For example: For you, what are the personal and professional challenges of this profession? What are the joys? What have you identified to be your strengths? What are your areas for improvement?
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Journal Entry 5 (minimum of 250 words) – must be completed towards the end of placement and discussed with your Liaison Officer.
Reflect on the impact of your agency’s work and/or the services provided to clients, in relation to their identified social and cultural issues. Your response will be discussed with your Liaison Officer.
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Journal Entry 6 for 2nd Placement Only (minimum of 250 words)
Reflect on your professional development, including the progress you have made in your attitude and professional skills since your 1st placement.
For example: What has contributed to your professional development?
What steps are you taking (or plan to take) towards moving forward in your area of interest in the community welfare industry?
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Journal Entry 7 for 2nd Placement Only (250 words) As a community worker, it is important for you to understand the value of self-care and self-reflection.
For example: What do you believe self-care to be?
Provide at least 2 self-care strategies that you have applied in this placement. How have you found them useful on both a personal and professional level?
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