HND731: Learning and Teaching for Health Professionals 2022
Assessment Task 2: Education plan
3000 words 60% weight
Purpose of assessment task 2
It is important that health educators understand the factors that influence learning and are able to tailor education for the learning needs of the individual or group.
Due date: Monday 26th September 2022
Time: 8.00pm AEST
Location: Assignment dropbox via HND731 Program Page
Format: PDF*
*PDF conversion software is available here on Deakin Software Catalogue
• Please check the document before submitting to the dropbox to ensure the formatting has not changed.
• You are responsible for ensuring that the correct version of your assessment task is properly uploaded into the correct assessment dropbox.
Task description
For this assessment task you are required to apply your knowledge of education program planning to the design of an education session.
You have been asked to provide an education session to a local mothers’ group about gestational diabetes.
Explain how you would plan the education session, including:
• The information you need to know about your participants and how you would conduct a learning needs assessment for the group and explain why this information is important.
• Write 3 learning objectives for the session.
• Select 3 different teaching methods and explain the rationale for your choices in relation to the learning objectives, participant characteristics and adult learning principles.
• Explain the reasons for evaluating education and how you might conduct process and content evaluation for this session.
Instructions for this assessment task:
• Draw on information and references provided in the unit.
• You are also expected to do your own research of peer-reviewed journals, textbooks and evidence-based guidelines.
• Websites, consumer information, Wikipedia are not appropriate for assessment tasks.
• Make sure you self-assess your assignment against the marking rubric and presentation requirements before submission. This enables you to ensure all the required areas have been covered.
Presentation requirements:
The School of Nursing and Midwifery follows the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition referencing style. Presentation requirements of this referencing style are outlined below. For further detail regarding APA 7 refer to Deakin guide to referencing.
Title Page:
Include the following information on separate lines; Title of Paper (bold font), Student Name/s and student identification number, University Name, Unit Code and Name, Due Date. Final word count.
Formatting of Title Page: Centred text alignment and double-line spacing.
Writing is to be in an accessible font. Examples of these include 12-point type size Times New Roman or 11-point type size Arial.
Ensure the same font is used consistently throughout the entire paper.
Double-line spacing throughout (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or references list entries.)
Page numbers
Page numbers to be provided on all pages. Place page number in the top right-hand corner.
2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left-hand, and right-hand sides of the page (default page margin).
Paragraph indents
Indent the first line of each paragraph 1.27 cm (using the tab key or paragraph tool).
Exceptions: abstract, block quotations, title page (centred alignment), titles and headings, table titles and notes, references (hanging indent), appendix labels and titles. (Consult with APA 7 style manual for specific detail).
Justification of text
All text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified (right margin remains uneven)
Word Count
Assignments must be no more than 10% of the indicated word count, not including title page, in-text citations and reference lists
HND731 Learning and Teaching for Health Professionals 2022
Assessment Task 2: Rubric
Criterion mode: Points High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Starting % 80 Starting % 70 Starting % 60 Starting % 50 Starting % 0
Criterion 1
Explains learning needs assessment and factors to consider when tailoring education for this group Explains needs assessment coherently and comprehensively, and provides a detailed, articulate explanation of the factors to consider to tailor education.
(24-30 marks) Explains needs assessment and the conditions that affect learning thoroughly and provides a detailed explanation of the factors to consider to tailor education.
(21-23 marks) Defines needs assessment logically and generally explains conditions that affect learning and provides sufficient explanation of the factors to consider to tailor education.
(18-20 marks) Defines needs assessment sufficiently and explains some conditions that affect learning and most factors to consider to tailor education.
(15-17 marks) Does not define in sufficient detail needs assessment, and/or explain conditions that affect learning and factors to consider to tailor education.
(0-14 marks)
Points/Percentage 30
Criterion 2
Identifies 3 learning objectives (LOs) and selects 3 teaching methods, explaining rationale for choices. Identifies 3 relevant, fully detailed LOs and selects 3 relevant teaching methods and rationale explained articulately and astutely.
(24-30 marks) identifies 3 relevant LOs. Selects 3 relevant teaching methods and rationale explained clearly.
(21-23 marks) Identifies 3 mostly relevant LOs. Selects 3 teaching methods and rationale explained competently.
(18-20 marks) Identifies at least two mostly relevant LOs. Selects at least two teaching methods and rationale explained adequately.
(15-17 marks) Less than 2 or unrelated LOs. Inappropriate or insufficient teaching methods and/or rationale not explained.
(0-14 marks)
Criterion 3
Explains process and content evaluation.
Evaluation explained thoroughly and perceptively in relation to the education plan.
(16-20 marks) Evaluation explained thoroughly in relation to the education plan.
(14-15 marks) Evaluation described logically mostly in relation to the education plan.
(12-13 marks) Evaluation described briefly.
(10-11 marks) Evaluation of the education plan incomplete or inadequate detail.
(0-9 marks)
Criterion 4
Provides quality evidence
(current, reliable, relevant literature from credible sources), to analyse and explain concepts. There is evidence of thorough research through the selection of quality literature which is utilised skilfully to
develop a coherent and convincing argument.
(8-10 marks) There is evidence of wide research through the selection of quality literature, which is utilised effectively to develop a convincing argument.
(7 marks) There is evidence of sufficient research through the selection of mostly quality literature, which is utilised well to support the claims made.
(6 marks) The quality of the
literature selected is adequate and has been utilised to support the claims made most of the time.
(5 marks) The quality of the literature is inadequate, which has resulted in an unsatisfactory explanation of the concepts and insufficient evidence to substantiate the claims made.
(0-4 marks)
Criterion 5
Communicates in written form to a professional audience. Content is logically structured, fluently written, uses correct terminology. Is free of spelling or grammatical errors.
Presented according to instructions and word limit.
APA7 referencing protocols are properly applied at all times.
(8-10 marks) Content is clearly written and logically structured and uses correct terminology. Minimal errors in spelling and grammar.
Presented according to instructions and word limit.
APA7 referencing protocols properly applied with minimal errors.
(7 marks) Content is clearly written and mostly structured logically and mostly uses correct terminology. Few errors in spelling and grammar.
A few minor errors in APA7 referencing or formatting.
(6 marks) The content is sufficiently well organised, and understood adequately, although improvements could be made to one or more of the following: clearer articulation of ideas and sequencing of information; attention to spelling, grammar, professional language and proper referencing. (5 marks) Disorganised structure or unclear expression and language make it difficult to follow ideas, and multiple spelling and grammatical errors significantly detract from readability throughout. Multiple referencing errors or APA7 style not used.
(0-4 marks)
Points/Percentage 10
Total Points 100 80-100 70-79 60-69 50-59 0-49