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Assessment Brief
Advertising & Digital Media Faculty
Level 200
Assessment 4
Building brand interactions
Due: Week 12
Weighting: 30%
Learning Outcomes:
and Evaluate the value, meaning and sustainability generated by a range of contemporary Brands c. Synthesise values and essences to propose a new contemporary Brand Experience
d. Create a story where Brand touch points can generate a Brand Experience
f. Create an integrated Brand Experience campaign
You have been hired to assist the Marketing Director of a brand you love. The Marketing Director has asked you to pitch a brand experience that will excite and engage the primary consumer. They have asked you to challenge expectations of the consumer for the category and include the following in your pitch.
1. Overview – Overview of the brand including; brand history, products/services sold, key brand elements, brand consumer proposition a simple primary consumer pen profile and 2-3 examples of past campaigns.
2. Consumer touchpoint map – draw a consumer touchpoint map, identifying the negative and positive journey experiences. Your map should be based on an interview with a consumer of your brands category.
3. Pain points and joy points – Explain the top 3 consumer pain points and top 3 consumer joys you will address in your brand experience. Pain points might be obvious e.g. waiting in a queue or might be subtle e.g. buying clothing online and not being able to test the fabric quality.
4. Brand experience campaign – Design a brand experience campaign that will excite and engage. Include the following and remember this is one campaign with the following components.
a. Overview of story and strategy - Using a mind map (please place in appendix), design a brand experience focused strategy that will address at least 1 pain point and improves 1 joy experience. Summarise this strategy into a story title (3-4 words) and explain.
b. A campaign – a brand story, a tagline and an example of creative to be used across 2 types of media e.g. website and instore that explains the offer to the consumer e.g. ‘Red Bull Gives You Wings’ as a tag line and creative concept for their online channel and promotions.
c. A product touchpoint – design a product that will enable consumers to interact with your campaign (experience your message). You are encouraged to think innovatively and take inspiration from best practice case studies discussed in class. Your product should be visualised and connect to a digital element. E.g. Penny the Pirate for OPSM to improve the experience for child sight assessment or Coca Cola friendship vending machines. NOTE. This is not a new product pitch, the product is to help consumers touch and experience your brand message.
d. A physical environment – design an in-store or event experience that will help to launch your campaign and consumer interaction idea. This physical experience can be a new retail store, a popup retail store or an event. Your designs should be visualised. E.g. Nike & Jordan Basketball Experience Store or Marks Work Wearhouse Freezer Tester in-store to test snow gear.
5. Presentation – Pitch presentation format of idea. 10-15min depending on group size, presented in week 12 class. Students can use PPT or a tool of their choice.
1. Group assignment (2-3 members)
2. Please do not select the brand you have used in assessment 1 and 2
3. Approx. 20 slides
4. Final presentation uploaded as PDF to Moodle 11.59pm before class in week 12. Please include references and any images or content in an appendix after your last presented slide.
Marking Criteria & Rubrics:
Criterion 1: Overview – 15%
Fail: • Incomplete, off brief, plagiarised
Pass: • Delivers to most areas at an ok level, makes use of some tools from class
Credit: • Delivers to all areas to a good, makes use of some tools from class, good insights
Distinction: • Delivers to all areas to a very good level, makes use of tools from class, very good insights, well summarised and to point
High Distinction • Delivers to all areas to an excellent level, makes use of tools from class, excellent insights, well summarised and to point
Criterion 2: Consumer touchpoint map – 10%
Fail: • Incomplete, off brief, plagiarised
Pass: • Clear map in right format
Credit: • Good and clear map, shows links to interview for source material
Distinction: • Very good and professional map, shows clear links to interview for source material and well presented
High Distinction • Excellent and professional map, shows clear links to interview for source material and well presented
Criterion 3: Pain points and joy points – 5%
Fail: • Incomplete, off brief, plagiarised
Pass: • Some observations, little research evident
Credit: • Good observations, backed up with research from the interview
Distinction: • Very good observations, backed up with research from the interview
High Distinction • Well considered and clear observations, backed up with research from the interview and secondary data
Criterion 4: Overview of story and strategy – 10%
Fail: • Incomplete, off brief, plagiarised, difficult to understand story, not summarised
Pass: • Makes use of a basic mind-map, some issues, but a story evident
Credit: • Includes the use of a mind-map in the right format, good campaign concept, simple and well considered given the journey map
Distinction: • Includes the use of a mind-map in the right format, very good campaign concept, simple, clear to the consumer and well considered given the journey map
High Distinction • Includes the use of a mind-map in the right format, excellent campaign concept, simple, clear to the consumer and well considered given the journey map
Criterion 5: Campaign – 15%
Fail: • Incomplete, off brief, plagiarised
Pass: • Ok interpretation of concepts into a campaign. Some creative and thought given the media tools
Credit: • Good interpretation of concepts into a campaign. Some creative and thought out media tools used based on consumer profile
Distinction: • Very good interpretation of concepts into a campaign. Very good creative and well thought out media tools used based on consumer profile
High Distinction • Excellent interpretation of concepts into a campaign. Excellent creative and very well thought out media tools used based on consumer profile
Criterion 6: Product touchpoint – 15%
Fail: • Incomplete, off brief, plagiarised
Pass: • Some creative thinking and meets brief deliverables
Credit: • Good evidence of creative thinking. Makes sense for the category and would be possibly drive consumer interest. Similar ideas in the market
Distinction: • Very good evidence of creative thinking and innovation. Makes sense for the category and would be an experience driver for consumers
High Distinction • Excellent evidence of creative thinking and innovation. Makes sense for the category and would be an experience driver for consumers
Criterion 7: A physical environment – 15%
Fail: • Incomplete, off brief, plagiarised
Pass: • Some creative thinking and meets brief deliverables
Credit: • Good evidence of creative thinking. Makes sense for the category and would be possibly drive consumer interest. Similar ideas in the market
Distinction: • Very good evidence of creative thinking and innovation. Makes sense for the category and would be an experience driver for consumers
High Distinction • Excellent evidence of creative thinking and innovation. Makes sense for the category and would be an experience driver for consumers
Criterion 8: Presentation delivery – 7.5%
Fail: • Incomplete, off brief, read off script or very un-professional
Pass: • Presented, some issues, but communicated concept
Credit: • Good presentation, rehearsed, little need for notes, engaging
Distinction: • Very good presentation, professional, rehearsed, little need for notes, seamless between group members and engaging
High Distinction • Excellent presentation, professional, rehearsed, no need for notes, seamless between group members and very engaging
Criterion 9: Presentation format, spelling, references and design – 7.5%
Fail: • Incomplete, off brief, poorly constructed, plagiarised
Pass: • Basic presentation, requiring further editing, but delivers to brief
Credit: • Good design of presentation, simple and good level of spelling, references
Distinction: • Very good design of presentation, simple, clean and on point. Very good level of spelling, references and almost client ready
High Distinction • Excellent design of presentation, simple, clean and on point. Excellent level of spelling, references and client ready