10 minute video presentation + script Vancouver referencing style
This assessment assesses the final stages of the double-diamond process. In this assessment, students will build on their market analysis and outline the ideation of two concepts for a product or service innovation concept of their choice that address the user problem identified at the end of assignment 1. Students are to develop one of these concepts into a high-fidelity prototype and recommend that prototype to the client. Students must show evidence that the concepts and/or prototype had user-testing with at least one potential user representation of the persona selected.
Please note that this assignment is the innovation pitch for a new good or service – the unit is about designing goods and services. This is not an assignment about education campaigns or marketing communications. Do not focus on barriers that require information campaigns, education campaigns or social media such as lack of awareness, lack of understanding or lack of information. This means the user problem statement should not be anything related to marketing communication. If you design a communication campaign, you will fail this assignment.
The topic for the innovation pitch is contained in the client brief. This is on blackboard under assessment 2.
The best 5 assignments will be invited to attend a live pitch at the client’s offices. The date for the live pitch this semester is Thursday 23rd June 2022 .4.00- 6.00pm via zoom. All students in the class are welcome to attend. There are prizes for the best pitch.
Please note that to be eligible for a live pitch invitation, students need to give permission for their assignment and the ideas to be used by the client – this is done on the cover sheet using the instructions in this guideline document.
A PDF document of the powerpoint showing both the slides and the speakers notes must be uploaded to blackboard by the submission date/time.
The cover slide must have the link to your youtube video and students must also put the link to their video in a Google Form https://forms.gle/1ukCV4tAqALihSGEA. This link is also available on blackboard in the Assessment 2 folder.
To create the PDF with speaker notes, select Print, Print to PDF, then under settings, select print layout and then select notes pages Click here for instructions
Structure of the Innovation Pitch Script
1. Cover Slide (includes the link to your video - please test this link to make sure it works)
2. Script in the notes section of the powerpoint file (including references. This does not need images, just the slide number as a heading with the script beneath)
3. Reference list (only include the references you have cited in your script).
1. Cover slide – contains your name, student ID, tutor name, name of your prototype, date and the link to your video (please test this in the PDF version to make sure the link works). In the speaker notes please indicate your willingness to participate in the live pitch.
[choose one of the following two options by clicking on the box]
?YES I wish to be considered for the live innovation pitch on Thursday 23 June 2022. I understand that my pitch video will be made available to MIdnight Health and that any content in my assignment may be used for operations at this organisation.
(if you select this option and are selected to present at the live pitch, you may need to complete an intellectual property permission form for QUT. This form will be emailed to you when being advised you have been selected for the pitch).
?NO I do not wish to be considered for the live innovation pitch and do not wish my assignment to be shared with Midnight Health
Structure of the Innovation Pitch video
State the user-problem you identified and the behaviour to be targeted State the final product/service prototype you have developed
The market need for your product/service 2 minutes
Establish the market need for your product/service
Show the major trends and statistics supporting the opportunity for your product/service
Introduce the persona for whom you are designing the innovation
Present the problem statement for your persona (must start with How might we…….)
Concepts and prototype 3 minutes
Present the two alternative product/service concepts
What is your recommended innovation prototype to address the brief? Demonstrate the prototype (if a product show it, if a service do a walk-through, role play) What was your inspiration for the prototype?
What are the design principles for your prototype?
Justify why this prototype is the best one to meet the client brief.
How does this prototype represent socially responsible behaviour and values?
If a good: Where will you get the materials/ingredients from to make and package your product?
How much will it cost per unit to produce?
If a service: what is the service blueprint for your prototype? Who is the partner that would be best placed to deliver the service and why?
Viability, feasibility and desirability of final prototype 4 minutes
Is your product/service feasible – is it low cost to develop and maintain? Show your forecasted demand – how did you calculate this?
Is your product/service viable? Is it able to be developed and scaled within budget and any organisational constraints that need to be considered? Does it leverage existing advantages and assets? Does the product fit the organisation’s mission, purpose and brand?
How is your product/service better than the competitors?
Is your product/service desirable? What did your user testing reveal?
Why will your good or service be successful? This a summary of the key points that demonstrate the alignment of the market need with the needs of the persona and the needs of the client.
What can go wrong (risk factors)?
What are your plans to mitigate the risk of things going wrong (what is your Plan B)?
Notes for the video
1. The timing of the video must not exceed ten minutes.
2. You may record the video without powerpoint or you may like to make a powerpoint with narration (you can embed video into a PPT) and convert it to a video. This is your choice Click here for instructions and a video on how to do this.
3. You may choose the font to use however please ensure that it is readable e.g. comic sans is not a good font to use whereas Calibre or Tahoma is acceptable.
4. Use visual style and graphics that convey your points in a clear and interesting manner. Death by bulletpoint is not going to get you extra marks.
5. Have a title slide listing your innovation idea, your name, student ID, tutor and submission date.
6. Use end-notes (the Vancouver referencing style) for any references in the slides and have a slide at the end with your references. Do not reference the online learning modules, if you are referencing content in these modules use the original reference.
7. The minimum number of references required is ten including the industry and academic journals (Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference source). Be critical of the credibility of any online sources that are used such as blogs and only use opinionbased sources where appropriate.
8. All images that are created by someone other than you must have a note under the figure indicating the source. If permission to use the image is required then a note that permission has been obtained must also be added. We recommend that students use open access of free source images to avoid copyright breaches.
This assessment must be original work and reflect the unique contribution of your team. If plagiarism is proven, partial or full marks will be deducted and academic penalties may be imposed by the university.
Plagiarism involves representing as one's own work the language, ideas or expressions of another person/s. Plagiarism includes:
• direct copying, summarising, or paraphrasing another person/s work without appropriate acknowledgement
• using, adapting or developing an idea or hypothesis from the work of others without appropriate acknowledgement
• copying or adapting non-text based material created by others, such as diagrams, designs, musical score, audio-visual materials, art work, plans, code or photographs without appropriate acknowledgement
• using another person/s experimental results without appropriate acknowledgment.
Self-plagiarism involves the re-use by a student of their own work without appropriate acknowledgment of the source. Students should seek express consent from the unit coordinator prior to re-using their own work in an assessment submission, noting that this is usually permitted only in situations where all of the following conditions are met:
• the work has not previously resulted in the student receiving credit towards the completion of an award at QUT or any other institution
• the work is not currently being assessed for the student to receive credit towards the completion of an award at QUT or any other institution
• the work was the product of the student’s own endeavours and did not involve group work or collaboration with others
• re-use of the previous work does not otherwise defeat the purpose or objectives of the assessment task.
Source: http://www.mopp.qut.edu.au/C/C_05_03.jsp
Marking criteria
Prototype alignment: Prototype is original (innovative), articulated and the alignment with market analysis, persona needs and client requirements is demonstrated. Prototype meets requirements in assessment guidelines.
Socially responsible behaviour: Demonstrates application of ethical and legal considerations and these are referenced in the script.
Viability, Feasibility and Desirability: The prototype balances the desirability features for the persona with the feasibility and viability needs of the organisation. Evidence of research and data to support. Risks and strategies to mitigate them are outlined.
Communication: You organise content clearly and logically and make almost no technical errors. You have fully met the structural and content requirements. You use the Vancouver referencing system correctly and effectively. Content is displayed in a visually appealing way. There are no typographical or grammatical errors. The content meets the requirements outlined in the assessment guidelines.
AMN443 A2. Marking criteria (CRA) – 50%
The content and assessment in this unit are aligned four QUT Business Capabilities, also known as Assurance of Learning Goals (AoLs). Developing these capabilities will assist you to meet the desired graduate outcomes set at QUT and equip you with the knowledge and skills to succeed in your chosen career
Criteria 7 (100–85%) 6 (84–75%) 5 (74–65%) 4 (64–50%) 3-0 ( 50%)
1. Knowledge and Technical Skills (1.1): Demonstrate and apply integrated and advanced discipline and professional practice knowledge, including knowledge of relevant research principles and methods.
Understanding of innovation theories and prototype alignment with persona needs, market trends and client brief.
(KS 1.1)
15 marks Demonstrates an excellent and original understanding of innovation theories. Your two concepts and prototype are highly original (innovative) clearly articulated and the alignment with market analysis, persona needs, and client requirements is clearly and comprehensively demonstrated. Explanations and justifications are concise and highly relevant. Prototype clearly addresses the problem statement and meets all requirements in assessment guidelines. Demonstrates a good understanding of innovation theories. Your two concepts and prototype are innovative, clearly articulated and the alignment with market analysis, persona needs, and client requirements is comprehensively demonstrated. Explanations and justifications are logical and clear. Prototype clearly addresses the problem statement and meets all requirements in assessment guidelines. Demonstrates a sound general understanding of innovation theories. Your two concepts and prototype are well articulated and the alignment with market analysis, persona needs, and client requirements is
demonstrated. Explanations are mostly clear and connected. Justification is generally relevant. Prototype addresses the problem statement and meets most requirements in assessment guidelines.
Demonstrates adequate but limited understanding of relevant innovation theories. Your two concepts and prototype align with some market analysis, persona needs and client requirements. The prototype may not be very original. Explanations may lack clarity. Justification is vague and non-specific. Prototype addresses the problem statement in a general sense only and meets most requirements in assessment guidelines. Demonstrates a lack of understanding of relevant innovation theories. Your concepts and/or prototype do not align with market analysis, persona needs or client requirements. The prototype is not innovative nor original or the prototype is not a good or a service. Prototype is for a communication campaign. Explanations lack clarity or justification. Prototype does not meet requirements in assessment guidelines.
2. Social, Ethical and Global Understanding (5.2): Demonstrate and apply knowledge of socially responsible behaviour in analysing and addressing business issues and critically reflect on the responsibilities and impacts of organisations in national and international business contexts.
socially responsible behaviour. (SE 5.2)
10 marks Demonstrates highly developed awareness of socially responsible behaviour by making specific, clear and logical connections between aspects of the prototype and perceived community needs including expected impact. Original use of ethics framework. Demonstrates a high level of awareness of socially responsible behaviour by
clearly articulating connections between the prototype and perceived community needs. High use of ethics framework. Demonstrates a general awareness of socially responsible behaviour by illustrating connections between the prototype and perceived community need.
Good use of ethics framework. Demonstrates a developing awareness of socially responsible behaviour by drawing attention to aspects of the prototype that address perceived community needs. Satisfactory use of ethics framework. Does not demonstrate awareness of socially
responsible behaviour; lack of (or poor) articulation of perceived community needs.
Does not use ethics framework.
3. Higher Order Thinking Skills (2.2): Exercise creativity and intellectual independence and make informed decisions and judgements in planning, designing, and executing strategic and research-based responses to address real world issues and problems.
AMN443 Innovation Pitch Assessment Guidelines and Marking Criteria Sem 1 2022 Page 6
Viability, Feasibility and
15 marks The pitch is comprehensive and creatively balances all 3 factors. The pitch is thoroughly supported by appropriate research and data. Risks and strategies to mitigate them are appropriate, well explained and well justified. The pitch balances all 3 factors and is supported by appropriate research and data. Risks and strategies to
mitigate them are appropriate and are explained and justified generally well. The pitch addresses 3 key factors, mostly supported by appropriate research and data and Risks and strategies to mitigate them are identified and provided with adequate explanation and justification. The pitch may address the three factors, though support from research and data is limited Risks and strategies to mitigate them are identified, though with only basic explanation and justification. The pitch is incomplete or lacks support from research or data. No evidence of user-testing to establish user desirability. Risks and mitigation strategies are not identified or lack relevance. The viability, feasibility or desirability is for communications and not for a good/service.
4. Professional Communication (3.2): Use information literacy skills and communicate effectively and professionally in oral forms appropriate for diverse purposes, contexts and audiences.
Communication – style, structure and format
(PC 3.2)
10 marks Your pitch is well paced and logically organised, incorporates effective oral communication techniques and makes excellent use of visual aids. You deliver your pitch confidently and compellingly, strongly engaging your audience. Referencing is correct. Your pitch is well paced and logically organised, incorporates some effective oral communication techniques and makes good use of visual aids. You deliver your pitch confidently and engage your audience.
Referencing is correct. Your pitch is generally well paced, and most aspects are logically organised. Some oral communication skills are used effectively, and visual aids used are adequate. You engage your audience but at times lack confidence.
Referencing is correct. Your pitch is somewhat logically organised. Oral communication
skills and visual aids are incorporated but are inconsistently effective. Your confidence and engagement with the audience are limited.
Referencing may not be correct. Your pitch does not adhere to the time limit, is poorly organised or does not address the task as outlined in the assessment guidelines. Poor use of communication techniques and visual aids. Referencing may not be correct.
AMN443 Innovation Pitch Assessment Guidelines and Marking Criteria Sem 1 2022 Page 7