OHSE2640 Hygiene & Toxicology 1 T3 2014 – ASSIGNMENT
The assignment is weighted as 30% of the overall course mark. Please refer to the course outline for the due date and read the checklist under the ‘Assessment’ tab in Blackboard (Bb) for a summary of submission requirements.
Assignment Criteria
Page limit: 6 pages of A4. The page limit excludes the title page, the reference list and any large (more than half page) pictures or figures
Font: Times New Roman size 12
Margins: Minimum of 2cm margins
Line Spacing: 1.5 line spacing
Assignments in excess of the page length will be penalised by 5% of the total mark for the assignment (1.5 marks). No minimum assignment length is set, but very short assignments are unlikely to scope the topic adequately, which will be reflected in the marks awarded.
• The assignment must be submitted electronically to Turnitin through Bb by midnight Australian time (9.00pm Singapore time) on the due date.
• The assignment also must be submitted as hard copy to PSB by close of business on the due date.
• The submission must have a title page including name as written on the student record, student number, the code and name of the course and the assignment title.
(The University assignment cover sheet should not be used for submission to Turnitin as it will show a high similarity index.)
• The assignment should be electronically entitled as: OHSE2640_T3_14_Name and be properly paginated and identified with both name and student number, in the header or footer.
Assignment (Total Marks 30)
Provide an overview of the toxicity of the following workplace air contaminants:
• Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) (particulate)
• Mercury as Hg (vapour)
For each of the two air contaminants, consider sources of exposure, the applicable Occupational Exposure limits (OELs / PELs), toxico-kinetics and toxico-dynamics, as shown in the marking scheme on the following page. Marks are also allocated for presentation and appropriate referencing, as shown in the marking scheme.
OHSE2640 Hygiene & Toxicology 1 T3 2014 – ASSIGNMENT
Sources of Exposure Provide a summary of occupations/tasks that may present a risk of exposure and sufficient explanation of the processes to show how exposure can occur.
Particulate: 2
Vapour: 2
Total: 4
and notations in Singapore Provide the occupational exposure limits (OEL) applicable in Singapore. State if each OEL is long or short term and include any applicable skin or carcinogen notations
Particulate: 1
Vapour: 1
Total: 2
Kinetics Provide an outline of how each substance can gain entry to the body, how and where it is distributed, pathways for biotransformation if it is metabolised, sites of accumulation or storage if appropriate, and pathways for its elimination from the body.
Particulate: 5
Vapour: 5
Total: 10
Dynamics Provide a brief description of how each substance (or its metabolite) can interact with cells and tissues to cause harm (mechanism of harm). Include a summary of the resulting health effects.
Particulate: 5
Vapour: 5
Total: 10
Presentation and
Referencing Prepare the assignment using formal English and appropriate sub-headings. Research the information in authoritative text and electronic resources, both in the library and on the internet, and reference appropriately. No specific referencing style is stipulated, but be consistent and ensure that the appropriate forms for ‘in text’ citation and end listing of references are used.
Presentation: 2 References: 2
Total: 4