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Subject Title High Performance Leadership
Subject Code MGT302A
Assessment Title Assessment 3- Journal Reflection II – (the mentoring experience)
List the graduate capabilities being developed in this assessment
• Deliberately pause to reflect on self-awareness and develop improvement/modification strategies
• Reflect on the process of reflection and its application
• Critically assess performance and take responsibility for achieving my goals
• Apply deep knowledge of the disciplines theoretical base demonstrating metacognition and self-reflection.
• Reflect on “self”, behaviours and cultural influences effecting interactions with people of different cultures.
• Embrace, through demonstration, lifelong learning.
Outcome/s (found in the Subject
Outline) a. Examine own leadership skills, values and strengths to develop and evolve authentic leadership capabilities.
b. Explain the importance of positive psychology in effective leadership
c. Evaluate the choice of different interpersonal tools and techniques to manage relationships effectively
Assessment type Individual
Weighting % 35%
Word count 2,000
Due day Week 11 (Sunday 23:59)
Submission type Turnitin ?
Format / Layout of
ICMS Cover Page
Journal reflection
Reference List
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Assessment instructions
High performance leadership has been about gaining practical knowledge and experience. Goals were set as part of Assessment 1 for your personal development and performance as a coach/mentor. Reflect on your personal development through the mentoring experience:
1. Discuss your experience of mentoring in this subject.
• Provide a brief summary of the meetings, including date, duration, main discussion points, client goals and action items (be aware of confidentiality).
• What have been some of the highlights that have brought you satisfaction?
• What were some of the more challenging moments?
• How does your experience relate to the coaching literature and positive psychology literature, as discussed in class, in the Symposium and external research?
2. Discuss the development your intrapersonal and interpersonal skills over the course of the term. For both key dimensions:
• In what areas have you grown the most? How did that happen?
• What are underperforming areas you should work on in order to continue your leadership skills development (as it relates to coaching and mentoring)?
• How did your CliftonStrengths manifest through the mentoring relationship?
• Based on your coaching experience, what areas would you flag for further development (both strengths and weaknesses) in your Leadership Development Action Plan (assessment 4)?
3. What are some of the practical lessons you have learned about facilitating performance outcomes and growth, as a mentor/coach/leader?
• Be sure to relate your lessons learned to industry/coaching/ leadership research
This is a reflective assessment, which means that the use of the first person (“I”) is encouraged.
Be sure to take an evidence-based approach, demonstrating how you have drawn insights from any relevant activities and assessment profiles conducted.
Appendixes - please attach your signed mentoring contract and mentoring session notes/checklist (I-GROW if used) as appendixes, as well as your CliftonStrengths Top 10 page.
A note on
Reflective writing Reflective writing requires you to think deeply and write about an experience, event or course content, and how it relates to the broader body of knowledge (literature).This involves writing about:
1. What happened and what you personally learned from the experience.
2. What it means, and how it changes the way you think or understand something.
3. How does this relate to the academic/industry literature.
4. What you can change or how you can apply the new learning in the future.
Readings for the assessment
Activities and readings from Weeks 1-11
Visit ‘Subject Resources’ section in Moodle for e-books and Academic Journals (a starting point for your research)
Additional academic research and incorporation of thorough research through your assessment is a core requirement of this subject
Grading Criteria /
Rubric See Assessment 3 Marking Rubric
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Assessment 3 – Marking Rubric
Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) CR (65-74) PASS (50-64) FAIL (0-49)
Criteria 1
(Weighting 35%)?
Reflection on the mentoring experience. • Personal
• Challenges
• Relation to Coaching &
Psychology Provided a thorough and insightful discussion of significant personal satisfaction experienced through mentoring.
Provided a thorough and insightful discussion of significant challenges experienced.
Incorporated various coaching and positive psychology theories, from reliable sources, with outstanding insight.
Provided a thoughtful discussion of personal satisfaction through mentoring.
Provided a thoughtful discussion of challenging aspects of the experience.
Incorporated various coaching OR positive psychology theories, from reliable sources, with outstanding insight. Provided some discussion of personal satisfaction experienced through mentoring.
Provided some relevant discussion of challenging aspects of the experience.
Incorporated some coaching or positive psychology theories, with appropriate insight. Discusses some limited aspects of satisfaction from mentoring with limited insight.
Provided some limited discussion of challenging aspects of the experience.
Incorporated limited coaching or positive psychology theories in reflection, with limited insight. Does not discuss in any depth any meaningful areas of personal satisfaction from the mentoring experience.
Does not discuss in any depth any challenging aspects of the experience.
Did not incorporate theories in reflection.
Criteria 2
(Weighting 25%)?
Reflection on development of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills Provided a thorough and insightful discussion of the development of intrapersonal skills.
Provided a thorough and insightful discussion of the development of interpersonal skills. Provided a thoughtful discussion of the development of intrapersonal skills.
Provided a thoughtful discussion of their development of the development of interpersonal skills.
Provided some discussion the development of intrapersonal skills.
Provided some relevant discussion of the development of interpersonal skills.
Discusses some limited discussion of the development of intrapersonal skills.
Provided some limited discussion of the development of interpersonal skills.
Does not discuss in any depth any meaningful areas of the development of intrapersonal skills.
Does not discuss in any depth the development of interpersonal skills.
Criteria 3
(Weighting 30%)
Reflection on practical
lessons about facilitating high performance outcomes Articulates significant insights into practical lessons strongly linked to high performance outcomes and theories Provides clear insights into practical learning linked to high performance outcomes and theories Discusses practical learnings linked to high performance outcomes. Discusses lessons from mentoring with limited reference to high performance outcomes or performance outcomes in general. Limited discussion of lessons without reference to relevant performance outcomes.
Little evidence of meaningful mentoring activity.
Criteria 4?
(Weighting 5%)
Use of logical sequencing within the body of the written work Summarises key points eloquently with a logical order
and balanced treatment
Some key points are identified and are sequences in a logical manner, The logic of the journal is understandable, but lacks the depth of thought about the Most important areas were covered in a paper that lacked a logical order The writing was poorly constructed, with sections that were irrelevant and/or out of place. Poor use of paragraphs to structure separate discussions.
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Criteria 5
(Weighting 5%)
Language, format and
correctness of spelling and
grammar Few, if any errors of punctuation, spelling and format. The reflection is written in a way that engaging and informative. In-text citations are in correct APA format, as are the
References Some typical errors are evident,
but overall, the writing is grammatically correct. In-text citations are mostly in correct APA format. The
References list is mostly well set out. Several spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors exist in the writing which lacks consistently correct formatting.
In-text citations are inconsistently formatted and the references list.
Many spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors. Incorrect formatting and inconsistent treatment of word usage. Intext citations are often incomplete. The References section is poorly formatted. Very high levels of spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors exist in the writing. Very low level of professional styling in presenting the work and significant inconsistency in the use of words. Citations are missing or incomplete and the references section is very poorly formatted or not included
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