Course HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
Subject Code and Title CIC109 Care for individuals in the community
Unit(s) of Competency HLTENN015 Implement and monitor care for a person in the primary health care setting
Performance criteria,
Knowledge evidence and
Performance assessed PC: 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3,
4.4, 4.5, 5.1, 5.2
PE: 1, 2, 3
KE: 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Title of Assessment Task Assessment 2: Client Consultation and Care Plan
Type of Assessment Task Report
Length 1000 words (+/- 10%)
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 5.1 (Week 9).
Health assessment is an essential nursing function that provides foundation for quality nursing care and intervention. Health assessment is a systematic, deliberative and interactive process by which nurses use critical thinking to collect, validate, analyse and synthesize the collected information, in order to make judgements about the health status and life processes of individuals, families and communities.
Health assessments help to identify the strengths of clients in promoting health. They also help to identify client needs, clinical problems or nursing diagnoses and to evaluate responses of the person to health problems and intervention. An accurate and thorough health assessment reflects the knowledge and skills of a professional nurse.
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to conduct a health assessment on a client, demonstrating your understanding of the activity and how it can be applied in Primary Health Care.
This assessment has three parts.
1. Part One: Choose ONE of the two health assessment templates provided below and conduct the health assessment on someone you know. You will submit a copy of the completed health assessment.
2. Part Two: Respond to a number of questions as they apply to the health assessment you conducted in Part One. You will submit the answers to these questions in the format of a written report.
3. Part Three: Review your plan of care for the client chosen in Part One to suggest any updated needs after a period of time.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
Task Instructions
Two items must be submitted for this assessment.
1. Part One is to be submitted in the form of a PDF or Word document based on the PDF health assessment template below.
2. Parts Two and Three are to be submitted on the Primary Healthcare Report Template provided.
Part One:
Choose ONE of the following health assessments below and undertake it with someone that you know in the relevant age group. This requires you to download the chosen document from the link below, conduct the assessment and upload the completed form as your response. Alternatively, you may create a Word document based on your chosen assessment and upload it.
You will not be able to complete all tests and provide all results. However, any results that the individuals have recently had, and are aware of, can be included. Please ensure that you do not identify the person, their carer or doctor as follows:
• Only provide a first name or a pseudonym
• Leave the address fields blank aside from a suburb/town
• Leave the phone contact field blank
• Leave the Carers details blank (in the case of the 75 years and older assessment)
• Leave all details regarding the Doctor and appointments with the Doctor blank.
You will not be able to complete all tests and provide all results. However, any results that the individuals have recently had, and are aware of, can be included.
The Health assessment documents are in PDF file when you locate them. To save as Word, do the following: Save as PDF on your PC Close it.
Go to where you have saved it.
Right click.
Open as ‘Word’ document and now you can type in it.
Option 1: Health assessment for people aged 75 years and older
This is an in-depth assessment of a patient aged 75 years and over. It provides a structured way of identifying health issues and conditions that are potentially preventable or amenable to interventions in order to improve health and/or quality of life.
The purpose of this health assessment is to help identify any risk factors exhibited by an elderly patient that may require further health management. In addition to assessing a person’s health status, a health assessment is used to identify a broad range of factors that influence a person’s physical, psychological and social functioning.
• Link for the Fact Sheet on this assessment:
• Link for Health Assessment PDF: $File/Health%20Assessment%20for%20Older%20Persons%20Proforma%20FINAL,%20March%202014.pdf
Option 2: Health assessment for people aged 45 to 49 years who are at risk of developing chronic disease
Assessment for a person who is aged 45 to 49 years (inclusive) with a chronic disease risk factor, and based on the identification of this specific risk factor, is at risk of developing a chronic disease. A health assessment at this stage of life can assist patients to make the necessary lifestyle changes to prevent or delay the onset of chronic disease.
• Link for the Fact Sheet on this assessment: $File/45%20to%2049%20years%20health%20assessment,%20Jan%202014.pdf
• Link for Health Assessment PDF: $File/Health%20Assessment%20for%20people%20aged%2045%20to%2049%20yrs%20at%20risk%20of%20dev eloping%20chronic%20disease%20Proforma%20final.pdf
Part Two:
Once you have completed the health assessment, you need to report on the support you can provide this client in relation to their primary healthcare needs. This requires you to download the Primary Healthcare Report Template, and complete the sections on it.
You do not need to provide an introduction, body or conclusion. Instead respond to each section heading, providing the information required. A suggested word count is provided for each question.
Part Three:
For Part Three, you need to assume that it is 12 months after your initial assessment. Now, the client has attended the preventative, curative and rehabilitative services that you referred them to in Item 5 Part Two. Their health condition/s have improved significantly.
After conducting an assessment and completing your report, you must review the client’s situation and update their plan of care by providing follow-up advice and recommendations for future health management.
Specify how you would:
• Follow up on the advice you provided
• Update the information on their health plan, in consultation with the client
• Ensure they remain connected with the community support services relevant to their situation
• Make recommendations for continued monitoring of their health.
This section is to be completed on the Primary Healthcare Report Template as well.
You will be assessed according to the marking guide below, where your responses will be deemed as either satisfactory or not satisfactory. ALL your responses must be marked as satisfactory in order to pass the assessment. If your assessment is not deemed satisfactory, further attempts for the assessment will be allowed according to the THINK Education Assessment Policy for Vocational Education and Training (VET) v4 (04 June 2018) before being awarded an Unsatisfactory result for the assessment.
Submission Instructions
Submit your final response via the Assessment 2 link in the main navigation menu in the CIC109 subject page. The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Due date: 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 5.1 (Week 9).
Assessment Process
• All items must be submitted.
• All items must be satisfactorily answered / addressed / completed in order for you to achieve a “Satisfactory” outcome for this assessment.
• Please note that this is one assessment from the range of assessment tasks you will complete. You must complete all assessment tasks in this subject. Please refer to your subject outline for information on the other assessment tasks.
• Clear, constructive and accurate feedback will be given to you on your results and performance • The assessment items you submit will be retained by the college as evidence of your performance.
College Policies and Procedures relating to assessments, and associated forms, are available via
Marking Guide
In this table, you will see the assessment questions you must prepare responses for. Also provided is a tip on what you might like to consider when formulating each answer. These are NOT benchmark answers, but a guide as to what you need to think about when responding.
Assessment Question Satisfactory Response Tip Result
Part One
1. Conduct the health assessment. Make sure you complete one of the health assessments provided and take note of the information to include, as well as what to leave out. S NS
Part Two
2.1 In 75 words, explain the philosophy underpinning primary health care.
Based on your own understanding of the philosophy of primary health care, provide a short explanation.
2.2 In 75-100 own words, explain how conducting a health assessment contributes to defining the health issues of the individual and for the community or target group more broadly. You might like to consider the broad roles of a primary health care nurse. S NS
2.3 Indicate the impact an individual’s health issues have on their daily living activities, relating to Physical, Psychological and Social aspects. For this question think about the differences between physical, psychological and social health and the impact of specific illnesses on these, and on the individual’s daily activities. S NS
2.4 Imagine that your client is reluctant for their family to know everything about their health. You feel that the family should know the impacts of the client’s health and any treatment instruction they have been provided, and you would like to talk to them in private so that the client doesn’t know. Should you do this? Indicate YES or NO and explain your reasoning (50 words). For this question, make sure you consider nursing standards, ethics and legislation; as well as the impact on the individual. S NS
2.5 What services might you refer the client to related to preventative, curative and rehabilitative areas, ensuring to reflect the client’s needs and individuality (cultural, religious, age and gender issues)? Research each of these points and make sure you provide an awareness of how the individual client’s needs must be met when referring to services and interventions. S NS
2.6 As an enrolled nurse, how can you support the client to participate in relevant illness prevention through health promotion programs (100 words)?
Make sure you consider the roles of the primary health care nurse and how you can best support the client to participate in illness prevention and health promotion activities.
2.7 Outline two (2) strategies of 50-75 words each that you could implement to ensure your client understands the information you have given them.
Make sure you research health literacy and provide two strategies that could assist with your client’s understanding.
2.8 Where might you find out more information about any condition/s that your client has? In your response, nominate at least one (1) professional body and one (1) literature source (journal article, text book, information brochure etc) (50 words).
Make sure you review Evidence Based Practice (EBP) and the importance of this on primary health care, specifically nominating some appropriate and useful resources.
Part Three
Specify in 150-200 words how you would review and evaluate the interventions and update their plan of care so their needs are still met. Your response should be tailored to the client you worked with in Part One, and include:
3.1 How you would follow up/evaluate on the issues the client had and the actions they agreed to.
A review of the health assessment has been considered and updated approaches outlined. S NS
3.2 The information you should update on their health plan, in consultation with the client. S NS
3.3 The relevant community support services you may need to keep them in contact with. S NS
3.4 Two (2) recommendations for the client on how their health plan can be monitored and maintained. S NS
Overall Assessment Result S NS