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Identify a non-patient volunteer who has African America diabetes n his/her daily living. Spend 1-2 hours doing a complete functional assessment. In each of these domains of the functional assessment:
Note: People are unique. Not every possible stressor is listed here and many may not apply to your volunteer. You are responsible for a multi-domained impact assessment that uses the most specific tools available and completely describes your volunteer. Where you have a tool, provide the completed tool as well as an interpretation of the results. Where a tool is not available, describe what you asked and how the volunteer responded.
Cognitive Assessment: Choose and provide a rationale for the instrument used
Cranial Nerve Deficits: (DO NOT DO A PHYSICAL EXAM) Vision, hearing, smell, taste, peripheral neuropathy
Nutrition Assessment: Choose and provide a rationale for the instrument used
Current Medical Status (DO NOT DO A PHYSICAL EXAM)
Comorbidity Index: Choose and provide a rationale for the instrument used
Pharmacy Reconciliation -what medications, why, are they working. What is your volunteers understanding of their relationship to their medication?
Basic or Instrumental Activities of Daily Living: Choose and provide a rationale for the instrument used. Identify what activities are limited and quantify the degree of limitation.
Gait/Balance (Fall Risk): Choose and provide a rationale for the instrument used
Psychological Assessment: Choose and provide a rationale for the instrument used
Quality of Life: Choose and provide a rationale for the instrument used
Social Isolation Assessment: Choose and provide a rationale for the instrument used
Spiritual/Hopefulness or Coping Assessment: Choose and provide a rationale for the instrument used
Economic Assessment: Have the volunteer describe the economic impact
Physical Environment: Choose and provide a rationale for the instrument used
Caregiver Assessment: If you volunteer is reliant upon a caregiver, have a brief conversation with the volunteer about what s/he perceives as the impact on the caregiver. You may want to assess the caregiver as well if that is acceptable to both parties.
Write a 8 page paper (excluding attachments and references) with the following elements:
1. Describe volunteers illness and vision for the future
2. Summarize each element of the functional assessment as intact, limited, or causing stress and rationalize and reference the tool used. Where appropriate, report the scores and relative impact (ie, “my volunteer scored a 7, which according to the scoring instructions (cite) is moderately severe”)
3. Based on Volunteer-centered values, list in order of priority the needs of the volunteer including preventing complications of the specific illness (es) present.