You must have to follow all following instructions :
Iam a Student of Msc Human resources management. This is a Integrative report.
This is a Integrative report not a Dissertation. This is 10000 words Integrative report and 1500 words Reflective report. The Topic is Investigate the influence of COVID-19 on virtual employee management practices by organisations (A case study within Aviva Plc) and provide practical recommendations for future HRM strategies.
You research question would be:
What is the impact of COVID-19 on virtual employee management practices? A case study within Aviva Plc
The aim will show the reader that you will research the issue, provide recommendations for the future and it will enable you to integrate other aspects of your course, you have to use strategy. You will also need to think about what else you could use to meet the learning outcomes insofar as integration is concerned. And you have to include finance (as new strategies, new ways of working may have cost implications)
You may have other ideas. It doesn’t matter which topics you use as long as you show integration.
Having clarified your aim, you need to set out your objectives. Explain what it is you will do, in a logical sequence of activities. For example:
1.Undertake secondary research via a literature review and document analysis, on the impact of pandemics upon virtual employee management practices
2. Analyse, discuss and evaluate the findings with a view to establishing how this might affect practices within Aviva Plc
3. Integrate xxxx topics demonstrating how these impact on the management practices
4. Provide actionable recommendations for implementation within Aviva Plc
And your computer language system must have to UK English setting.
Always you have to foucus on your topic, and the topic is Investigate the influence of COVID-19 on virtual employee management practices by organisations (A case study within Aviva Plc), so you always have to focus virtual employee management practices on your whole Integrative report. And And you need to discuss virtual employee management practices in the light of leadership and management, supervision, infrastructure, communications.
A literature review should be structured like any other essay: it should have an introduction, a middle or main body, and a conclusion.
The introduction should:
· define your topic and provide an appropriate context for reviewing the literature;
· establish your reasons – i.e. point of view – for
reviewing the literature;
· explain the organisation – i.e. sequence – of the review;
· state the scope of the review – i.e. what is included and what isn’t included.
Findings and Discussion part should do -The general purpose of the integrated discussion chapter is to provide an overall synthesis and demonstrate high level abstraction, analysis, and interpretation of the thesis findings. It is an opportunity to showcase the thesis’ findings, the student’s reflections about the findings, and its implications (Smith, 2015)
Do not write a long easy without heading and sub heading. You have to use more heading and sub heading on this Whole Integrative report. Do not write one paragraph without heading.
You have to use latest Journal, articles on this Integrative report. And you have to read Recommended reading which you find on Project handbook see ( page no 4 learning support). See on handbook (page no 5) Report types- You must have to read amd have to apply on this Integrative report .
You have to give more and more diagrams in the Integrative report. And describe each diagram.
presentation Requirements -
See project handbook page no 6 and 7. I need all of them. I need cover page and title page also. You must have to add all of those which on said page no 6 and 7.
You have to use latest sources like latest journal article all sources have to be latest.
You have to must follow what is a structure of this Integrative report see page no 11 to 13. You have to use proper word counting which on said each section. You have to follow and add those instruction which on said on how to structure your report ( see handbook 11 to 13)
And on Reflective report you must follow those instructions which on said on hand book page no 14 ( VII. How to Write a reflective Statement). You must have to follow them on you Reflective report.
And you must have to follow overall things which on have final project handbook. So read carefully handbook and apply all of them on your Integrative report and Reflective report.
Use Harvard referencing.
You have to write this Integrative report in the light of Leadership, Management, supervision, infrastructure, communications. You have to focus always what is your Integrative report? You have to always focus -virtual employee management practices by organisations - Don't distract from this topic.
Here iam share below Research proposal, Research questions and Report Handbook.