CRKC7045 Tackling Global-Local Challenges in Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability
Resubmission (final) Summative Assessment Brief
Module Title Tackling Global-Local Challenges in Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability
Assessment Title Portfolio Part 2: Final assessment
Individual/Group Individual
Weighting 100%
Latest hand in date Submission date:
Friday 6th May 2022
(23:59hrs CET) Please upload your document to the RKC site using the correct assessment upload link
Learning Outcomes assessed 1, 2, 3, 4
Indicative word count 4,000 words ÷/- 10% plus appendices where appropriate
Important Note:
The final assessment consists of six set exercises that are built each week into the final report. You should not deviate from the work that is provided. Please see below for details.
The assessment question is as follows:
Build the six ‘set assessment exercises’ provided on the following page into an action plan for your organisation or community to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The six ‘set assessment exercises’ are as follows. Please read the full assessment brief, including important information about how to structure your answer each week on the following page:
1. Based on the TRP for week 1 (unit 2) SDG 16 Standing up for human rights, Critically analyse the role of responsible leadership in standing up for human rights
2. Based on the TRP for week 2 (unit 3) SDGs associated with the Planet, Critically analyse how organisations can help reduce their impact on biodiversity loss
3. Based on the TRP for week 3 (unit 4) SDG 13 Climate Action,
Critically analyse opportunities for building resilience to climate change in your region
4. Based on the TRP for week 4 (unit 5) SDG 12 Responsible Production &
Critically analyse how resource efficiency can improve sustainability
5. Based on the TRP for week 5 (unit 6) SDGs related to People,
Critically analyse how organisations can support vulnerable communities in their supply chain
6. Based on the TRP for week 6 (unit 7) Partnerships,
Critically analyse why partnerships are important for sustainable development
The next page provides the format for how to structure each of your six questions:
For each of your six questions, you need to:
1.0 Use the question as the heading for the work, and provide:
1.1 Critical analysis (400 words) Guidance:
The critical analysis is a 400-word critical literature review based on in depth use of selected readings from this week’s TRP. We are looking for depth of understanding. We recommend 4-6 TRP readings.
1.2 Current Status (75 words)
This briefly outlines what your organisation is already doing in response to the issue being analysed.
1.3 Recommendations (150 words)
Based on your learning from this week’s TRP, what could your organisation do to address this issue? Use extended bullet points to outline your three top recommendations for your organisation (50 words each). Your recommendations should include specific actions and be referenced to specific ideas from your learning. Try to include positive ideas for change rather than just doing less harm. You should reference the specific source of your ideas from the learning.
You should collate your six answers into one 4,000-word report.
The following general guidance is to help you develop the final report. When completed, this should be submitted through the appropriate RKC assessment link for grading, as usual.
General guidance:
• You should include the usual RKC cover page, authorship and plagiarism statement.
• Include a brief abstract (up to 200 words) summarising the whole paper (excluded from word count) and table of contents
• Use the introduction (150 words) to give brief background about your organisation or community. This should be the organisation you work in (organisation not just sector) or the community that you are active within.
• You must also state your role within the organisation / community
• Additional relevant information and reflective exercises from the teaching maybe included in appendixes at the end of your paper (excluded from word count)
• You must base your answer on the weekly teaching and resources. A minimum of 90% of references should come from the weekly TRP linked readings. Any additional references you choose to include should be specific to your region or sector in order to add value to your use of module readings
• You must provide a full reference list in Harvard style at the end of your paper and include the url address for all references (including your unique url link to library OneList readings)
• You should use the assessment as an opportunity to develop your academic skills. Please see the UoC skills website at for online guidance on academic writing and referencing. All other support should be through your tutor.
• Make sure you include a brief conclusion (100 words) summarising the key points of your completed paper.
• Please submit your work in Word (not PDF)
Use the Marking Matrix on the next page to help you understand how your work will be marked
Marking matrix: Your feedback is given against this marking matrix. Use this grid to help you understand what the tutor is looking for
Criteria Distinction standard (70-
Merit standard
(60-70%) Pass standard
(50-60%) Fail standard
(35-50%) Substantial Fail standard
Critical analysis in answer to the set
questions (30%)
Excellent critical analysis.
Relevant ideas from the sessions are clearly identified and analysis is consistently critical, explicit and succinct. Good critical analysis. Relevant ideas from the sessions are clearly identified. There is consistent evidence of an attempt to critically analyse relevant ideas Adequate critical analysis. Relevant ideas from the sessions are clearly identified. There is clear evidence
of an attempt to critically analyse
relevant ideas Weak critical analysis. Relevant ideas from the sessions are
clearly identified but these may
be limited. There is likely to be a
poor attempt to critically analyse ideas and / or ideas are not
relevant Very weak critical analysis. There is limited evidence of ideas from
the sessions. There is likely to be no attempt to critically analyse the ideas and / or ideas are not
Application of relevant ideas to your personal
organisational /
community delivery
of appropriate SDGs
(25%) Excellent application of relevant ideas to your personal
organisational / community
delivery of appropriate SDGs.
Answers are consistent, well thought through, detailed and
answer each of the questions
asked Good application of relevant ideas to your personal organisational /
community delivery of appropriate
SDGs. Answers are likely to be less consistent than excellent standard,
and / or need greater detail and focus. Ideas are well thought through Adequate application of relevant ideas to your personal
organisational / community
delivery of appropriate SDGs.
Answers are likely to be less consistent than good standard.
There is a clear attempt to apply the ideas but answers need to be
more fully developed and / or
focussed Weak application of relevant ideas to your personal organisational /
community delivery of appropriate
SDGs. There is a limited attempt to answer the questions asked. There is
a clear need for greater consistency
and detail Very weak application of relevant ideas to your personal
organisational / community
delivery of appropriate SDGs
There is either none or a very limited attempt to answer the
questions asked. Answers are very brief or missing
Experiential learning: Demonstration of learning from the
course ideas (25%)
Excellent demonstration of experiential learning. Answers
are explicitly based on excellent use of course resources and
readings. There are explicit links from personal sensemaking to
course ideas. There is excellent demonstration of learning
through engagement with the
course Good demonstration of experiential learning. Answers are clearly based
on good use of course resources and readings. There are good links from
personal sensemaking to course ideas
although these could be strengthened in places. There is good
demonstration of learning through engagement with the course Adequate demonstration of experiential learning. Answers are clearly based on use of course
resources and readings with some attempt to link personal
sensemaking to course ideas. There
is clear demonstration of learning through engagement with the course. Weak demonstration of experiential learning. Answers make limited or vague use of
course resources and readings with little attempt to link personal sensemaking to
course ideas. There is poor demonstration of learning
through engagement with the course. Very weak demonstration of experiential learning. It is not
clear how answers reflect the course ideas or the questions
asked. There is very little, if any, demonstration of learning
through engagement with the course.
Presentation (20%) Excellent piece of writing, well-structured, coherent
progression of argument, well-articulated and
accurately referenced,
including url with full Harvard reference list. Excellent introduction and conclusion. Good piece of writing, well-structured, coherent progression of argument, well-articulated and accurately
referenced, including url with full Harvard reference list. Good introduction and conclusion Fairly well written with a clear organisation structured to answer the question. Coherent, clearly
referenced using appropriate course resources but with a clear need to
strengthen the use and presentation of referencing. Appropriate introduction and conclusion Weak organisation, coherence and
/ or referencing. Parts of the answer may not be fully answered and / or course ideas are not used
or correctly referenced. There is little attempt to specifically
answer the question that is asked. Very poor organisation, presentation and referencing
such that the confidence of the reader is compromised.