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The subject I studied is -Financial Management for Decision Makers-. Will this help?
Coursework Assessment Brief
Module code/name AFM030 Financial Management Essentials
Module leader name Alan Parkinson
Academic year 2021/22
Session January to March 2022
Return and status of marked assessments: Within 4 weeks from the date of submission. The module team will update you if there are delays through unforeseen circumstances (e.g. ill health). All results when first published are provisional until confirmed by the Examination Board.
Copyright Note to students: Copyright of this assessment brief is with the module leader(s) named above. If this brief draws upon work by third parties (e.g. Case Study publishers) such third parties also hold copyright. It must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or shared with any other individual(s) and/or organisations, including web-based organisations, without permission of the copyright holder(s) at any point in time.
Academic Misconduct: Academic Misconduct is defined as any action or attempted action that may result in a student obtaining an unfair academic advantage. Academic misconduct includes plagiarism, obtaining help from/sharing work with others be they individuals and/or organisations or any other form of cheating.
Referencing: You must reference and provide full citation for ALL sources used, including articles, textbooks, lecture slides and module materials. This includes any direct quotes and paraphrased text. If in doubt, reference it. Failure to cite references correctly may result in your work being referred for Academic Misconduct investigation. The University of London checks all assessed coursework for plagiarism using the Turnitin software for guidance. Any references should use a consistent referencing system e.g. Harvard, APA or Vancouver.
Core information
Submission date Monday, 28 March 2022
Submission time 13:00 hours UK time
% weighting of this assessment within total module mark 75%
Maximum word count and penalties 3,000 words. You must state an accurate word count on the front page of your submission.
Up to 10% more - your mark will be reduced by 5 marks;
For more than 10% you will receive zero marks for this coursework.
Excluded from the word count • The title page, a Table of Contents page, reference list.
• Charts, diagrams, figures, tables containing numbers/data may be inserted as images (jpeg/PNG).
• It is not expected that any appendices will be included. If you do include any appendices the content will be included in the word count.
Submitting your assessment Use a Word-processed document. If you use a spreadsheet for calculations, copy and paste the workings into your Word document. Submit one single word processed document to the submission link on the module VLE site by the deadline. Only your Student Reference Number (SRN) should be the identifier. Do not include your name.
Assessment Brief and Requirements
This coursework assignment requires you to prepare and submit an essay. Your essay, in the context of the Required section below, should reveal your understanding of and insights into the debates that surround the ideas of optimal capital structure and dividend policy, and their implications for the valuation of a business. You should draw certainly upon module materials you have engaged with, but you are also encouraged to draw upon views and insights located within journal articles to facilitate your preparation of a submission which reflects independent research. You must reference any materials/articles you draw upon. Any references should use a consistent referencing system e.g. Harvard, APA or Vancouver.
In your considerations in the second half of the Financial Management Essentials module, along with other matters you engaged with the ideas of an optimal capital structure and its implications for cost of capital, and approaches to dividend policy. In your engagements with each of those areas you will have observed that in each area there are differing views on the nature of each. This creates challenges for companies and their managers as exploring each area often results in no one clear way forward when developing associated policies. Those challenges are compounded by implications for the valuation of companies.
Identify, analyse and evaluate the arguments for and against i) the feasibility of an optimal capital structure, and ii) the relevance of a dividend policy. Thereafter link your analyses and evaluations to implications for the valuation of a company. In your essay draw upon references from relevant theories and propositions and, where appropriate, illuminate your analysis and evaluation(s) by using examples and illustrations. You may if you wish include numerical examples and illustrations.
As stated above, you should draw certainly upon module materials you have engaged with, but you are also encouraged to draw upon views and insights located within journal articles to facilitate your preparation of a submission which reflects independent research.
[100 marks]
Note: included within the 100 marks there is an allocation of 10 marks reflecting academic judgement applied by the marker/assessor, based on the marker/assessor’s perception of logic, rationale, thrust, and communication. The composition is on a scale of 10: where 10 = superb; 9 = excellent; 8 = very good; 7 = good throughout the answer; 6 = good in parts of the answer; 5 = some merit/goes in the right direction; 4 = some merit but needs improvement; 3 = lacking in conviction; 2 = inadequate in many places; 1 = inadequate in too many places.
How your work is assessed
Within this assessment you may be assessed on the following aspects, as applicable and appropriate to this assessment, and should thus consider these aspects when fulfilling the requirements of each section:
• The strengths and quality of your overall analysis and evaluation;
• Appropriate use of relevant theoretical models, concepts and frameworks;
• The rationale and evidence that you provide in support of your arguments;
• The credibility and viability of the evidenced conclusions/recommendations/plans of action you put forward;
• Structure and coherence of your considerations and reports;
• The accuracy of any calculations.
• Appropriate and relevant use of, as and where relevant and appropriate, real world examples, academic materials and referenced sources. Any references should use a consistent referencing system e.g. Harvard, APA or Vancouver.
• Academic judgement regarding the blend of scope, thrust and communication of ideas, contentions, evidence, knowledge, arguments, conclusions.
• Each assessment requirement(s) has allocated marks/weightings.
According to the Higher Education Qualifications Framework (HEQF) at Masters level (Level 7), the grade standards represented by the mark ranges are:
Grade standard Mark range
70 and above Distinction
60 to 69 Merit
50 to 59 Pass
49 and below Fail
A link to the criteria representing each grade standard may be found here: and you are advised to review the criterial relating to Level 7.