Faculty of Business
Assignment Title Sheet
Course and Stage: BABS Stage III
Lecturer M
Subject: International Business Environment
Study Mode: Full time X PT & Blended X
Assignment Title Political Risks in International Business
Assignment Brief
Businesses operating globally need to identify, assess, and forecast political risks when entering into or expanding within international markets.
Political risk assessment is conducted by assessing the conditions of a country or region, studying its institutions, business culture, and political developments. For companies operating in multiple countries, local political conditions can determine whether their investment is a success or a failure.
You are required to prepare a essay, outlining the general categories of political risk faced by managers.
Using examples from various media sources, your report should identify, illustrate and analyse how these risks can affect a country’s business environment.
Your essay should be structured as follows:
- Table of contents
? Introduction (250 words approx.)
? Systemic Political Risk (500 words approx.)
? Procedural Political Risk (500 words approx.)
? Distributive Political Risk (500 words approx.)
? Catastrophic Political Risk (500 words approx.)
? Conclusions & Recommendations (250 words approx.)
- Appendices
- Bibliography
Your report should be more than just a collection of key facts; it should offer strategic insights into the practical challenges faced by the stakeholders.
Important report assessment criteria includes: readability, flow, logic, professional organisation and writing mechanics. It should be clear, concise, with a logical flow of thoughts and ideas. All sources of information must be clearly referenced using the Harvard Referencing System.
Be sure to use headings and subheadings.
Word count:
2500 (+/- 10%)
Due date: Week 10 Thurs 14th April 10.30PM
Submit assignment to: Submit online through Turnitin link on moodle page
Learning Outcomes addressed and assessed in this Assignment:
1. Assess the key factors driving international business and the global economy.
2. Discuss the different political/legal, cultural, financial and economic environments encountered in the international marketplace.
3. Analyse government intervention in International Business
Assignment Structure
Category Description
Introduction The introduction should set the tone for your essay and describe the importance of the topic for the reader. Be clear, concise and avoid long, dense sentences and overly broad claims. Provide brief background information clearly focused and relevant to the content in the main body.
Systemic Political Risk Marks will be awarded for identifying and illustrating (through the use of examples from current and past events) how systemic political risk can impact on a country’s business environment.
(reflects risks that affect all firms because of a change in public policy)
Procedural Risk Marks will be awarded for identifying and illustrating (through the use of examples from current and past events) how procedural political risk can impact on a country’s business environment.
(reflects the costs of getting things done and can be affected by corruption, labour disputes and/or partisan judicial system)
Distributive Risk Marks will be awarded for identifying and illustrating (through the use of examples from current and past events) how distributive political risk can impact on a country’s business environment.
(reflects revisions in such items as tax codes, regulatory structure, and monetary policy)
Catastrophic Risk Marks will be awarded for identifying and illustrating (through the use of examples from current and past events) how catastrophic political risk can impact on a country’s business environment.
(includes those random political developments that adversely affect the operations of all firms in a country i.e. flash points such as ethical discord, illegal regime change etc)
Conclusions Your conclusions should refer back to your introduction, summarise the main points of your essay and offer your own interpretations/judgements.
Marking Scheme
Criteria Comment Possible Mark
Theory Marks will be awarded for illustrating a high level of critique and appropriate selection of concepts, models, etc. Your work should be more than a simple presentation of the facts. Marks are awarded for author’s interpretation and judgements.
Application Marks will be awarded for use and application of models and associated concepts with evidence to support authors discussion
Structure Marks will be awarded for critical writing skills, logical sequence of material and referencing
Engagement Marks will be awarded where engagement of peer reviewed literature and other sources
Conformance Marks will be awarded for comprehensively addressing the issues raised in the assignment brief