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Assessment 1 (video-based version)
The Assessment Guidelines: Assessment One Guidelines 2022 video based version 50 marks.docx Assessment One Guidelines 2022 video based version 50 marks.docx - Alternative Formats

Use this link to access the 20 minute video of -Tim- (pseudonym), a Year Five student, doing Quiz 1 and Quiz 2:
A transcript of the Quiz 1 & 2 video is here: Transcript of Quiz 1 and 2 interview with Tim Pedagogies A1.docx Transcript of Quiz 1 and 2 interview with Tim Pedagogies A1.docx - Alternative Formats Note that Quiz 1 & 2 was terminated early as Tim did not wish to continue.
The quiz forms completed by Tim are here: Tim Pedagogies Quiz 1 and 2 forms completed by Tim.pdf Tim Pedagogies Quiz 1 and 2 forms completed by Tim.pdf - Alternative Formats

Use this link to access the 21 minute video of Tim working on Quiz 3:
A transcriptof the Quiz 3 video is here: Transcript of Quiz 3 with Tim.docx Transcript of Quiz 3 with Tim.docx - Alternative Formats
Tim had not written anything on the Quiz 3 form.
Use the documents at the links above as the raw data for diagnosing Tim's knowledge of computational choices and his use of appropriate strategies. In doing so, answer the following questions:
• What do the samples demonstrate about Tim’s knowledge of computational strategies?
• What strategies should Tim be using in each of the examples? Describe a differentiated teaching approach for introducing these strategies.
• On what mathematics would you focus your follow up teaching to help Tim move forward? Describe the strategies, technologies and resources you will use in interventions.
Here is a guide to how to you cite the videos in your essay: How to cite the videos in A1.docx How to cite the videos in A1.docx - Alternative Formats

A1 Marking rubric_ Mathematics Pedagogies and Integrated Curriculum.docx A1 Marking rubric_ Mathematics Pedagogies and Integrated Curriculum.docx - Alternative Formats