Write a critical reflection about the role and power of creativity to inspire and engage children in teaching literacy. You will demonstrate your understanding of:
the power of creativity
ways literacy can develop creativity in children
ways literacy teaching can be creative and adventurous.
You will undertake research about these points and make meaning about creativity and its power and role in literacy teaching.
A critical reflection is descriptive, analytical and critical. This reflection is about you as a future teacher. It is not a summary of your reading; it is a synthesis of your reading, your experiences and your goals as you critically reflect on what you see as important for children in the classroom.
Formatting requirements:
FONT: 11pt Arial or Times New Roman. LINE SPACING: 1.5. FORMAT: Word document (.doc or .docx). REFERENCING STYLE: APA 7th edition format for both in-text and end text referencing. WORD LIMIT: 2000 words +/- 10%. This includes headings, in-text citations, captions and direct quotes. It excludes the Reference List.