The student will undertake a systematic critique of one research paper from a choice provided
by the module leader. The student will discuss how this paper fits with current evidence.
The learning outcomes of this module will be assessed by the submission of an essay based on an appraisal of a published research article relevant to the Adult Nursing practice, using an appropriate critiquing tool to include a discussion of the relevance of the research to practice.
3,000 words
(Pass Mark 40%- see Module Site for Marking Criteria)
Submission Route:
One electronic copy to be submitted via Moodle according to the guidance below:
Instruction to students on submitting assignments electronically
1. All assignments will be submitted electronically through Moodle.
3. The submitted assignment must have a footer which includes page numbers.
Please note your name must not be printed anywhere on the submission document.
When you submit your paper electronically you will have the opportunity to save a receipt.
Document Layout
• 2.0 line spacing
• Size 12 font Arial
• Page number as footer on all pages
You should not place your name on any part of the paper
Assignment Guidelines
Clear Introduction
o Provide a clear statement of intent and signpost the essay.
o Tell the reader what will be included in this essay and in what order.
o State why the topic is important to your field of nursing.
o Outline the importance of research in nursing, critiquing research and link to evidence based practice.
o Define key terms which are relevant to your essay – ensure the definitions are relevant to your essay content (e.g. if using quantitative research, ensure your definition relates to the type of studies and methodology you are discussing).
o Critique the research paper using the framework provided by the module leader (see below) identifying strengths and limitations of the study in relation to believability and robustness:
o Writing style, author credentials, title, abstract
o Research problem/purpose significance of study
o Literature review
o Study design/methods/philosophical underpinnings/theoretical framework/
o Sampling
o Ethical considerations
o Data collection
o Data analysis
o Findings
In doing this you will be showing an understanding of the research process. Make sure that you support your discussion with relevant references, identifying any implications of the issues identified.
• Demonstrate that you have conducted an appropriate inspection of the literature related to this topic
• Summarise the significant findings, showing where this study fits in to the wider
evidence base on the topic. This will help you to demonstrate wider reading and should show that you have undertaken an inspection of the relevant literature.
• Conclude your essay by summarising what you have discussed throughout this essay in a logical order. Do not just repeat your introduction. Start this by giving an overall summary – what have you done – what have you shown, how is this relevant to current practice, where does this need to go from here?
Throughout, you need to demonstrate
• Evidence of original thought
• Succinct writing: keeping within the word limit (3000 words)
• Good presentation (see guidance below) with correct grammar and spelling
• Correct referencing –this should follow university guidelines:
Critiquing framework
The use of one of the critiquing frameworks below is compulsory:
For quantitative research:
How to appraise quantitative research
Xabi Cathala Calvin Moorley
For qualitative research:
How to appraise qualitative research
Calvin Moorley Xabi Cathala
You are reminded that London South Bank University has a policy on the late submission of work and on claiming extenuating circumstances. Specific details of these policies and others relating to assessment regulations can also be found in the Student Handbook.