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The Context of Business: MN3042QA
RESIT Assignment 3 – Nov 20 intake
This is an individual assignment of 1500 words in which you will write a Business Report.
Deadline: Latest by 19th Oct 2021 before 3 p.m.
Assignment weighting 40%
You are required to find a UK based business. You should NOT USE the big companies like Tesco, Morrison, BP etc. Choose a UK based innovative company, which is interesting, and challenging. (You will fail if it is not UK based). You need to do an in-depth research as how the business operates. Using your knowledge of business concepts and tools studied in this module, analyse the business doing a detailed SWOT Analysis of the business, use of CSR and Innovation by the business.
You then need to come up with recommendations as how the business can improve as well as expand.
Part 1 Introduction (200-250 words)
An overview of the business in terms of structure, location/profit/main competitors
Part 2 Analysis (1000-1200 words)
2.1 SWOT Analysis of business
2.2 Use of Corporate social responsibility by the business
2.3 Innovation and creativity in business
Part 3 Conclusion and Recommendations (200-250 words)
Recommendations for the business to improve and expand
Part 4 References and Appendices (not included in the word count)
At least 4 books and journal articles. You can also use websites to get information about the business but 4 academic references are MUST.
Reference section which gives the full reference for in-text references that appear in the main body of your report using the Harvard referencing format which you can access at:
Important Notre: You should NOT USE the big companies like Tesco, Morrison etc. Use a UK based innovative company, which is interesting, and challenging. You should not use the companies you have used for Assignment 1 and 2 as it will result in a Fail.
Grading Scheme for Assignment 3 for MN3042QA
Assignment: Business Report
Marking criteria Letter grade Mark recorded
The extent to which the work shows evidence of EXCELLENT RESEARCH:
• You have undertaken EXCELLENT research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
• Excellent introduction to the business showing brilliant research about structure, location/profit/main competitors
• Excellent Analysis of the organization based on SWOT, Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation. You have analysed the business using the theories related to the three areas in detail. It reflects exceptional critical analysis and research
• Exceptional Recommendations for the business to improve and expand which shows your in depth and critical thinking
• Excellent Level of professionalism in the lay out and structure of the Report with correct in text referencing and reference list using the Harvard referencing system
• Extensive Harvard Referencing (Minimum 4 Academic Referencing)
- Evidence of wide reading, application and referencing.
The extent to which the work shows evidence of GOOD RESEARCH:
• You have undertaken GOOD research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
• Good Introduction with detail about the business structure, location/profit/main competitors
• Good Analysis of the organization based on SWOT, Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation. You have analysed the business using the theories related to the three areas in some depth
• Good Recommendations for the business to improve and expand which shows your critical thinking and research around the business
• Good Level of professionalism in the lay out and structure of the Report with correct in text referencing and reference list using the Harvard referencing system
• Harvard Referencing (Minimum 4 Academic Referencing)
- Evidence of some reading, application and referencing. Need to focus on Harvard Referencing
The extent to which the work shows REASONABLE RESEARCH:
• You have undertaken some acceptable research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
• Reasonable introduction to the business. Needs improvement in terms of status and structure
• Reasonable Analysis of the organization based on SWOT, Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation. You have done some analysis and tried to apply some theories to the three areas
• Acceptable Recommendations for the business to improve and expand which need more thought and effort and link directly to the business
• Acceptable Level of professionalism in the lay out and structure of the Report with some incorrect in text referencing and reference list
• Harvard Referencing needs improvement
Acceptable Evidence of reading, application and referencing.
The extent to which the work shows adequate, but limited and weak research:
• You have undertaken limited research demonstrated by your organisational knowledge
• Weak Introduction
• Weak Analysis of the organizations
• You have not developed realistic recommendations
• Inadequate Level of professionalism with presentation with in text referencing and reference list using the Harvard referencing system
Some evidence of reading and Harvard referencing needs improvement
Does not address the assignment criteria. Presents minimal material related to the topic. Little evidence of understanding of the theory. Poor structure. Little evidence of scholarship and Harvard referencing Condoned Pass
Does not address the task set. Little evidence of understanding either the task or the subject matter. No evidence of scholarship. Fail 0-29