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Business Unit/Work Group THCA
Qualification Code CRS1400588
Qualification Title Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management
Subject Code/s National Code: THEEVNT701 TAFE SA Code: SABLT
Subject Title/s Event Management
Assessment Title Assessment 2 – Event Operations Plan
Student Declaration I hereby declare that the material herein submitted for assessment is my own work except where specifically acknowledged and referenced.
Student Name
Student SIS ID
Student Signature
Assessor Name
Student guide for Written assessment
Overview of Assessment The objective of this assessment is for you to demonstrate your knowledge and ability to create an effective event operations plan for a specific event, incorporating all components necessary to stage a complex event. It will assess the following subject learning outcomes:
• Determine how physical and human resources will be organised in preparation for staging an event (SLO2)
• Establish how the needs of all stakeholders will be met (SLO3)
• Research and develop an Operations Plan for an event (SLO4)
The assessment will relate mostly to the content covered in topics 2, 3 and 4 with topic 1 also considered. Refer to resources required section of this document.
This is a written group assessment (2-3 students). The assessment is to be written in a report format. Report template available on Learn course.
Word count:1750
Assessment Weighting: 40%
Task/s to be assessed Using the Apex Outback Postie Ride
(, create the event operations plan you would expect for this event. Your event operations plan must include the following components:
• Cover page
• Table of content
• Executive summary
• Introduction
o Event description
• Human resources management o Key contacts and their roles
Student guide for Written assessment
o Internal and external stakeholders (including contractors)
? Primary and secondary
? Relationship
• Contractor management o Management requirements
o Technology and contemporary practices
• Impacts on and from the event o Legal (including licenses) o Ethical
o Social and community impact o Sustainability
• Risk management
• Budget o Financial management process
? Types of budgets required
? Considerations
? Contingencies
• Supporting operational documentation o Anticipated contractor agreements and their key components
• Conclusion
Students must include in-text references as well as reference list using Harvard Author Date System.
Due Date Refer to subject guide.
Time allowed Refer to subject guide.
Location Outside of classroom.
Assessment Submission Assessments must be uploaded to Learn course for the subject in the appropriate section.
Each assessment should include an assessment cover sheet. Template of assessment cover sheet is available on the Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management TAFE SA Learn Home Page.
The first page of each assessment submission should include the following information:
• Student Name:
• Student ID:
• Subject Name • Assessment Name:
• Word Count (if applicable)
Documents must be uploaded in PDF format (PDF unless otherwise advised) and file name of the document must include the following:
• Student name
• Student ID
• Subject abbreviation
• Assessment name
All written assessment tasks, unless otherwise stated, will require students to follow these guidelines:
• Typewritten using size 11 or 12 business like font
• Line spacing: 1 ½ line spacing
Student guide for Written assessment
• Footers with: o Student name and student ID
o Page numbers expressed as page 1 of X
For assessment to be graded a final assessment must be submitted via Learn. Draft submissions will not be graded.
Decision making rules Grade for this assessment will be determined according to the marking rubric located at the end of this document.
Assessment conditions All work must be original.
Students must meet the following subject learning outcomes (SLOs), course learning outcomes (CLOs) and graduate attributes (GAs):
• SLO 2 Determine how physical and human resources will be organised in preparation for staging an event
• SLO 3 Establish how the needs of all stakeholders will be met
• SLO 4 Research and develop an Operations Plan for an event
• CLO1 Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Management concepts, models and theories.
• CLO2 Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Management functions as applied in the Hospitality, Tourism and Events industries
• CLO3 Demonstrate in-depth and cross-industry knowledge of the Hospitality, Tourism and Events industries.
• CLO4 Analyse and solve problems or issues, articulate appropriate solutions and justify propositions and/or professional decisions.
• GA1.1 Engage critically with a broad and coherent body of knowledge
• GA1.2 Apply knowledge to a professional context
• GA1.3 Demonstrate an awareness of current research and emerging technologies
• GA2.1 Present a clear and logical explanation of knowledge and ideas to others
• GA2.2 Adapt and contextualise content to varying audiences to enable them to communicate appropriately with professional colleagues and the public
• GA2.3 Proficiently use the oral, written, mathematical and visual skills appropriate to the subject and audience
• GA4.1 Critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise information to develop solutions to problems and provide creative options to address challenges
• GA4.2 Identify areas of opportunity and formulate and communicate plans to maximise these opportunities
• GA4.3 Generate and communicate solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex problems
• GA6.1 Use contemporary technologies to manage, analyse, consolidate, and communicate information as appropriate
• GA6.2 Proficiently use professional technological tools
• GA6.3 Demonstrate an awareness of emerging technologies and applicability of these to professional practice
• GA7.1 Demonstrate an awareness of ethical, cultural, legal and social issues
• GA7.2 Engage positively with people and ideas outside of their own geographical, social, and cultural boundaries
• GA7.3 Show a commitment to contemporary sustainable practices
Student guide for Written assessment
• GA7.4 Recognise and protect intellectual property
• GA7.5 Demonstrate a respect for their own safety and the safety of others
This assessment is to be completed according to TAFE SA assessment policy and procedures. Refer to the Higher Education Student Handbook.
Resources required • TAFE SA Learn course for this subject. Topics 1, 2, 3 and 4.
• Prescribed text Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
• Apex Outback Postie Ride
• Apex Foundation Limited ( part of Apex Australia (
• Students may use the recommended texts and journals for this subject listed in the subject guide, as well as other suitable academic sources. Students cannot only use web-based sources.
For additional resources to assist in assessment development please refer to the Higher Education Student Handbook or TAFE SA libraries.
Results/Assessment policy Students will be notified of assessment grades within 10 working days via the Learn course page for the subject.
Feedback will be available on Learn and accessed by clicking on the original upload link.
Please refer to the BTHEM Student Handbook located on the BTHEM Learn page for further detail on assessment policies including:
• Due dates
• Extension of assessment due dates
• Deferral
• Non-submissions or non-attendance at exams
• Penalties for late submission
• Re-submission of assessment
• Supplementary assessment
• Hurdle requirements
• Borderline subject fail
Criteria Poor Adequate Good Very good Excellent Marks
Executive Summary
(15% of overall mark)
• Summary of main
findings, staging components and recommendations/ conclusions. Has not included all aspects of executive summary or summary was poorly written.
No information on how findings were sourced.
Conclusion and recommendations not included or partially included.
7 Executive summary included introduction to the topic, some methods of analysis and key findings. Has attempted to summarise the conclusion and recommendations.
Has provided a brief executive summary using some formal language and limited industry terminology.
(7-9) Executive summary included the subject matter, the majority of methods of analysis and key findings. Has summarised the conclusion and most recommendations.
Has provided an executive summary using mostly formal language and some industry terminology.
(10) Executive summary included the subject matter, the methods of analysis,
key findings, conclusions, recommendations and any limitations of the report.
Has provided a clear and concise executive summary using formal language and industry terminology.
(11–12) Executive summary included the subject matter, the methods of analysis, key
findings, conclusions, recommendations and any limitations of the report.
Has provided a succinct and well-structured executive summary using formal language and industry terminology.
13 /15
Key Findings and Analysis
(55% of overall mark)
Findings and facts (evidence) to build and support report criteria.
Includes analysis of findings.
Comprises sections based on key findings and information, each focusing separate findings.
Refer to ‘task to be assessed section’. Has failed to provide relevant findings and evidence for all report criteria.
The analysis fails to clearly discuss all relevant aspects of the report criteria and link to relevant theories and/or concepts.
Unable to link findings and analysis to relevant industry practices.
27 Has provided relevant findings and evidence for most report criteria.
The analysis was
discussed with adequate ability to identify and link relevant theories and/or concepts where appropriate.
Able to identify general links to relevant industry practices. (28-35) Has provided relevant findings and evidence for all report criteria.
The analysis was discussed comprehensively and able to identify and link relevant theories and/or concepts where appropriate.
Able to identify links to contemporary relevant industry practices.
(36-40) Has provided relevant findings from a variety of credible sources showing evidence for all report criteria.
The analysis was discussed comprehensively and logically connected to findings and has clearly identified relevant links to theories and/or concepts where appropriate.
Able to identify links to contemporary relevant industry practices.
(41-46) Has provided succinct and well-structured findings using a variety of credible sources showing relevant evidence for all report criteria.
The findings were critically analysed with comprehensive and logical connection to relevant theories and/or concepts where appropriate.
Able to identify links to contemporary relevant industry practices, providing excellent examples throughout.
47 /55
Introduction and Conclusion
(5% of overall mark)
Introduction to include background information on the report.
Conclusion to: Background information is insufficient to adequately establish the topic context / irrelevant / inaccurate / unclear.
Key terms are not defined or are defined incorrectly.
There is no discernible outline of the main ideas to be Adequate introduction establishes the topic but lacks detail and /or many information is irrelevant.
Only few key terms are defined or defined clearly. Definitions may lack detail/accuracy.
Overall organisation of ideas to be analysed in Adequate introduction establishes the topic but lacks detail and /or some information is irrelevant.
Many key terms are defined or defined clearly. Definitions may lack detail/accuracy.
Overall organisation of ideas to be analysed in the body of the report is adequate; Well-developed introduction. Relevant background information that clearly establishes the topic context.
Accurate definition of key terms.
Overall organisation of all main ideas to be analysed Well-developed and highly engaging introduction. Highly relevant background information that clearly establishes the topic context.
Accurate and detailed definition of key terms.
Overall organisation of all main ideas to be analysed in the /5
Criteria Poor Adequate Good Very good Excellent Marks
• Summarises results from findings.
• Provides recommendations based on analysis.
• Links to introduction of report. included and analysed in the body or it is unclear.
No discernible summary of the main findings and analysis presented, or it is poorlydefined.
No or poorly defined reference to the connections between the main ideas presented. Insufficient or no logical conclusions.
No or limited recommendations provided.
No or an inadequate link/s to the report ’s focus and the evidence in the body of the report.
0 the body of the report is fair; however, many important ideas are not included or not expressed clearly.
Adequate summary of some of the main findings and analysis presented.
Adequate but limited reference to the connections between these ideas.
Limited conclusions that demonstrate some links with the report’s focus or the evidence presented in the key findings section.
Basic recommendations provided for most aspects of the analysed findings.
1 however, some important ideas are not included or not expressed clearly.
Reasonably structured, clear summary of most of the main
findings and analysis presented.
Good attempt to have some reference to the connections between these ideas.
Logical but limited
conclusions that demonstrate adequate links with the report’s focus or the evidence presented in the key findings section.
Sound recommendations provided for most aspects of the analysed findings.
2 in the body of the report are outlined.
Well structured, clear summary of all main findings and analysis presented and most of the main connections between them.
Logical conclusions that demonstrate clear links with the report’s focus and the evidence in the body of the key findings section.
Insightful recommendations provided for all aspects of the analysed findings.
3 body of the report are precisely outlined.
Succinct / well-structured summary of all the main findings and analysis presented and the connections between them.
Well considered, logical conclusions that demonstrate clear and compelling links with the report’s focus and the evidence in the body of the key findings.
Excellent recommendations provided for all aspects of the analysed findings incorporating contemporary relevant industry practices.
Structure, grammar and spelling (10% of overall mark)
Report structure includes:
• Word count 1750 exc.
Exec Summary and
Reference list
• Title page
• Table of contents
• Executive summary
• Introduction
• Key findings/ information and analysis
• Conclusion and recommendations
• Reference list
• Appendices Does not meet word limit.
Table of contents was not included or was inaccurate.
Written work is not presented in report structure.
Limited formatting or professional appearance.
Poorly written using formal and informal language
Constructed with minor to significant errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation.
5 Meets word limit requirements.
Table of contents was included and mostly accurate.
Written work is presented in report structure.
Adequate level of formatting and professional appearance.
Written using limited formal language and professional terminology.
Constructed with numerous errors in spelling punctuation and grammar that inhibits readability.
(5-6) Meets word limit requirements.
Table of contents was included and presented accurately.
Written work is logically structured in report format to create a cohesive piece of work.
Good level of formatting and professional appearance.
The writing is of good standard with use of academic language and professional terminology.
Minor spelling, grammatical, punctuation and typing errors.
(7) Meets word limit requirements.
Table of contents was included and presented accurately.
The content has been logically structured in report format to create a cohesive analytical piece of work.
Very good level of formatting and professional appearance.
The writing is of a very good standard with use of consistent academic language and professional terminology.
Does not have any, or very
few, spelling and/or Meets word limit requirements.
Table of contents was included and presented accurately.
High quality report that is logically and succinctly structured. A coherent analytical piece of work that seeks to lead reader through report, with clearly defined sections.
Assigned format followed explicitly with exceptional professional appearance.
The writing is an excellent standard using formal academic language. Precise and correct discipline and professional terminology is used to clearly communicate meaning. /10
Criteria Poor Adequate Good Very good Excellent Marks
grammatical or typing errors. (8-9) Does not have any spelling, grammatical or typing errors
Research and referencing
(15% of overall mark)
References are included and correctly cited using Harvard Referencing
Not used as part of the word count. Does not support findings and analysis with relevant academic evidence related to the report criteria.
Relies too heavily one or two references in body of work.
Literature from sources that are not credible or relevant and/or use of internet referenced material only.
Conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list is minimal or non-existent.
7 Uses minimal number of academic sources to support findings and analysis.
Literature from a limited range of sources has been referred to throughout the report and/or use of mostly internet sources.
Conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list has been attempted but with errors and inconsistencies.
(7-9) Uses multiple number of academic sources to support findings and analysis.
Literature from academic sources has been summarised and incorporated, supporting key points.
Internet references are supported by other reference material.
Conventions in both in- text referencing and the reference list are in evidence but there are inconsistencies.
(10) Uses multiple number of academic sources to support findings and analysis.
A variety of relevant literature from academic sources has been cited throughout the body of work in supporting arguments.
Conventions in both in-text referencing and the reference list has been used almost always accurately and consistently.
(11–12) Uses multiple number of academic sources including journal articles or research papers to support findings and analysis.
An extensive range of relevant literature from academic sources has been evaluated and cited throughout body or work in supporting arguments.
Conventions in both in-text referencing and reference list has been used accurately and consistently.
13 /15
Total /100
Late penalty (if applicable) %
Revised grade /100

Student Name
Student ID
Assessor Name
Penalties for late submission (as per BTHEM student handbook)
Late Late Submission
Penalty Mark Awarded
Example A
Grade 70/100 Example B
Grade 62/100 Example C
Grade 56/100
1 5% 65% 57% 51%
2 10% 60% 52% 46%
3 15% 55% 47% 41%
4 20% 50% 42% 36%
5 25% 45% 37% 31%
6+ Assessment will not be marked 0% 0% 0%

Late penalty applied (if applicable)
Original grade:
Number of days late: days
Penalty applied: %
Final Assessment grade:
High Distinction (85-100%)
Distinction (75-84%)
Credit (65-74%)
Pass (50-64%)
Fail (0-49%)
Feedback to Student Refer to Learn for specific feedback on assessment
TAFE SA Student Written – Assessment 2 Operations Plan ©TAFE SA
THEEVNT701 Event Management | CRS1400588 BTHEM October 2020 RTO CODE 41026 | CRICOS 00092B