Student ID
Student Name
This cover sheet is to be completed by the student and assessor and used as a record to determine student competency in this assessment task
Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarized from any person or source. Signature: ___________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____
Attempt Outcome Date Assessor’s feedback (as required): Trainer’s initials
1 S/NS
2 S/NS
3 S/NS
Feedback to student:
Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. Signature: _________________________
Name: _________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____
Read Part 2 of the Case Study in order to carry out this task. Your task is to research and make a presentation outlining your findings. Use the following points as a guide to your research. Student also need to submit the hard copy of the power point presentation.
1. Action plan for transition, communication:
1.1. Activities, objectives, measures (KPIs), timeframes.
1.2. Activities to promote the process and sustainability
1.3. Activities to reduce any negative impact on people
2. Contingency plans.
2.1. Activities that may be needed to support the action plan
2.2. What are the steps to take to make the Action plan?
3. Evaluation and continuous improvement schedule.
3.1. The timetable on how to evaluate the outcomes of the new plan During the presentation, you have to:
• Explain, evaluate and criticise ideas
• Express opinions and respond to the opinions of others in a professional manner
• Use interpersonal skills to build rapport to encourage contribution and ideas from others
• Use language appropriate for the audience
You will be given 10 to 20 minutes to finish this presentation.
Did the Learner provide evidence of their ability to:
Action plan for transition, communication:
o Activities, objectives, measures (KPIs), timeframes. ? ?
o Activities to promote the process and sustainability ? ?
o Activities to reduce any negative impact on people ? ?
Contingency plans
o Activities that may be needed to support the action plan ? ?
o What are the steps to take to make the Action plan?
? ?
Evaluation and continuous improvement schedule.
o The timetable on how to evaluate the outcomes of the new plan
? ?