Enterprise Systems – INF60012
Semester 2, 2020
Assignment 1: Research Essay
Submission: Please submit Part 1 and Part 2 of this assignment to provided links in Canvas
Type: Individual
Value: 30% of the total mark: 8% (Part 1) + 22% (Part 2)
Due Date: • Part 1: MUST be completed by the end of Week 4, Friday 28
August 2020, 11:59 pm AEST
• Part 2: Week7, Friday 25 September 2020, 11:59 pm AEST
The assignment is designed to demonstrate your:
• understanding and knowledge of enterprise systems principles
• understanding of issues that contribute to current debates in enterprise systems
• use of analytical skills in reviewing academic and practitioners' sources
• ability to reflect on enterprise systems and draw meaningful conclusions from your reflections
Write a critical research essay on a selected topic that explores some aspect of enterprise systems. Each student will select a different topic/issue.
Students are required to select a topic from one of the broad areas of enterprise systems listed below (List 1). You are highly encouraged to select a topic that represents a contemporary issue in enterprise systems. The topic can be chosen from highly regarded academic journals in areas such as organisation and management studies, information systems, project management or journals in other relevant fields. It can also be chosen from highly regarded practitioner journals such as Harvard Business Review, McKinsey, white papers, published materials (e.g.
publications, news and press, and reports) on major vendors' websites such as SAP, Oracle, or Sage. Below is also a list of suggested journals (List 2) but this is NOT a complete list, and you are encouraged to find papers in journals outside this list.
Part 1: Topic Selection (8% of the total mark)
To get your chosen topic approved, you need to justify your choice by submitting a document that contains:
• Your selected topic,
• Summary of the selected topic, including:
o The key aspects of the topic (i.e. what is the topic about)
o The significance and relevance of the topic
• Bibliographic details (two or three references)
Your submission should be about 400 words (excluding references). A Submission URL link will be provided in Canvas. Please note that the nomination of topics is a process of -first in, best dressed-. It means that if someone else has approval for your chosen topic before you do, you will be requested to select a different topic. An updated list of approved topics will become available, and students can review the list before submitting their topic for approval.
All topics must be submitted no later than Week 4 (week beginning 24 August 2020). Students must get their selected topics approved by their tutor no later than week 5 (week beginning 31 August 2020). Topics not submitted by the end of Week 4 will not be approved.
It is highly advised to select your topic and get it approved as soon as possible, preferably by the end of Week 3. This will ensure there is enough time for topics to be reviewed and possibly revised. Remember that your final topic, at its latest, MUST be submitted for approval by the end of Week 4 (COB Friday 28 August) even if your initial choice was rejected.
N.B. Please do not leave the submission of your topic to the last minute. If you submit your topic at the end of Week 4 and your topic gets rejected, then you may not be able to get an approval for a new topic by the end of Week 5, and consequently, you may have no topic for Part 2. Topics submitted after Week 4 will not be considered unless it is requested by your tutor or an extension is granted.
Recommended Timeline:
Week 1: Review List 1 and identify a topic area(s)
Week 2: Research selected topic area(s) and chose a topic
Week 3: Write your 400 justification and submit Part 1
Week 4: Finalise your topic and resubmit for approval (if needed)
Guidelines for selecting your topic:
As a rule of thumb, general topics are not suitable for a research essay, and most likely, they will not attract approval. As a starting point, you should look at the presented topic areas on List 1.
Please note that items on List 1 CANNOT be selected as your topic of choice for your essay.
These are areas where you need to research and select a topic from.
Once you find an area (or areas) of your interests from List 1, then you should try to narrow your topic by researching resources provided on List 2 to find a suitable topic for your essay. Your focus should be on issues that are contemporary and relevant to the practice of enterprise systems. For example, you may decide to focus on a particular technology and how it works, or you may be interested in understanding unique ways that an enterprise system may affect the social fabric or the operation of an organisation.
These are examples of topics that do not sound suitable for your essay as they are too broad and do not lend themselves to a good research essay:
• How do enterprise systems work? X
• Enterprise systems and security X
• Dara security X
These are a couple of examples of topics that sound suitable for a research essay:
• How can enterprise systems change the leadership of an organisation? ?
• What are the security concerns of using enterprise systems in hospitals and how they can be addressed? ?
*Please note that the approval of your topic is also dependent on how you justify your selection.
Part 2: Research Essay (22% of the total mark)
The essay is to be written to reflect your understanding of enterprise systems. It is up to you what aspects, issues or arguments you put forward, but they must be relevant to the enterprise systems field, and it must be grounded in current literature. The essay is a piece of academic writing, and all claims and assertions must be adequately substantiated with appropriate evidence. Thus, you are expected to use other literature and references, preferably from other journal papers, to substantiate and justify your arguments.
All sources used in the essay must be appropriately cited and referenced (at least 10 references). The research essay must be critical and relevant academically, and where appropriate, it should indicate implications for practice. If you are unsure how to write a critical research essay, please consult with the resources that are available in the library.
One important aspect of the essay is that it must also reflect your own understanding of the chosen topic. This aspect can be highlighted in the conclusion section of the essay. Please be aware of the plagiarism and collusion policies established by FBL and Swinburne University.
Your critical research essay must contain at least:
• A declaration of the authorship
• An introduction indicating your objectives, focus and direction of the essay
• The body of the work that develops your critical analysis of the chosen topic
• The conclusions that flow from your discussions and presents your reflection
• Full citation in the text of your review of all references
• A bibliography listing of all cited material.
NOTE: Make sure that you comply with academic requirements relating to the citation of all your sources. Your references must adhere to a suitable Style Guide (APA or Harvard) for citations and references.
Submission details
Students will submit electronic copies of their assignments (Part 1 and Part 2) to Canvas.
Word Limit
Part 1: 400 ± 5% words (excluding references) Part 2: 2500 ± 10% words (excluding references)
Submission Requirement:
All students must agree to the Declaration and Statement of Authorship. In addition, students should also be aware of the plagiarism and collusion policies established by FBL and Swinburne University of Technology. Links to this policy are in the Unit Outline.
Links to the extension policy are in the Unit Outline. Please note that any request for an extension on or after the due dates will not be considered.
A detailed assessment guide will be available on Canvas.
In general, the assessment criteria will be based on
• The originality of the work
• Clarity of the analysis
• Ability to synthesise literature and reflect on relevant issues in enterprise systems
• Depth and breadth of the critical analysis and reflections
• Use of current literature
• Relevance of references
• Layout, structure, spelling, etc. and adherence to style guides
• Adherence to citation and reference standards
List 1: Topic Areas
1. Enterprise systems and leadership in organisations
2. Enterprise systems at the time of crisis
3. Enterprise systems and supply chain management
4. Enterprise systems and customer relationship management
5. Enterprise systems and cloud computing
6. Enterprise systems and competitive advantage
7. Enterprise systems and business intelligence
8. Enterprise systems and big data
9. Enterprise systems and privacy issues
10. Enterprise systems and security challenge
List 2: Top-ranked journals
• Organisation Studies
• Administrative Science Quarterly
• Strategic Management Journal
• Journal of Organizational Behaviour
• Academy of Management Review
• Organisation Science
• MIS Quarterly
• European Journal of Information Systems
• Journal of the Association for Information Systems
• Information Systems Journal
• Journal of Information Technology
• International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems
• Enterprise Information Systems
• Journal of Knowledge Management
• Knowledge and Process Management: The Journal of Corporate Transformation
• Harvard Business Review
• McKinsey Quarterly
• Project Management Journal
• The International Journal of Project Management
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