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STAT600: Data Analysis and Interpretation, Semester 2 2020
Assessment 1
Individual Essay
Weighting [30%]
Why this assessment?
• By competing this assessment, students will have developed important skills in managing data and using statistics in the workplace.
• To build up competency and confidence for topics in later parts of the unit.
• Authentic assessment which exposes students to a real-life scenario in business.
• To build up competency and confidence for topics in later parts of the unit.
What are the types of employability skills that I will acquire upon completion of this assessment?
Skill Type
Developed critical and analytical thinking ?
Developed ability to solve complex problems ?
Developed confidence to learn independently ?
Developed written communication skills ?
Developed knowledge in the field study ?
Developed work-related knowledge and skills ?
Develop effective research skills ?
Assessment Overview:
This assignment primarily focuses on declarative and procedural knowledge, with critical and reflective thinking where appropriate.
Due date: Monday, August 24, 9:00AM (Week 5)
Weighting: 30%
Length and/or format: 1000 words
Learning outcomes assessed LO1, LO4
Graduate attributes assessed GA4, GA5, GA6, GA7, GA8
How to submit: Turnitin on LEO
Return of assignment: Within three weeks after submission, via Turnitin
Assessment criteria: Please see the last page of this document.
Assume you are an investor about to enter the Australian real estate market. You intend to borrow a substantial amount of your capital from your financial institution. Select an Australian Suburb of your choice and access the Suburb’s data on Building Approvals from year 2013 to date. Download the relevant ABS data. Your task is to write a report to your financial institution justifying your intention to invest in your selected suburb based on a complete descriptive evaluation of the data. Ensure your report includes graphing and visual presentation of data.
How to Access the Relevant Data
Data by Region provides you ease of access to statistics from the ABS and other sources on a particular geographical region. Use the tools to browse, search or explore by map to find statistics about different regions in Australia. As this is an individual assignment, students cannot select the same Suburb. Please ensure that you have discussed your selection with your lecturer prior to commencing the assignment.
SUGGESTED STEPS (feel free to use any other way to search for the data you are looking for)
1. Search for: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
2. Browse statistics
3. Snapshots of Australia
4. Data by Region
5. Search or Explore by Map
6. Download the Region Profile for suburb (excel)
7. Look for Table 13 Building Approvals - Year ended 30 June
Go to Building Approvals website and access datasets since 1983 directly.
Title Page
(Not included in word count)
Executive summary (not included in word count, suggest you use appx
200 words) An Executive Summary is a brief section at the beginning a report that summarises your document. The reader should be able to understand the essence of the document without having to read the whole thing.
Table of Contents (not included in word count)
Introduction What is the purpose/objective of the report?
Main body
(use subheadings here) Data and descriptive evaluation of the data (supported by your knowledge of statistics)
What has the report discovered and why is that important?
(Not included in word count) If you have used other sources in your review you should also include a list of references at the end of the review.
(Not included in word count) If necessary
How do I submit?
• Electronic submission using LEO through Turnitin
• Please include your student ID number and your name in the assignment file name.
• Submit one soft copy via LEO (link on unit site under Assessment). Please ensure you save a copy of your document before submitting it.
• Include the checklist below in your assessment document
• You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked assignment has been returned to you. In the unlikely event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit your backup copy.
• Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.
Checklist for students to submit along with their assignment
My submitted assignment is within the specified word limit (+/-10%) ?
I have included references using specified referencing style ?
I have correctly cited all my sources and references ?
I have formatted my assignment as per the specifications ?
I have checked my Turnitin report to ensure the similarity report is acceptable and explainable ?
I will be able to supply the process output, if required by my lecturer to prove this is my own work (e.g screen dump of my search and retrieval of journal articles, etc.) ?
I have completed proof reading and checked for spelling and grammar ?
I have submitted my work before the due date/time ?
Some Helpful Websites and Resources
• ACU Library
• Australian Bureau of Statistics
• Descriptive Statistics using -Data Analysis- tool in Excel
• How to Calculate Descriptive Statistics
• How to Create a Graph in Excel
• Plunge in building approvals ‘only the start’
Who can help me?
Academic skills Unit (ASU)
Post a question to the LEO discussion forum
Seek a consultation with one of the following lecturers:
• Dr. Andrew Papadimos (NLIC) –
• Dr. Segu Zuhair –
I’m having problems
SC: Application for Special Consideration Complete this form if you wish to be exempted from academic penalty because your study has been affected by unforeseen circumstances.
EX: Application for extension of time for submission of an Assessment Task Complete this form if you wish to apply for extension of time for submission of this Assessment Task.
All referencing should be in ACU Harvard style; however if you are coming from another faculty, you may choose to use your usual referencing style. If this is the case you must indicate at the top of your reference list what referencing style you are using (e.g. APA, MLA, Chicago, etc).
Please ensure your assignment makes use of in-text citations and a reference list. Missing citations or references is equivalent to plagiarism.
The full criteria are compiled in a rubric, which can be found on the following page/s.
Rubric for Assessment 1: Individual Assignment - 30% Weighting
Learning Outcomes Criteria Standards
Below Expectations Meets expectations Exceeds Expectations
NN (0-49) PA (50-64) CR (65-74) DI (75-84) HD (85-100)
Weight= 5 marks
Learning stage=I & D Shows an understanding of or
ability to distinguish the meaning of basic statistical terms Shows little to no understanding of or ability to distinguish the meaning of basic statistical terms
(0 to 2.4 marks) Shows a basic understanding of or ability to distinguish the meaning of basic statistical terms (2.5 to 3.2 marks) Shows a good understanding of or ability to distinguish the meaning of basic statistical terms (3.3 to 3.7 marks) Shows a sophisticated understanding of or ability to distinguish the meaning of basic statistical terms (3.8 to 4.2 marks) Shows an excellent understanding of or ability to (distinguish the meaning of basic statistical terms
(4.3 to 5 marks)
Weight= 5 marks
Learning stage=I & D
Shows an understanding of or ability to recognize, understand, and interpret different representations of data Shows little to no understanding of or ability to recognize, understand, and interpret different representations of data
(0 to 2.4 marks) Shows a basic understanding of or ability to recognize, understand, and interpret different representations of data
(2.5 to 3.2 marks) Shows a good understanding of or ability to recognize, understand, and interpret different representations of data
(3.3 to 3.7 marks) Shows a sophisticated understanding of or ability to recognize, understand, and interpret different representations of data
(3.8 to 4.2 marks) Shows an excellent understanding of or ability to recognize, understand, and interpret different representations of data
(4.3 to 5 marks)
Weight= 10 marks
Learning stage=I & D Shows an understanding of or ability to (i) make sense of statistical
information; and
(ii) explain statistical processes and interpret statistical results. Shows little to no understanding of or ability to (i) make sense of statistical
information; and
(ii) explain statistical processes and interpret statistical results.
(0.4.9 marks) Shows a basic understanding of or ability to (i) make sense of statistical
information; and
(ii) explain statistical processes and interpret statistical results.
(5 to 6.4 marks) Shows a good understanding of or ability to (i) make sense of statistical
information; and
(ii) explain statistical processes and interpret statistical results.
(6.5 to 7.4 marks) Shows a sophisticated understanding of or ability to (i) make sense of statistical
information; and
(ii) explain statistical processes and interpret statistical results.
(7.5 to 8.4 marks) Shows an excellent understanding of or ability to (i) make sense of statistical information; and (ii)
explain statistical processes and interpret statistical results.
(8.5 to 10 marks)
Weight= 5 marks TL=2
Learning stage=A Actively collaborated in formative peerlearning activities related to Assessment 1 in class. Failed to actively collaborate in formative peerlearning activities related to Assessment 1 in class.
(0 to 2.4 marks) Adequately collaborated in formative peerlearning activities related to Assessment 1 in class.
(2.5 to 3.2 marks) Credibly collaborated in formative peerlearning activities related to Assessment 1 in class.
(3.3 to 3.7 marks) Distinctively collaborated in formative peerlearning activities related to Assessment 1 in class.
(3.8 to 4.2 marks) Highly distinctively collaborated in formative peerlearning activities related to Assessment 1 in class.
(4.3 to 5 marks)
Weight= 5 marks TL=5
Learning stage=A Communication
skills (locating, organising, analysing, synthesising and evaluating information) Information presented is incoherent or in a style inappropriate to the task.
Significant errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Most or all sources have not been references using intext citations and a reference list, or there are significant style issues.
(0 to 2.4 marks) Information presented is generally coherent and, in a style, appropriate to the task.
Grammar, punctuation and spelling is generally correct, with some errors. All sources are referenced using intext citations and a reference list with some general errors in style.
(2.5 to 3.2 marks) Information presented in a coherent manner
and in a style that is engaging and appropriate to the task.
Little error in grammar, punctuation and spelling. All sources are referenced using intext citations and a reference list with some errors in style.
(3.3 to 3.7 marks) Information presented in a highly coherent manner and in a style that is engaging and appropriate to the task.
There may be minor errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. All sources are referenced using intext citations and a reference list with some minor errors in style.
(3.8 to 4.2 marks) Information presented in a clear and extremely coherent manner, and in a style that is engaging and highly appropriate to the task.
No errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. All sources are referenced using intext citations and a reference list with no, or very minor errors in style.
(4.3 to 5 marks)
Notes: GA – Graduate Attribute; LO – Learning Outcome; TL – Taxonomy Level (or level of complexity) (see Bloom’s Taxonomy); Learning Stage – Introduced (I), Developed (D), Assured (A)