issue or problem that had an impact on the organisation and society. Examples: Ford pinto, Toyota product recall, Samsung product recall, or any other issues with large scale impact. Assuming that the problem had occurred and you are a solution provider a written report need to be submitted.
1) Abstract
An overview of the subject of study and the conclusions.
2) Introduction
In this section, you need to describe the problem that is chosen for the study and assumptions (refer websites). This section to include
? Introduction to the problem; ? Timeline (Gantt chart); ? Pictures and tables.
Note: Include the brief of the product, an issue faced in the market, when the issue was deducted, sales data, and future forecast in the introduction.
3) Root cause analysis
Here you need to write on the root cause for the problem (refer websites and tutorials). You need to highlight the
? Technical issue;
? Management (system) issue;
? Financial issue;
? Ethical issue; and
? Other issues, if any
4) Technical and system solutions
In this section, you discuss the following
? Kaizen (Continuous improvement proposed. Discuss multiple solutions and propose the most suitable one);
? Product development cycle;
? Production part approval process (PPAP) documents required from the supplier; ? Process flow chart for defect deduction or Quality plan for the part; ? JIT/ Kanban for supplies;
? TPM and TQM requirements of the supplier; and
? Ethical and sustainability considerations for the supplies.
Note: Assume that the newly developed part is sourced from a supplier. 5) Finance and costing
In this section, you discuss the following
? Process cost sheet of the defective component identified in the technical issue;
? Damage cost analysis ( calculate the extent of damage cost to the organisation); and ? Expected negotiation with the supplier and the final cost ( provide Justification);
6) Management solutions
In this section, you need to discuss the following
? Role/ Responsibility matrix ;
? Key performance indicators (department & individual);
? FMEA (for Technical & management issues); and
? Audit recommendations;
7) Discussion and conclusion
In this section, highlight the advantages, disadvantages and challenges of the study and provide a concluding remark.
Provide appropriately references (APA style)
Present the assignment in a report format with the title page, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures, headings, and subheadings with proper numbering.
Electronic Turnitin submission on the blackboard, submit the report on or before the due day and time.
Pass Requirements
This assessment event is compulsory. To gain a pass paper, the student needs to gain a minimum of 50% overall.
Late Assessments Hand in
The School has a policy of not accepting any late assignment without there being special circumstances.
Late assignments will only be accepted and/or adjustments made to assessment marks provided that the students make an application for special consideration and the application is accepted. In all other cases, the penalties detailed by lecturers for late assessments will apply.
Academic Dishonesty
The following are extracts from the Faculty policy on academic discipline:
At AUT our a im i s to dev elop c onfident, c apable l earners. I n our l earning, t eaching and assessment we emphasise students’ active engagement with their learning and the development of capabilities such as critical thinking and communication. By insisting that students are honest in submitting assessed work we are demonstrating the importance of each student gaining and demonstrating a deep understanding of the disciplines they are studying.
The University has an obligation to preserve the integrity, rigour and fairness of its assessment procedures and the granting of credit to students. This means ensuring that students are only given credit for work which abides by the principles of honesty, integrity and fairness. Plagiarism, copying, unauthorised collaboration are all forms of dishonesty in assessment that breach these principles (AUT Academic Statute and Regulations, Walker, 1998, p90).” Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies Policy and Procedure on Academic Discipline (p2)
It is a breach of the AUT Academic Statute for a student to engage in any unfair practices in submitting any assessment materials at AUT, including resubmitting previously submitted work without gaining permission beforehand. Any breaches observed will be penalised.
The faculty policy also gives a definition of forms of cheating and academic dishonesty”
The Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies defines plagiarism as occurring where a person effectively and without acknowledgment presents the work of others as their own work. That may include published material such as visual images, audio clips, books, newspapers, code, lecture notes or handouts, materials from the www or other students’ written work.
Note that the definition includes the use of visual and audio work such as a photograph, video, illustration or artwork. All the sources used must be credited including:
• images used in an artwork, piece of design or illustration.
• code copied from a book or website.
• direct reference to a concept from an existing piece of art or design.
Students s hould include a bi bliography/picture-credit s heet for eac h as signment, listing al l sources used (whether visual, written, code or other), and will be asked to sign an assignment cover sheet stating that all other material in the assignment is their own work. Changing a few words of an existing text, or even paraphrasing it, does not make it your own. This still needs to be credited. Similarly copying an image into another medium (i.e. making a dr awing from a photograph) is also plagiarism unless it is acknowledged.
Unauthorised Collaboration in Assessment
The Fac ulty of Des ign and Cr eative Tec hnologies def ines c ollaboration in as sessment as occurring where a s tudent has worked with others in the preparation of an as sessment task which has not been identified as a group assessment (i.e. it is an individual assessment). Such collaboration is unauthorised and unacceptable.
Note: It is acceptable for students to collaborate in researching and di scussing ideas, and in clarifying their thinking in relation to an individual assessment task. When the student writes their answer, essay, project or assignment for assessment, it is essential that they write their own ideas or synthesis of the material gathered, discussed and r esearched. Students must use their own words. It means that students should NOT swap or pass on one person’s written work to another by disc or computer file or share the task of writing and preparing a duplicated
copy of work
Other Forms of Dishonesty in Assessment
a) Resubmitting previously submitted work for assessment without prior approval.
b) Submitting for assessment any work which has been copied from any person.
c) Taking any unauthorised material into an examination.
d) Copying from or inappropriately communicating with another person in an exam.
e) Impersonating any student or allowing a person to impersonate you in an assessment.
f) Using any other unfair means in assessment.
Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies Policy and Procedure on Academic Discipline (p2)
Retention of Student Work
For the purposes of moderation and quality control of programmes it is necessary that the School of Engineering retain examples of student’s work. In most cases, this will be by making copies of a sample of the submitted assessable items of work. In some cases, it may be necessary to retain the original work.
It is strongly recommended that students keep a copy of the work they submit, for security reasons and for later reference.
Assessment criteria
You are advised to consider the assessment criteria and ensure that these areas are covered in your report. Assessment grading will be according to the following criteria:
number Criteria Points Remarks
1. Abstract
3 Approximate 200 words, clear abstract covering all sections and with no grammatical error
2. Introduction 7 Approximate 750 words
3. Root cause analysis 8 Approximate 750 words
4. Technical Solutions 8 Approximate 1250 words
5. Finance and costing 7 Approximate 750 words
6. Management solutions 8 Approximate 1000 words
7. Discussion and conclusion 3 Approximate 300 words
8. Referencing 3 APA style
9. Formatting 3 Present the assignment in a report format with the title page, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures, headings, and subheadings with proper numbering.
Total 50 Approximately 5000 words (excluding references, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures, tables, flow charts, figures, cover page etc).