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Assessment Information
Subject Code: BUS605
Subject Name: Business Research Methodology and Data Collection
Assessment Title: Assessment 2 – Sampling design and data collection instrument
Weighting: 35 %
Total Marks: Length: 35
2500 (+- 10%)
Due Date: Submission due Week 10 – Sunday at 11.59 pm
COURSE: Master of Business (Research)
Unit: Business Research Methodology and Data Collection
Unit Code: BUS605
Type of
Assessment: Assessment 2 – Sampling design and data collection instrument
Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: (a) Demonstrate an advanced ability to identify, assimilate, and review applications of, particular research techniques.
(b) Identify various means of data collection that are feasible and can be ethically enacted.
(c) Articulate and critically evaluate differences between alternative research methodologies.
(d) Explain how research outcomes may be affected by the nature and application of particular research techniques.
(e) Demonstrate an advanced ability to construct a robust methodology for addressing a research question.
(f) Explain how the use of selected methodologies is relevant to a specific research proposal.
Criteria for Assessment: • Knowledge and Understanding
• Content and exploration of theories and ideas
• Analysis, synthesis and critical engagement
• Technical skills and referencing
Assessment Task: Student describe the population of their study, sampling method, sample size and how they will contact their participants.
Based on your chosen research topic, research problem and questions, develop a sample design and data collection instrument (either a questionnaire or an interview guide) that can
appropriately address the research questions. There should be a minimum of 10 questions. You must use relevant literature to show the relevance of your questionnaire or interview guide.
Student identifies ethical considerations and address them
You may follow the outline below;
Provide a summary of your research problem and state your research objectives and questions
Sampling design
Describe the population of your study, sampling method, sample size and how you will contact your participants. Provide justifications for your decisions
Data Collection Instrument and design
State clearly the data collection instrument you will use to collect your data. Show how you designed the instrument and how it addresses the research questions by matching the instrument questions against the research questions. Attach the data collection instrument as an appendix
Ethical Implications
Address any ethical concerns that may arise from the participants selection
Submission Date: Week 10 (online submission).
Total Mark & Weighting: 35 marks | 35%
Students are advised that any submissions past the due date without an approved extension or approved extenuating circumstances incur a 5% penalty per calendar day,
calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 15 will incur a 1.75 mark penalty per calendar day.
Marking rubrics
Marking rubrics
Criteria HD (High Distinction) 85%-100% DN (Distinction)
75%-84% CR (Credit) 74%-65% P (Pass)
50%-64% F (Fail)
Knowledge and understanding
5 marks Command of the topic, unusual creativity, perception and insight, all suggesting that work should be published in an academic forum. Demonstrates command of the topic by showing creativity, perception and insight — a serious contribution to the academic debate. Demonstrates a well- informed understanding of the topic by showing
creativity and insight — a serious contribution to the academic debate. Understanding of contemporary academic debate, with some
creative input and insight, with a tendency toward description. Limited/poor understanding demonstrated. Any creative input is somewhat off the point.
Content and exploration of theories and ideas 10 marks Outstanding selection that makes a substantial contribution to academic debate. Outstanding selection from a wide relevant and innovative range of perspectives and sources. Selection from a wide and relevant range of perspectives and sources that draws upon contemporary academic debate. Relevant selection from a range of perspectives and sources. Sources are mostly integrated into the overall argument. Narrow selection, minimal use of sources, to support the argument.
Analysis, synthesis and critical engagement
15 marks Outstanding use of source material.
Excellent argument that is of the highest academic quality. Sources very well integrated into the overall argument. Clear well structured argument that is Sources wellintegrated into the overall argument. Clear, cogent and wellstructured Mostly clear, cogent and wellstructured argument. Demonstrates criticality and Sources are not properly integrated into the argument. Absence of clear and cogent argument.
Incomplete analysis
Critical distance and outstanding analysis of the question, to a high degree of excellence. well crafted and cogent. Critical distance and outstanding analysis of the question. argument.
distance and sound analysis of the question. generally good analysis. with a tendency to accept the source material at face value.
Technical skills and referencing
5marks Referencing impeccable using appropriate conventions.
No errors in grammar or spelling. Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate conventions.
Virtually no errors in grammar or spelling. Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate conventions. Good grammar and spelling. Referencing sufficiently clear and using an appropriate convention. Adequate grammar and spelling. References limited/inappropriate. Many errors in grammar and
spelling, making it difficult or impossible to read.