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Assessment 2: Data Cleansing & Conversion (20%)
Overview of Tasks
Task: Data Cleansing and Conversion
Individual or Team 2/3
Due Date: See VU collaborate
Details of the task
During software implementations data transfer and the set-up of periodic/permanent interfaces is one of the most costly and time-intensive work packages. Several market studies have shown that, on average, data transfer accounts for 20% of implementation costs. In individual cases it can exceed that amount. In order to perform the initial data transfer from non-SAP systems, you need to efficiently carry out the following steps:
Identify data to be transferred in the legacy system and, if possible, eliminate (Clean up/filter) obsolete data and inconsistent data records at the same time.
Extract relevant data and write it to an ASCII file.
Convert the data from ASCII format to the object-specific data format required by SAP.
Process the converted data file based on BAPI, batch input or direct input technologies using SAP Load Programs (load).
Run your own check programs (if available) to further examine the results of the data transfer. You can compare information such as the number of open items or the number of materials in both systems. Basic consistency checks are run during loading, as R/3 does not allow the creation of inconsistent data sets.
You will be given two files (both in the single spreadsheet file), the first a file containing 199 records (File 1) of customer data. This is the file that will be converted. The second file contains about 10 records (File2) and becomes the template file. Using a package cleanse the 199 customer records. Use another package to convert the customer data into the same format as your template file.
What to hand-in
Student declaration form with % participation included and team number.
File of cleansing
File of conversion
Word file with assumptions and screen captures describing the process of cleansing and conversion in full.
Final output file (in xls or txt or csv format) after cleansing and conversion
KKAE is an industrial company that is undergoing an SAP implementation The rollout has reached the phase of data conversion and migration. This deliverable aims to show the procedures of how KKAE Pte. Ltd handled the data cleansing and data mapping based on a list of employees who were using SAP system in KKAE. The conversion is based upon a set of business assumptions.
Two files are used in this activity. The first file is a list of employees who are using SAP system. The list contains their contact and SAP access information. Some of the information is duplicated, and some information contains human-unreadable characters or invalid data. The other file is a template that shows the required layout format of the final output list.
The main objectives of this activity were as follows:
Mark all the duplicated data with proper error flags.
Mark all the missing data with proper error flags.
Verify the human-unreadable characters, then take proper action on it; either remove the human-unreadable character or correct the unreadable character.
Verify and mark all the invalid data with proper error flags, then correct it.
Once the data is cleansed, map the data based on the template’s pre-defined layout and create the final list.
Download Mapforce or become familiar with the software package you are using to complete this task
Assessment Criteria and Submission
Please read the rubric set up for this assessment task carefully. These are the criteria that you will be assessed against for this task. It is important that you read and understand the rubric before you attempt to write this essay. Understanding the criteria written in this rubric will help you clarify what we are looking for in this assessment.
The rubric for this task can be viewed in unit guide.
You will be able to submit multiple files per submission and submit your files more than once.