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Assessment 3: Major case study
Weight: 50%
Must Complete: Yes
Word Limit: 2000 (+/- 10%)
Due Date: 19th may
Learning Outcomes:
This activity will allow you to demonstrate your ability to:
LO4: evaluate the role of the nurse in areas of focus in primary and community nursing such as maternal and child health, sexual health, and domestic violence;
LO6: analyse how social policy influences the provision of primary and community health and impacts nursing practice particularly in rural and remote contexts in Australia.

The purpose of this assessment is for you to demonstrate how you will assess the needs of a whole family located within a rural area, and to identify the strategies you will implement to assist them in living a healthy life through improving their health literacy.
Case Study:
You have been working as the School Nurse at Yarrowyck combined school where you care for the children from grade prep through to Year 12.
Yesterday, the Grade 1/2 teacher (JennyTaylor) visited you out of concern for 7 year old Maisie Smyth, granddaughter of Robert Smyth. Jenny feels that Maisie has been withdrawn of late, and has noticed that she often has no lunch to eat. When on yard duty yesterday, Jenny had looked for Maisie and found her asleep under a tree. When Jenny asked Maisie why she was sleeping instead of playing with friends, Maisie insisted she was -just tired-.
This morning you have arranged for Maisie and two other grade one girls to help you set up a lunchtime disco. You ask Maisie how she has been and she bursts into tears, telling you that -mum and dad keep fighting, and I think they will break up-. You ask Maisie if she feels safe at home, and she nods her head, saying -yes-. You then ask her if she would like you to call her mum or her dad. Again she says yes, and follows it up with -Both of them. Tell them that I need them to stop fighting now-.
Steps. There are two parts to this paper
PART ONE (500 words)
1. Provide a brief overview of the case study, highlighting the important information.
2. Identify one actual problem and one potential problem from the information gathered, and determine how you, as the School nurse, can provide interventions to support Maisie and her parents during this time.
3. Provide rationales for the interventions you suggest and cite evidence supporting your chosen rationale.
4. Each intervention should also include a method for evaluating it's success.
PART TWO (1500 words)
Write a short essay that demonstrates you understanding of child abuse and neglect, including the potential harm they can have on the child. Then, outline your role as a School Nurse in the process of Mandatory Reporting when you have good evidence to suggest that Maisie is at risk of significant harm (Maisie keeps coming to school with no lunch and has visibly lost weight. Parents have refused all resources offered or provided for nutrition).
Structure and presentation
Your response should follow essay format (Introduction- identify the model of reflection you will use, body [using the above headings], and a conclusion). You are required to use complete paragraphs and are not allowed to use dot points, lists or tables. As this is a reflective paper you are allowed to use personal pronouns (I, me, mine, etc.)
You need to include in-text referencing (using resources as described above) and a Reference list. APA is the required referencing style in the School of Health.
You should review the following sources before starting this assessment. These sources may be used within your reference list but you will also need to do some research of your own. A good rule of thumb is 1 reference for every 100-200 words within an essay.
Australian Institute of Family Studies. (2017). Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect. Retrieved from:
Nurses and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA]. (2017). Registered Nurse standards for practice. Retrieved from:
Marking criteria
Please follow the marking rubric critera
Lecturer tips for the assignment:
Sections of a Case Study will include
1. Provide a brief overview of the case study, highlighting the important information.
This relates to the information about the school student in this case Maisie. Recommendations. A common mistakes student often make is repeating the case study this is not necessary and takes up valuable word count.You will need to explain what information about the student Maise and her family is important to include in your essay and include the reasons. You may also consider why the school nurse (you) were alerted by the teacher of concerns that she has about Maisie.
2. Identify one actual problem and one potential problem from the information gathered, and determine how you, as the School nurse, can provide interventions to support Maisie and her parents during this time.
Nursing Assessment
Next, you will identify the subsequent problems including an actual and potential problem. You should include its causes, the indicators (warning signs), what you would have observed as the school nurse this often relates to your assessment of the situation/condition/problem. Describe your role as a school nurse including your assessment of Maisie as you produce that assessment, be certain to explain why you have made each assessment. Then you will need to come up with options for interventions based upon the potential actual and potential problem. And, in this case, how will you determined the cause of the problems
3. Provide rationales for the interventions you suggest and cite evidence supporting your chosen rationale.
4. Each intervention should also include a method for evaluating its success.
Any interventions that you put in place as the school nurse need to ensure they improve the current situation. You will also need to discuss how the interventions planned on improving Maises’s and her families’ quality of life and current situation what are goals? What are the evaluations for assessing success? Toward the end of this section, you will be making recommendations – they may be simply to continue the current management plan; you may have conducted some research that shows another or an additional plan if warranted. Just remember, you must justify your interventions this comes from research literature. How do you evaluate as a school nurse that the interventions have been successful.
It may be worth you thinking about this question as two parts
• Write a short essay that demonstrates you understanding of child abuse and neglect, including the potential harm they can have on the child.
Then apply your understanding and knowledge to the case study. remembering that case studies enable you to demonstrate your depth or knowledge and critical thinking skills as you are applying theory to practice
• Then, outline your role as a School Nurse in the process of Mandatory Reporting when you have good evidence to suggest that Maisie is at risk of significant harm
Does this help? the more reading on the topic the better understanding you will have use google scholar recent literature on school nurse role in child neglect abuse.
the best advise i can give you is read! read! read!
Part one
In the first part you will need to reflect on the case study in order to Identify one key problems and one potential problem.
Part two
The second section write this as an essay and apply the case study. Reflect on the case study examine the nursing care challenges for the school nurse add the relevant evidence, and any issues that may emerge for the nurse and how they can manage and overcome these. I am happy for you to do it either way although it often good to refelct on the case study throughout the essay as you can then apply theory to practice and demonstrate your critical thinking by using the case study.
There is also no right or wrong reflection model to use examples of Common models include: Gibbs Reflective cycle; John's model for structured reflection; Driscoll Terry Borton’s (1970) 3 stem questions, have a look at each briefly and see which one works for you and works with this essay
The idea of the case study is that you put all you’re learning from the unit together and apply it to a different case study Maisie as this demonstrates student abilities to apply knowledge. Often when we change situation (case studies) or context students can struggle to apply the theory so this is what we are looking at your ability to apply the case study of Maisie ensure you include the NSW Mandatory Reporting Legislation,
Crafting a nursing case study essay requires you to reflect on the situation. In this case you are reflection on the case study of Maisie your role as a registered nurse working as the school nurse. Within our nursing curriculum we use a Situation enquiry Based learning (SEBL) Framework for the nursing program there is information about this in each of the unit guides within the Moodle site. Focus on the case study as you will automatically be reflecting through your analyses. It is up to you how you apply your reflective writing of this case study & ensuring it is at the Masters level for assessments is imperative (those studying at a 400 level).
Nursing Case Study Essay
Many of your units of study will have a case study essay. These may be different from any other writing assignments you have had in the past.
What is a Case Study?
A nursing case study is an in-depth study of a patient/individual/situation that you may encounter as a Registered Nurse (RN) during your nursing practice. In this unit it involves a case study of a school student and you are the school nurse. In this case study you can link your unit’s learning experiences as it allows you to apply the theoretical learning to an actual situation and make some conclusions and recommendations. To do this well you will need to do lots of planning for your essay including reviewing the literature.
Literature reviews
What should I be reading?
Have a look at some of these readings and this may assist you with understanding of what you should be searching for in your literature review
• Guidelines for mandatory notifications. (2017). Retrieved September 2019, from Australian health practitioner regulation agency: (n.d.). Retrieved September 2019, from Child story reporter: Jordan K, M. P. (2016).
• Child Maltreatment: Optimizing Recognition and Reporting by School Nurses. Sage Journals, 32(3), 192-199 . doi:10.1177/1942602X16675932
• Font, S. A. & Berger, L. M. (2015). Child Maltreatment and Children’s Developmental Trajectories in Early to Middle Childhood. Child Development, 86(2), 536–556. doi:10.1111/cdev.12322
• Hoekstra, B. A., Young, V. L., Eley, C. V., Hawking, M. K. D., & McNulty, C. A. M. (2016). School Nurses’ perspectives on the role of the school nurse in health education and health promotion in England: a qualitative study. BMC Nursing, 15(1), 1–9. doi:10.1186/s12912-016-0194-y
• Horwath, J. (2016). Making a Difference to the Neglected Child’s Lived Experience. Tackling Child Neglect: Research, Policy and Evidence-Based Practice.