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Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T3 2019
Unit Code HI6006
Unit Title Competitive Strategy
Assessment Type Individual Assignment
Assessment Title Essay – Key Strategy Development Tools
Purpose of the
assessment (with ULO Mapping) Students are required to write a Comprehensive discussion of any three of the strategy models, with practical application to current business examples
Weight 15% of the total assessments
Total Marks 15
Word limit Not more than 1500 words
Due Date Week 5 [Late submission penalties accrue at the rate of -10% per day]
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed
Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm
margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately
at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.

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Assignment 1 Specifications
This assignment aims at ensuring that students have familiarised themselves with the foundational
strategy development models and are able to relate them to current practical business examples.
Write an essay explaining what the main strategy development tools are and how they are used in business. Your essay must contain a comprehensive discussion of 3 of the following: PESTEL, Five Forces, Resource-Based View, PROFIT, Input/Output, SWOT Analysis (you may include Cross Impact Analysis), Generic Strategies, Ansoff, Ghemawat, with reference to academic journals and practical examples from industry.
In this essay, sub-headings are permitted.
Be sure to use paragraphing.
Be sure to reference your sources in-text and provide a list of references at the end, all in Harvard style. Students are reminded of the importance of correctness and accuracy of referencing. Plagiarism is a breach of academic integrity and may result in a grade of ZERO and a report of Academic Misconduct.
Your final submission is due Friday of week 5 at midnight.
Assignment Structure
One page for your explanation of each model, including the example.
Thus, a half page introduction, then 3 pages for the explanation of the 3 models, plus a half page
Add a cover page at the front.
Add a Reference List at the end.

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Marking Rubric
3 Good
2 Satisfactory
1 Unsatisfactory
Strategy Model 1
Max 3 marks The model is well-
understood and
explained The model is
understood and
explained The model is
understood and an
attempt has been
made to explain it The model
appears to be mis
understood and
the attempt to
explain it is
Strategy Model 2
Max 3 marks The model is well-
understood and
explained The model is
understood and
explained The model is
understood and an
attempt has been
made to explain it The model
appears to be mis
understood and
the attempt to
explain it is
Strategy Model 3
Max 3 marks The model is well-
understood and
explained The model is
understood and
explained The model is
understood and an
attempt has been
made to explain it The model
appears to be mis
understood and
the attempt to
explain it is
Introduction and
Max 3 marks Well-written – clear
and concise Well-written An original attempt
was made Unclear or missing
Referencing and
Practical Examples
Max 3 marks Referencing is correct
and complete in all
respects. Examples are
current, relevant, well-
applied. Referencing is
mostly correct and
Examples are
mostly current,
relevant, applied Referencing is
somewhat correct
though possibly
incomplete, with
some errors in
reference style.
Examples are
somewhat current,
relevant, applied Referencing is not
correct, somewhat
Examples are not
current, or not
relevant, or
incorrectly applied
15 marks Comments Mark Awarded