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Written IMC Plan Presentation
Think carefully about the type and style of presentation your organisation and marker might expect and utilise the resources you have available to meet that need. Ensure your A4 Assessment report format is as follows (marks will be deducted unless the following is included): Remember, that atleast 25 academic sources must be used.
• Title Page: Subject details, assessment number and topic, your name and ID number and date.
• Executive Summary – A one-page summary of your report (not included in word count)
• Table of Contents – with page numbers
• Situation Analysis
o Background research
o SWOT: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
o Stakeholder attitudes and behaviours
o Key communication problem(s) to be solved
o IMC Actions taken to date
• Key Strategic Campaign Decisions
o Objectives
o Target and engaging stakeholders
o Brand positioning strategy

• Marcom Mix
o Platforms and objectives
o Synergy
• Message Strategy
o Key consumer and brand relationship insights
o Message direction
o Strategic consistency
• IMC Media and Contact Points
o Multimedia and multichannel (i.e. Television, radio, digital, print, social media, etc - determining the focus of your campaign.)
o Multiplatform (i.e. advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, public relations, etc.- determining the focus of your campaign)
o Contact points, touchpoints, and critical touchpoints
• Management and Campaign Controls
o Budgeting
o Evaluation of Effectiveness
• Reference list – APA Style Appendices
Note: The word limit does not include your executive summary, tables/figures, appendices or reference list.
For this assignment you need to identify the problem with the restaurant.
Background – What is the problem with restaurant?
Objectives – What do you wish to achieve
Target market – Give specific details on they are. Example – Demographic, psychographic, geographic, behaviour.
Connect the brand position with the objective i.e. How do you position this campaign. Please use the following information to do this step
Generic – 1) Promotes the category, not the brand.
2) Eat meat, Feel good
Pre emptive – 1) Makes a claim that no other competitors have and therefore appears unique.
2) Radio station Nova promotes “no more than two ads in a row”.
USP – 1) Makes a unique proposition based on functional attribute of product.
2) M & M’s melt in your mouth, not in your hands.
Positioning – 1) Position product in consumer mind.
2) Virgin blue is fun, no frills airline
Brand image – 1) builds an image or attitude or personality about the product or service.
2) Coke has always been about image rather than quenching your thirst.
Inherent drama – 1) uses the drama within the product to portray its benefits.
2) The reporters without borders ad speaks of the drama of media censorship
Resonance – 1) The ad strikes a chord or resonates with the viewer
2) The milk ads which show over choice – “Low fat, no fat, reduced fat, high calcium” is something milk buyers can relate to.
Affective – 1) Appeals to the viewers on a purely emotional level.
2) “I still call Australia home” for Quanta’s.
Given bellow is the feedback given by the lecturer.
Just an overall thing to take note of:
Some initiatives do not make sense (like you are using National TV for a small cafe) Think about this - in real life, you will not have the money to do so and it is not needed nor relevant. The initiatives that you select need to be relevant to the consumer. So if it is a Gen Y, then traditional channels like TV are not applicable. The tools need to reflect the objectives too.
Set a scene at the introduction. You need to establish what is happening (opening a new restaurant / gym / shop; generating more business for sluggish sales, repositioning to gain a new segment) Tell me what is happening so that I know why there is a need for the campaign.
Using Canva to create sample designs would be a great way to communicate your ideas,
Below is the marking criteria
Criterion: Learning Outcomes HD: 100% - 85% DI: 84% - 75% CR: 74% - 65% PS: 64% - 50% FL: 49% - 0% Max Mark
Written Report: Communication skills
This is about the written report including: Structure, Format, Grammar, including images
Value 10%
Grade Range 0-4
LO1-5 Free of grammar errors. Structure and format were clear, logical and consistent. Sentences were well constructed. Exceptional use of diagrams, images and tables, clearly relevant, explained and insightful links made, Marks 3.4-4 Free of grammar errors. Structure and format were clear. Sentences were well constructed. Excellent use of diagrams, images and tables, that were both visually appealing as well as clearly relevant and explained. Marks 3-3.4 Minor grammatical errors, sentences were clear and complete. Structure and format were used to aid the reader including diagrams, images and tables, that were relevant to argument, but were not fully explained or described. Marks 2.6-3 Some grammatical errors, sentences were clear and complete. Clear structure and formatting using headings, and sub headings, some illustrations and diagrams, but not explained and only decorative. Marks 2-2.6 Poor grammar, spelling, punctuation and concepts were not clear. No paragraphs or formatting, no images, tables or illustrations.
Marks 0-2
Written Report: Theoretical analysis skills. This criterion is about defining, describing and evaluating the IMC communication model. selection of target markets, IMC objectives and IMC creative approaches and linking these concepts to those elaborated in the academic literature.
Value 10%.
Grade Range 0-4
LO1-5 IMC communications model, selection of target markets, IMC objectives and IMC creative approaches are clearly defined and derived from a range of academic sources including academic journals and textbooks. The IMC objectives adhere to the SMART criteria. The elaboration of the theoretical concepts and conclusions are highly perceptive and insightful. Marks 3.4-4 The IMC communications model, selection of target markets, IMC objectives and IMC creative approaches are clearly defined and derived from a range of academic sources including academic journals and textbooks. The IMC objectives mainly adhere to the SMART criteria. The elaboration of the theoretical concepts and conclusions are well thought through.
Marks 3-3.4 The IMC communications model, selection of target markets, IMC objectives and IMC creative approaches are clearly defined and partially derived from a range of sources including some academic. The IMC objectives adhere to many aspects of the SMART criteria. The elaboration of the theoretical concepts and conclusions are interesting but need further development. . Marks 2.6-3 The IMC communications model, selection of target markets, IMC objectives and IMC creative approaches are partially defined and derived from a range of sources including some academic. The IMC objectives adhere to a few of the SMART criteria. The elaboration of the theoretical concepts and conclusions need additional clarity and require further development.
Marks 2-2.6 The IMC communications model, selection of target markets, IMC objectives and IMC creative approaches are not adequately defined, described or justified, mainly listed without explanation.
The IMC objectives do not adhere to the SMART criteria.
Marks 0-2
Written Report: Application skills.
This criterion is about linking theory to a specific organisation, explaining how the concepts can be applied to practice and making recommendations.
Value 10%
grade range for 0-4
LO1-5 An organisation is described and identified, and insightful evaluations were made. The context was connected to theory with exceptional, logical and imaginative links. The market discussions were highly relevant, realistic and supported with explicit connections to theoretical arguments. Mark 3.4-4 An organisation is described and identified, and insightful evaluations were made. The context was connected to theory with clear, creative and logical links. There were relevant, well supported market discussions with explicit connections to theoretical arguments.
Mark 3-3.4 An organisation is described and identified. The context was connected to theory with clear links. There were relevant well supported market discussions and recommendations.
Marks 2.6-3 An organisation is described and identified. The context was connected briefly to theory, but the discussion was not well supported by the arguments.
Mark 2-2.6 There was no or limited application to an organisation, no examples provided, no recommendations.
Mark 0-2
Written Report: Creative skills.
This criterion is about your creative message, media choices and positioning statement for your IMC campaign, applied to practice.
Value 15%
grade range for 0-6

LO1-5 The creative context is described and identified, and insightful valuations were made. The context was connected to theory with clear, creative and logical links. There were relevant well supported creative market strategy and recommendations with explicit connections to theoretical arguments. Mark 5-6 The creative context is described and identified and insightful valuations were made. The context was connected to theory with clear, creative and logical links. There were relevant well supported creative market strategy and recommendations.
Mark 4.5-5 The creative context is described and identified and insightful valuations were made. The context was connected to theory with clear links. There were relevant creative strategies & recommendations
Mark 3.9-4.5 The creative context is described and analysed with a justified argument for the creative strategy. Recommendations are made but are not well supported by arguments.
Mark 3-3.9 There was no or limited creative application, no examples provided, no recommendations.
Mark 0-3
Written Report Referencing Skills.
This criterion was about the application of APA 6th referencing.
Value 5%
Grade range 0-2
LO 1-5 Both the in text and end reference list were consistent in terms of style and application of APA. Referencing apparent in all places where expected
Marks 1.7-.2 Both the intext and end reference list were consistent in terms of style and application of APA
Mark 1.5-1.7 Referencing applied. However, style/application was inconsistent with some errors in text/reference list
Mark 1.3-1.5 There was an attempt to apply APA 6th referencing, but style and application were inconsistent, and some points remain unreferenced
Marks 1-1.3 There was limited or no attempt at in text or end of text referencing
Mark 0-1
Presentation Skills-Video
This criterion is about presenting your IMC Plan in a video format as a means of persuading the CMO of your case organisation
Value 50%
Grade range 0-20
LO 1-5 Presentation style -enthusiastic, confident, professional;
Creative use of aids such as charts, tables, visual aids; thorough analysis of content covering the issues; clear and concise recommendations; good time management skills (e.g. 5-10 minutes)
Mark 17-20 Presentation style -enthusiastic, but a little less confident and professional;
Creative use of aids such as charts, tables, visual aids; good analysis of content covering the issues; clear and concise recommendations; stayed within the time constraints (e.g. 5-10 minutes)
Mark 15-17 Presentation style -confident and somewhat professional;
Creative use of some aids such as charts, tables, visual aids; adequate analysis of content covering the issues; adequate recommendations; stayed within the time constraints (e.g. 5-10 minutes)
Mark 13-15 Presentation style -looked a little bored with few gestures to show engagement with the content; used some visual aids but not well displayed or co-ordinated; analysis of content covering some of the issues; some recommendations too general; stayed within the time constraints (e.g. 5-10 minutes)
Mark 10-13 Presentation style -seemed disengaged with the content, lack of professional attire;
Lack of visual aids; lack of analysis and coverage of the content; lack of clear and concise recommendations; lack of time management skills (e.g. 5-10 minutes)
Mark 0-10
Overall Mark/40
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Written IMC Plan Presentation
Think carefully about the type and style of presentation your organisation and marker might expect and utilise the resources you have available to meet that need. Ensure your A4 Assessment report format is as follows (marks will be deducted unless the following is included): Remember, that atleast 25 academic sources must be used.
• Title Page: Subject details, assessment number and topic, your name and ID number and date.
• Executive Summary – A one-page summary of your report (not included in word count)
• Table of Contents – with page numbers