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Task 3: Case Study & Presentation
You are required to read through the workplace scenario that is listed in Appendix 1 and then undertake the necessary tasks as listed in the procedure.
As part of this assessment you will be required to identify the relevant workplace hazard and fill in an incident report form. After completing the form, you will need to analyse this particular hazard more thoroughly by examining previous incidents and by developing a chart which aggregates this data.
You will then need to run a safety action meeting (SAM), where you will be meeting with your work safety team to analyse recorded incidents, identify the major hazard to address and to discuss and demonstrate treatment of the hazard.
Finally, you will prepare and submit a report on WHS performance and the process you undertook to identify and treat the hazard.
3.1 Review the scenario provided in Appendix 1.
3.2 Identify hazards and Complete an Incident Report for the hazard that is involved in the scenario (use the form in Appendix 2). You will need to create names and additional information as necessary to fill in the form.
3.3 Add Rose’s incident from the scenario to the data sheet and translate that data into a graph (see Appendix 3).
3.4 Implement procedures to control risks and conduct a safety inspection on a regular basis of your work area with regards to that hazard (see Appendix 4). Your assessor will simulate a workplace for you to inspect and assign you to a work safety team.
3.5 To promptly action on the hazard item, please organise and chair a safety action meeting (SAM) with your work safety team. Negotiate and schedule the meeting with your work safety team.
3.6 Before the meeting, work with your group to:
a. consult on analysis of the hazard and possible treatment
b. consider the costs of control measures for the hazard.
3.7 During the meeting, use the hazard control hierarchy to recommend and/or demonstrate a practicable treatment. Ensure you take minutes using the SAM form (Appendix 5) to provide evidence of the meeting. Your assessor may choose to observe the meeting.
3.8 Write a one- to two-page report and prepare presentation for your Health and Safety representative (the assessor). Ensure that you:
a. describes the process you undertook to identify, analyse and consult on the risk; refer to organisational WHS policies and procedures and relevant legislation for example:
i. specific OHS and WHS legislation requiring maintenance of safe workplace
ii. specific OHS and WHS legislation and regulations and codes of practice requiring institution and implementation of consultative practices
iii. duty of care responsibilities of employers and employees
iv. describe WHS performance with respect to the hazard; outline any inadequacies in existing risk control measures
v. describe the measures you took to control the hazard, including demonstrations or plans to control the hazard Promptly.
3.9 Submit all documentation as per the specifications below. Ensure you keep copies for your records.
You must provide:
? a completed incident report (using the form in Appendix 2) for the observed hazard
? a completed graph in relation to the data analysis (Appendix 3)
? a completed safety inspection form (Appendix 4) including photos or diagrams of the observed hazard
? a copy of minutes from SAM meeting (Appendix 5) showing dates of attendance and participation (the hazard mentioned and discussed)
? a one- to two-page report for your Health and Safety representative (the assessor).
Note: All of the above must be collated and presented to the assessor on the agreed
due date.
Your assessor will be looking for:
? analytical and problem-solving skills to:
? identify hazards
? assess risks in the work area
? review information relating to monitoring and evaluating incidents, and the effectiveness of risk controls
? literacy skills to understand and interpret documentation, and to interpret WHS requirements
? knowledge of hazards and associated risks in the workplace
? knowledge of key provisions of relevant WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice that apply to the business
? knowledge of organisational policies and procedures relating to hazard management, fire, emergency, evacuation, incident investigation and reporting
? knowledge of relevance of consultation and participation as key mechanisms for improving WHS and culture
? knowledge of WHS legislative responsibilities, duties and obligations of managers, supervisors, persons conducting businesses or undertakings (PCBUs) or their officers, and workers in the workplace.
Observation Checklist
Observation Criteria S NS
Demonstrated accuracy when completing and maintaining WHS records of incidents of occupational injury and disease in work area, according to WHS policies, procedures and legislative requirements
Demonstrated ability to use aggregate information and data from work area records to identify hazards and monitor risk control procedures in work area
Demonstrated ability to use analytical and problem-solving skills to:
identify hazards assess risks in the work area
Demonstrated ability to systematically identify an implement learning opportunity for others.
review information relating to monitoring and evaluating incidents, and the effectiveness of risk controls
Demonstrated ability to coach and mentor to provide support to colleagues
Demonstrated accuracy when completing and maintaining WHS records of incidents of occupational injury and disease in work area, according to WHS policies, procedures and legislative requirements
Demonstrated knowledge of facilitation techniques to encourage team development and learning
Assessment Outcome
? Satisfactory ? Unsatisfactory
Trainer’s signature _____________________________ Date ______________________
Student Signature: ______________________________ Date ______________________
Appendix 1: Workplace scenario
You are employed as a team leader of a group of five administration staff. A rapid growth in the organisation has seen many new computers installed in the office. With so many computers around the office, power extension cables occasionally become loose and end up lying on the floor of the hallway.
In the past three months, a number of your employees have had near-misses where they have almost tripped on a loose cable. To make matters worse, just this morning you witnessed your senior administrator Rosie Thompson trip on a cable and sprain her wrist on impact with the floor. As team leader, you immediately gave Rosie some ice and a bandage and took her to see the local doctor.
Organisational recordkeeping and consultative procedures, which are in place to ensure the organisation adheres to WHS obligations under relevant legislation, require team leaders to:
? conduct regular workplace inspections and submit safety inspection forms to the relevant person (your Health and Safety representative or you assessor)
? fill in and submit incident reports for incidents involving accidents or near-accidents involving staff or visitors
? compile WHS aggregate information and report on safety performance as part of the WHS management system to your Health and Safety representative.
In your workplace’s operational plan, the target number of incidents or injuries requiring first aid and/or medical treatment is zero.
Appendix 2: Incident report
Incident report
Note: All sections of this form are to be completed. All incidents shall be advised within 12 hours of the incident to ensure appropriate action is initiated.
Personal details
Family name: First name:
Contact Phone No: (w) (h - if injured)
Occupation: Gender: • M • F
Staff employment status:
• Full-time • Part-time • Casual • Contractor • Visitor
Incident details
Date of incident: Time of incident: AM / PM
Location where incident occurred:
Briefly describe what happened:
This incident resulted in:
• Injury • No injury • Near miss
• Property damage • Hazard identified
The incident was reported to (Supervisor):
Name of Supervisor: Date: _________
Injury/damage details
If an injury was sustained, what part of the body was affected or if damage to property occurred what was damaged?
Medical treatment
If MEDICAL EXPENSES or LOST TIME is incurred, a ‘Workers Compensation Claim form’ must be completed and forwarded to WHSW & IM Services ‘as soon as possible’.
Do you intend to seek medical treatment? • Yes • No
Do you intend to lodge a claim for workers compensation? • Yes • No
Has any time been lost from work?
(More than 1 complete shift) • Yes • No
If so, have you returned to work? • Yes • No
Have/will medical expenses have been incurred? • Yes • No
• Uncertain at this time
Were there witnesses?
If so, name of witness(es):
Contact phone number:
Employee signature:
If a medical certificate has been provided, please send to: Fax xxxx xxxx or email: xxx@xxx.xx.xx
Describe in detail what occurred
It is the responsibility of the supervisor/line manager to complete this section in consultation with the injured staff member.
Please describe the events and contributing factors that led to the incident:
How could this be prevented from happening again?
The Supervisor/Line Manager is to complete this section in consultation with the injured staff member and the Health & Safety Representative (if applicable)
Suggestions to avoid recurrence of this incident/accident:
Name of health and safety representative, if consulted:
Action plan
Note: From the previous section, list the actions required to prevent this happening again.
Action to prevent recurrence
(Do not leave blank) Person responsible
for action Action
taken Sign-off completed
(signature required)
• Referred to Line Manager • Placed issue on local action plan
• Consulted employees • Advised Senior Manager
• Advised WHSW Services • CSR raised, referred to FMU
• Feedback provided to affected person on outcome
Is rehabilitation required?
• Yes
• No • Rehabilitation consultant advised
Name of Supervisor: Contact Phone Number:
Appendix 3: Analyse data
The workplace incident data for the past three months is recorded in the incident register below. Summarise the data in the graph provided and identify the areas that you should concentrate your improvement efforts on.
Incident Cause Type Who When
Slip/trip Cables on floor MTI Bob 13/07
Muscle pull Lifting paper MTI Jane 18/07
Muscle pull Moving bins FAI Nihal 30/08
Bullying Project deadline LTI Laszlo 15/09
Stress Project deadlines LTI Greg 17/09
Slip/Trip Cables on floor NMI Bob 01/10
Cut Cut finger on broken glass FAI Rita 02/10
FAI first aid incidents
MTI medical treatment injury
LTI lost time injury
LTIFR lost time injury frequency rate
NM near miss
Graph the data from the table above.
Analyse the data above and suggest what you will need to focus on during the safety action meeting.
Appendix 4: Safety inspection form
Criteria N/A Yes No Comments
Are designated emergency persons’ details are posted including:
? health and safety representative
? fire warden
? first aid person?
Are instructions posted for calling emergency services?
Is the site plan on display?
Are emergency evacuation muster/assembly areas signposted?
Have all staff been inducted and trained in emergency procedures?
Entry and exit doors are marked and free of clutter?
Emergency exit routes and aisles and corridors are free of clutter?
Are fire extinguishers provided and maintained?
Have personnel on site been trained in the use of fire extinguishers?
Are first aid kit/s stocked to contents list?
Are first aid supplies replenished?
Is the bathroom and toilet clean and tidy?
Is the kitchen and eating area clean and tidy?
Are floors clean, dry and in good condition?
Are desks and work areas tidy?
Are rubbish bins sufficient?
Is rubbish cleared regularly?
Are recycling bins sufficient?
Are recycling bins cleared regularly?
Are aisles and areas around workstations free of clutter?
Is furniture fit for purpose?
Do office chairs have five supports?
Is furniture adjustable for keyboard operators?
? straight back
? forearms parallel to the floor
? upper legs parallel to the floor
Are footrests provided where necessary?
Are document supports provided?
Are computer screens positioned to avoid glare?
Are work stations and equipment positioned to:
? reduce manual handling
? reduce repetitive handling
? improve work flow?
Are all chemicals, including liquid fuels, properly labelled, stored and signposted?
Are spill kits available?
Are MSDS readily available for hazardous substances?
Is a hazardous materials register maintained?
PPE (for hazardous areas)
Is safety signage accurate?
Is safety signage displayed correctly?
Are safety glasses worn when required?
Is high visibility clothing provided where required?
Appendix 5: SAM record form
Work safety team: .....
Meeting held on:
Meeting conducted by (supervisor):
HSR in attendance: Yes / No
Issues to be covered:
Other issues addressed:
Staff in attendance:
Name: Signature:
Name: Signature:
Name: Signature:
Name: Signature:
Appendix 6: Training Plan
What performance issue does this training session need to address
Key point Bullet points
(what will I say) Resources
(handouts/physical demonstration/slides) Understanding
(how will you check for understanding – questions/observation/discussion)