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Course Code and Name:
Unit Code: CPCCBS6004
Unit Name: Assess and advise on compliance of design documentation for residential buildings to three storeys
Section 1 – Unit Learning and Assessment Information
Unit Code Unit Name
CPCC6004 Assess and advise on compliance of design documentation for residential buildings to three storeys
Term 2 Year 2019 Class
Section 2– Unit Assessment Information
The assessment tasks listed are those you must complete satisfactorily to be deemed competent in this unit.
Assessment Task List Description Date of Assessment Your
1. Planning Permit Research Task Feasibility Report & Planning Application Scenario Week 9
2. Building Permit Application Address client requests and completion of building permit application. Week 9
Please read the following instructions about your assessment. They will help you to achieve the level of performance required to achieve success.
It is important that you clearly understand all the requirements of your assessments. If you are having difficulty with the terminology or the steps to follow please speak to your teacher / instructor prior to commencing.
The Assessment Criterion Tables included for each assessment task provide you with clear information about the particular skills and abilities that your assessor will be looking for in your work. You are encouraged to self-assess your own work so that you can be confident you will meet the stated criteria.
There might be quality checkpoints highlighted throughout the assessment that you need to observe. At these points your teacher/instructor will check your work prior to progressing.
During or following the assessment you may be asked by your teacher to explain various aspects of work submitted or completed to test your underlying knowledge and skills.
On completion of this assessment your assessor will provide feedback. You should also take this opportunity to discuss any concerns you had with the assessment. An opportunity for you to record these comments into your assessment record will be provided to you.
If you do not achieve the required standard, you will be given the opportunity to be re-assessed. Arrangements will be made on an individual basis, however you must be proactive to ensure that an appropriate time can be found for this.
If you disagree with the outcome of an assessment task, you have the right to request a review of the assessment. You will be given the opportunity to record your concerns on the teacher’s record of the assessment and again on the unit outcome record.
In the first instance, such requests will ensure that your work is reviewed by a second person within the teaching area and you will be advised of the outcome of this review in writing, most likely by email.
If you wish to take the matter further, a formal appeal will need to be lodged. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the Student Portal.

Assessment Task 1. Planning Permit Research.
Instructions for Student:
This assessment task involves (2) research tasks.
• The intent of this assessment task is to demonstrate application of the requirements to arrange building applications and approvals.
• Documents to submit:
o Responses to Part 1 Feasibility Scenario
o A report of approx. two pages. Addressing the planning and design matters

1.1 Using, look up your current place of abode to gather planning information that might be useful in assessing its future development potential.
1.2 Prepare a one page report in WORD answering the following questions:
2.1 What municipal area is the land in?
2.2 What is the land zoned?
2.3 What overlays if any, apply to the land?
2.4 What is the area of the allotment?
2.5 Using your Microsoft snipping tool, (snip, copy and paste) add a google aerial view of the site and road access (you do not need to include or show the address of the property in the aerial picture or the report).
1.3 Using the scenario below, provide the owner with a report discussing the following: Provide a list of likely planning and design matters that the architect/building designer will need to address in the design of the town houses to satisfy the Council’s planning requirements for the land;
Project Background
A developer has approached you because you seem pretty knowledgeable when it comes to understanding the planning permit process, and has asked you to provide advice about the planning process to build three two storey town houses on what is currently a site with a single residence.
The council has already told the owner that the site is large enough for three two storey town houses, and the proposed use is permitted under the planning scheme. However, there is a vegetation overlay that applies to the site, and the council will therefore require a planning application to be submitted. The details of the owner’s site are set out below:
The Project
The proposed town houses will be two storey, brick veneer with colour bond steel rooves and an upstairs balcony facing a side boundary; Each town house has a ground level double garage;
Total contract value for construction of the three town houses is $960,000 including all site works and services;
Three months has been allowed by the owner to obtain a planning permit.
The Site
The existing residence on the site is a single storey cement sheet lined timber residence built in 1969 with side driveway to a rear brick garage;
There are three gum trees in the back yard, and each is at least 50 years old and 25 metres high. An endangered species of owl has been seen by the neighbours nesting in one of the trees and reported in the local press;
The adjoining allotments each have a single storey home of similar age;
The adjoining owner on the driveway side has lived in their home for at least 45 years, and is the chairperson of a local action group that opposes all the (quote) “ugly flats that are being built in their area” and has been lobbying the local council. The Ward Councillor for the site has advised the resident that council supports higher density living in the area, but has promised that the design of all future developments will be closely scrutinised to avoid the common issues that arise in town house planning and design;
The occupants on the other adjoining allotment have rented their home for five years, and the owner is an overseas investor.
Provide the owner with a report discussing the following:
1. Provide a list of likely planning and design matters that the architect/building designer will need to address in the design of the town houses to satisfy the Council’s planning requirements for the land;
2. Advise the owner of what information will need to be provided as part of the application for a planning permit and any specialist consultants that may be required to provide input and advice;
3. Advise the owner of their options if the planning application is not approved by the council.

Criteria for Satisfactory Performance of the Assessment Task 1.
Your teacher will evaluate your work according to the criteria for satisfactory performance of the task listed below. If you wish to, you may use the “self assess” column to evaluate your own performance against each criterion.
1. Landata report outlining the correct site information.
2. X2 page client report outlining the
likely planning and design matters that the architect/building design will need to address in the design of the town houses to satisfy the Council’s planning requirements for the land;
Assessment Task 2
Assessment Task 2. Building Permit Application.
Instructions for Student:
This assessment task involves (2) tasks.
• You must complete this assessment task on your own, do not work in groups and the assessment answers must be your own work.
• The intent of this assessment task is to demonstrate application of the requirements to arrange building applications and approvals.
• Documents to submit:
o Responses to client questions.
o A completed building permit application using the plans provided.
Assessment Task 2: PART 1: - Building Permit Application
2.1 Using the house plans provided to you, prepare a Building Permit application for the proposed residence, and assist the owner of the land by providing the information below by:
a. Calculating the area of the allotment
b. Calculating floor area of the proposed residence
c. Calculating the approximate construction value of the residence
d. Completing a Form 1 – (Note: you can make up the property address, and title details, owner’s/builder’s name etc.)
e. Providing a list of the relevant drawings that should be attached to th application;
f. Providing a list of other relevant documents required for the building permit;
g. Providing a list of specialist consultants that may be needed to provide additional information as part of the application
h. Providing a list of council assets that need to be protected following possession of site by the builder
i. Calculating the total building permit fee payable;
j. Completing and submitting a completed building permit application to your assessor for his review and marking.
Assessment Task 2: PART 2:- Client Question responses.
2.2 The owner has asked you for advice about the project. Prepare answers for the owner to the following questions.
a. Provide a list of typical permit conditions that might apply to the application
b. List the minimum construction inspections required to be carried out by the Building Surveyor
c. Outline the required certificates needed to be provided to the building surveyor at completion of the residence in order to get an Occupancy Certificate.
d. Briefly outline what options are available to the owner if the building permit is rejected.

Criteria for Satisfactory Performance of the Assessment Task 2.
Your teacher will evaluate your work according to the criteria for satisfactory performance of the task listed below. If you wish to, you may use the “self assess” column to evaluate your own performance against each criterion.
1. Completed Form 1 Building Permit Application and answer questions above a-j
2. 2 page response to the Client, answering questions a-d
3. .