2019 S1 – HSYP801: Foundations of Public Health
Assessment Task 3a & 3b/c: Oral Presentation & Written Report
Background: Communicable and non-communicable diseases in specific populations are influenced by varying social, political and economic factors. How these factors affect and impact a disease in a specific population will differ depending on the country and location in which they occur. Often it is a combination of factors that shapes the course of the disease in a population.
For example, when looking at HIV in South Africa, this disease has been influenced by social stigma and poor access to antiretroviral drugs (social factors), poor political will and governance on the issue (political factors) and poor public health expenditure on the condition (economic factor).
Other examples of factors that shape disease include:
• Social (e.g. awareness, inequalities, education, income, wealth, poverty, housing, occupation, social support)
• Political (e.g. political climate, policy, policies on welfare, universal healthcare, legislation, law)
• Economic (e.g. income, health and public health expenditure, economic status such as productivity/growth)
You are asked to identify a major communicable or non-communicable disease/condition in a specific population (e.g. Diabetes in Fiji, Whooping cough in Australia, Depression in the elderly in India). Do not choose HIV as your chosen disease.
Please use the rubrics below to guide all parts of this assessment.
Assessment Specifications
Due Date Part A: 10.00am Wednesday, 29th May 2019 (Week 12)
Part B/C: 5.00pm Friday, 14th June 2019 (Week 14)
Weighting Part A: 20%
Part B/C: 55%
75% of overall unit grade
Length & Format Part A: 5-minute oral presentation
Part B/C: 2,000 words. Double spacing. 2.5cm margin.
Learning Outcomes
Assessed 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Referencing Vancouver style
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Description: Oral Presentation & Written Report
Part A: Oral Presentation (20%)
You are asked to prepare and deliver a 5-minute oral presentation that informs a public/lay audience about how ONE factor has affected/is affecting your chosen disease and population.
Provide only one introduction slide that briefly describes this chosen disease and population. You should spend no more that 1-minute discussing this.
Do not use more than 5 slides in your presentation. Marks will be deducted if you go over time.
The focus of this oral presentation is on communication and presentation skills. You will be marked on performance and engagement, organisation of ideas and communication of ideas. Please find more information in the rubric for this assessment which you are encouraged to use to guide the development of your presentation.
You are required to upload your PowerPoint presentation slides to the iLearn Drop Box by 10am 29th May.
Part B/C: Written Report (55%)
Part B (45%)
You are asked to produce a written report up to 2,000 words that explores how TWO factors have affected / are affecting the disease.
Include in your report:
1. A brief introduction to the disease and population of concern, including statistics on the prevalence of the disease in this population and comparison to data at a global level
2. Clearly describe how two factors have affected/are affecting the disease in this population. Include relevant statistics/epidemiological data to support your report.
3. Commentary on the prioritisation of the disease as a public health issue for your population and comparison to its prioritisation at a global level
4. Appropriate references using the Vancouver citation style for any resources, articles or reports etc.
used in your report
5. A word count at the top of your submitted assessment.
6. A title and subheadings
It is OK to choose two social structures or two political structures for example.
Part C (10%) – public health ethics component
Included in your written report, you are asked to write a short essay around 500 words that discusses what you’ve reported on in relation to public health ethics.
You do not need to include any of the same information that appears earlier in your report; you can assume that parts B and C will be considered together.
Include in your essay:
1. A brief introduction to the main interventions (up to three) that are currently being used to prevent and/or treat the disease/issue in the population you have chosen.
2. An ethical analysis of the intervention(s) using one of the public health ethics frameworks introduced in class. You are free to choose any of the frameworks, whichever one is appropriate.
3. Appropriate references using the Vancouver citation style for any resources, articles or reports etc.
used in your report.
4. A word count for Part C
HSYP801 Foundations of Public Health| Assessment Task 3a & 3b/c – Oral Presentation & Written Assessment 2
Assessment Task 3a: Oral Presentation Marking Rubric
Outstanding Advanced Proficient Functional Developing
(100%-85%) (84%-75%) (74%-65%) (64%-50%) (49%-0%)
Performance and The speaker’s engagement The speaker’s engagement The speaker’s engagement The speaker’s engagement The speaker made little to no engagement with the audience was with the audience was very with the audience was with the audience needs engagement with the (40%) outstanding. The speaker good. Eye contact, gestures satisfactory. A reasonable work. The speaker rarely audience. Matieral presented consistently maintained eye and an easy to understand level of eye contact was made eye contact and/or would not be appropriate for
contact, used gestures and manner for a lay audience used. Material presented had difficulty being heard. a lya audience.
spoke in a clear and easy were present. The speaker would mostly be understood The material presented is
way for a lay audience to seemed comfortable when by a lay audience. likely to not be well understand. The speaker speaking. understood by a lay seemed comfortable and audience.
confident when speaking.
Organisation of The presenter clearly The speech was well The speech was The speech was poorly The speech was very poorly ideas (30%) articulaed the the chosen structured, with a clear satisfactorily structured, with structured, with limited structured, with little overall
factor/structure and its overall organisation. The adequate overall overall organisation. It was organisation. It was difficult
impact on the disease. The presentation proceeded in a organisation. sometimes difficult to to understand what the speech was very well balanced and coherant Concepts were generally understand what the speaker speaker intended. organised. The presentation manner. The speaker used clearly. intended. proceeded in a very presented relevant links The time limit was met balanced and coherant effectively.The time limit was sufficiently. manner. The speaker met sufficiently.
presented relevant links
highly effectively.The time
limit was met sufficiently.
Communication Issues presented were Issues presented were well Issues presented were Issues presented were The speaker failed to
of ideas (30%) skilfully illustrated and where illustrated and where sufficiently illustrated and insufficiently illustrated. No illustrate issues. Use of any
appropriate were refined by appropriate helpful some explanations were explanations were provided. material to supplement the
helpful explanations. Use of explanations were provided. provided. Use of material to Use of any material to speech was inappropriate
any material to supplement Use of any material to supplement the speech had supplement the speech was and ineffective the speech was highly supplement the speech was limited effect. not always appropriate and effective. appropriate and effective. not effective.
HSYP801 Foundations of Public Health| Assessment Task 3a & 3b – Oral Presentation & Written Assessment 3
Assessment Tasks 3b and 3c: Written Report Marking Rubric
Outstanding Advanced Proficient Functional Developing
(100%-85%) (84%-75%) (74%-65%) (64%-50%) (49%-0%)
Provides a thorough and concise Provides clear and concise Provides sufficient Provides basic understanding of Provides limited understanding
Focus and understanding of the selected understanding of the understanding of the the selected disease and some of the selected disease and / rationale disease supported by quality and selected disease supported selected disease supported evidence of its status as a or no evidence of its status as (20%) reputable evidence of its status as by quality and reputable by moderate evidence of its health issue but currency of the a health issue.
a current health issue. evidence of its status as a status as a current health issue is not evident. current health issue. issue.
Provides an outstanding synthesis Provides substantial Provides sufficient synthesis Provides a limited synthesis of Provides a limited synthesis of of the disease which is thoroughly synthesis of the disease with of the disease with adequate the disease with some the disease. No or limited
considered from both a global and a clear consideration from a consideration from global consideration from global and consideration from a global or a local perspective. Statistics are global and a local and local perspective local perspective evident. Some local perspective has been provided and referenced using perspective. Statistics are evident. Statistics are statistics are provided with or provided. Poor use of statistics reliable sources along with a provided and referenced provided and referenced without referencing along with or no statistics provided. No Synthesis of concise comparison to global data. along with a comparison to along with some comparison limited comparison to global comparison to global data.
knowledge Prioritisation of the disease is global data. A discussion on to global data. A discussion data. Limited discussion on the Prioritisation of the disease is
(40%) clearly discussed. Two factors that the prioritization of the on the prioritization of the prioritization of the disease is not discussed. Does not have shaped the patterns of the disease is provided. More disease is provided. At least provided. At least one structure demonstrate how structures disease are presented. Excellent than one structure that has one structure that has that has shaped the patterns of have shaped the patterns of
analysis of intervention(s) using a shaped the patterns of the shaped the patterns of the the disease is presented. Some the disease. Poor synthesis of public health ethics framework. disease is presented. Good disease is presented. Sound synthesis of intervention(s) intervention(s) using a public analysis of intervention(s) analysis of intervention(s) using a public health ethics health ethics framework.
using a public health ethics using a public health ethics framework. framework. framework.
Organisation of ideas is clearly Organisation of ideas is Ideas are organised and Provides limited organisation of Poor organisation of ideas that presented in a concise and logical presented in a logical way. presented in mostly a logical ideas that are not always are presented in a non-logical
way. Overall format of the way. The overall format is presented in a logical way. The way. Clear formatting errors
Overall format of the assignment assignment includes a sufficient in structure but overall format is lacking
Structure and and lack of structure. The
includes a focused introduction, focused introduction, well could be presented more structure of a focused
Communication ideas are not presented in a
well developed paragraphs and a developed paragraphs and a concisely. introduction/well developed
of ideas way appropriate to a lay
concise closing statement. Ideas concise closing statement. Ideas are transmitted in a paragraphs/concise closing
(30%) audience.
are transmitted in a way that would Ideas are transmitted in a way that would be mostly statement.
be appropriate for a lay audience. way that would be appropriate for a lay The ideas are occasionally appropriate for a lay audience. presented in a way that is audience. appropriate to a lay audience.
HSYP801 Foundations of Public Health| Assessment Task 3a & 3b – Oral Presentation & Written Assessment 4
Outstanding Advanced
(100%-85%) (84%-75%)
References are provided References are provided
Referencing appropriately citing information appropriately citing conventions sources and follow Vancouver information sources and
guidelines of components. follow Vancouver guidelines
of components.
Proficient Functional Developing
(74%-65%) (64%-50%) (49%-0%)
References are provided References are provided and References are not provided appropriately citing mostly follow Vancouver or they are provided but do not
information sources and guidelines of components. follow Vancouver guidelines of follow Vancouver guidelines components. of components.
HSYP801 Foundations of Public Health| Assessment Task 3a & 3b – Oral Presentation & Written Assessment 5