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Assignment Specifications
The group needs to identify a company (Australian Company only) in any industry of your choice
and examine the environment they have been operating and their growth strategies
This assignment aims at demonstrating theoretical and practical knowledge towards identifying
various strategic adopted by companies in a global environment.
Assignment Structure should be as the following:
Grow, Assignment: Strategic Company Report and sower Point Presentations
Written report: 2000 words, due Week 10 (Marks 30, 30% weightage)
Only one copy to be submitted per group on blackboard via submission link in MS word format
Power point presentations: 10 minutes, held in weeks 8,9 and 10. (Marks 10)
Power points slides /video links to be submitted on blackboard. Check and confirm the mode with your lecturer.
Group Report:
Student must select a group of 4 to 5 students and communicate the details to the lecturer in class by week 6. Students will be allocated in random groups after this.
The group needs to identify a company (Australian Company only) in any industry of your choice and examine the environment they have been operating and their growth strategies. Following are the industries from where you can choose a company:
• Agriculture
• Tour
• Pharmaceutical
• Organic food
• Nine
• Sports/Events
Note: Students are not allowed to choose fast food or soft drinks industries for this assignment.
Submission: through Assignment submission link on blackboard.
Use the following structure for your assignment:
1. Introduction — Industry and your company
2. The micro and macro-environment in which this company is operating — briefly discuss main factors
3. Company's competitive advantage over its rivals.
HC3141 International Strategic Management
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4. Is this company following any Generic Strategies of Porters (Cost leadership, Focus or Differentiation)
5. Company's growth strategies like diversification or Integration or if company is using Ansoff matrix to grow in their market.
6. Strategic recommendations at functional and business level
7. Harvard referencing style to be used for at least 10 references. Quality journal articles from Pro-Quest database highly recommended in getting good marks.
Recommended Power Point Presentation Guidelines: Students use this as recommendation only,.
Please note that you only have 10 minutes for your presentation.
Presentation would be held in week 8, 9 and 10 at the lecturer's discretion.
Power point slides /video link must be submitted through blackboard.
1. Total of 12 slides
2. Slide number 1: Topic, Names and Id's of all group members
3. Individual slides must be numbered,
4. Avoid too much text, Write the topics or heading on each slides followed by Pictures, illustrations, diagrams or graphics.
5. Prepare palm size cue cards to write important points to refer during presentation.
6. Strictly no reading from the slides or notes bigger than the cue cards
7. Each team member must participate and be physically present for power point
presentation. Student unable to make it for whatever reason will not receive any marks out of 10.