Hello,please use the deontology theory to answer the assessment questions.Thanks
Assessment 3 Information
Subject Code: MAN202
Subject Name: Business Ethics
Title: Assessment 3
Assessment Type: Structured Reflection
Choose an item.: 1,200 Words (+/-10%)
Weighting: 30 %
Total Marks: 30
Submission: via Turnitin
Due Date: Week 13
Your Task
Write a structured reflection in answer to the THREE questions posed below.
Assessment Description
For this assessment task, you will answer THREE questions, as a way of reflecting upon the course and demonstrating what you have learned this Trimester.
Learning Outcomes for Assessment 3
LO1: Demonstrate understanding of concepts related to corporate social responsibility and business ethics and their application to practice
LO3: Demonstrate understanding of the value of integrity in decision-making
LO4: Demonstrate understanding of and be able to deploy the ethical dimensions of business and management
Assessment Instructions
You should write between 350 and 400 words in answering each question. You may use more words answering some questions and fewer words for other questions.
The total word count should be no more than 1,200 words +/- 10%.
In addition to any other informational sources used, your assignment should include at least five appropriately ‘academic’ sources (journal articles and book chapters) sourced through the KBS Library databases.
You should include a title page with your assignment.
Submit your completed Reflection through the Assessment 3 Turnitin button, Monday of Week 13.
Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria.
Question Discussion Marks
1. Select an ethical principle, or short piece of ethical reasoning that you applied during two or more case study analyses this Trimester.
Use a few sentences to describe the principle/piece of reasoning, and what following the principle would look like in practice.
Describe a situation in your everyday life where the principle could help guide your actions. (The situation
might or might not seem particularly ‘ethical’.)
LO1, LO4 Suggestions for discussion:
• The key normative claim from one of the three main ethical theories of the course (Consequentialism; Deontology; Virtue Ethics)
• A general principle
e.g. ‘Do no harm’;
e.g. The Golden Rule: ‘Treat others as you would be treated’ /10
2. Nominate EITHER a weekly topic from MAN202 that you particularly enjoyed studying OR a weekly topic that you initially found difficult to understand.
What made the topic enjoyable or challenging?
Can you imagine a workplace situation (present or future) where you might need to apply what you learned that week?
LO1, LO4 For the purposes of this question, you are not being scored on how ‘easy’ or ‘difficult’ you found a topic to learn.
Instead, you are being scored for your efforts to trace you ‘learning journey’ for one of the course topics.
Sometimes, we learn more from those topics we struggled to learn, rather than topics that initially seemed easy. This is because a ‘difficult’ topic can only be mastered by replacing our existing ideas with more complex intellectual schemas. Once mastered, these more complex schemas can have a lasting influence upon our behavior.
3. Describe one or more measures that you intend to put in place to ensure that you live up to your personal values in the workplace.
LO1, LO3, LO4 Here you are being asked to reflect upon the Week 11 topic (developing Moral Imagination; and Putting My Values into Practice). /10
Total /30
Important Study Information
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
What is academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?
Click here for answers to these questions:
Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.
Assessment Marking Guide: Assessment 3 Structured Reflection
Criteria NN (Fail) 0 – 49% P (Pass) 50% - 64% CR (Credit) 65% - 74% DN (Distinction) 75% - 84% HD (High Distinction) 85% - 100% Score
Question 1:
Reasoning Fails to explain EITHER normative claim/principle OR impact upon action. Little or no attempt to describe a personal reallife scenario. Limited outline of the normative claim/principle, and its practical applications. Attempts to apply to a personal real-life scenario, but unsuccessfully. Basic outline of the normative claim/principle and one real-world application. Application to personal scenario lacks detail. Accurate explanation of normative claim/principle and its practical implications. Provides application to a real-life scenario. Succinct but insightful explanation of normative claim/principle and its action-guiding implications. Imaginatively applies principle to a personal reallife scenario. /10
Question 2:
Applying an
Easy or Difficult topic
Does not understand the requirements of the question. Little or no discussion of personal learning or future workplace. Account of learning journey and its emotional impacts is both factual and limited. Unconvincing attempt to link topic to future workplace. Factual rather than reflective account of learning journey and its emotional impacts. Relates topic to the future workplace.
Reflective account of learning journey and its emotional impacts.
Competent application of the topic to the future workplace. Engaging and reflective description of learning journey and its emotional impacts. Imaginative application of the topic to the future workplace. /10
Question 3:
Living up to your values in the workplace Very weak discussions of Moral Imagination and living by one’s personal values. Very limited discussion of Moral Imagination. Very weak discussion of putting personal values into practices. Basic discussion of Moral Imagination.
Outlines some basic strategies for bolstering adherence to personal values. Competent discussion of Moral Imagination for the individual person.
Considered strategy for bolstering adherence to personal values. Displays sound
understanding of Moral Imagination for the individual moral reasoner. Well-considered strategy for bolstering adherence to personal values. /10
Total: /30
Page 4 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline