Length: 2000 words (equivalent). Students should make references to a minimum of 6 sources of literature, using Harvard referencing style.
Weighting: 50%
Students will design a learning environment for children aged between birth and eight years. To be completed in groups of no more than three. Students should select a context for their environment, including but not limited to:
? An early childhood centre for infants and toddlers
? A sessional preschool
? A Forest school
? A play based primary school classroom
? A Reggio Emilia inspired classroom
Students should discuss how the learning environment will inspire children to play and also facilitate their learning outcomes through play.
The purpose of this is task is to encourage teamwork and ongoing planning, where students are given the opportunity to work collaboratively to provide play spaces that complement each other and provide a holistic approach to curriculum planning. This task is split into two components (group work and individual work).
The whole group will:
• Design the layout of the environment (indoor and outdoor)
• Agree upon the play spaces within the learning environment
• Write a 800 word statement that explains the philosophy and context of the centre
Each individual of the group will:
• Design in detail one indoor play space and one outdoor play space
• Submit a 1200-word reflection on their views and knowledge of what contributes to an effective learning environment for play and learning through play, with reference to the rationale for their chosen play space designs.
Part A- Team work – Play space Design and Context Statement (Jointly 800 words) (Marked as a group)
Step 1: Decide on the age group you would like to focus on:
a) birth to 12 months;
b) 2 to 3 years
c) 3 to 5 years
d) 6 to 8 years
Step 2: Design the layout of this classroom. You should show the indoor and outdoor play spaces that you would provide to inspire play, and the learning that the play will facilitate in relation to the five learning outcomes (Think about specific skills and dispositions that will be fostered in areas such as literacy, numeracy, social and emotional and physical development). When considering this you should think about the age of the children using the environment and how they will access this space.
Your classroom should also include spaces to facilitate daily routines and transitions.
Step 3: Present your design as a drawing
Step 4: In your joint statement discuss:
• The type of theoretical perspectives that have influenced your design;
• The importance of play in children’s learning.
• How the environment inspires play
• How your centre addresses the practice principles and learning outcomes from the VEYLDF (DET 2016)
Part B Individual reflection and rationale (1200 words) (Individually marked)
Step 5:
Design in detail two play spaces (1 indoor and 1 outdoor). In your design, consider:
• The furniture
• Materials Objects
• Amount of space
• The layout of the space and objects
Individually reflect upon your views and knowledge of what contributes to an effective play based learning environment, with consideration of how both play spaces:
• Inspires play
• Facilitates learning outcomes
Points to consider:
Collaborate from the beginning as to how and what each of you will contribute and allocate time to work together on this task. There will be a space set up in the CloudDeakin Discussion site for you to discuss your plans and share your thoughts.
Teachers never work in isolation, consider how your work ethic is contributing to an effectively functioning team.
Don’t forget….
Support your discussion with referenced, credible and up to date scholarly literature. You must follow the guidelines for the Harvard referencing style. The Harvard Style of referencing is used in the School of Education at Deakin, and it is expected that you will become familiar with it. Guidelines for the style can be found in the University’s Guide to assignment writing and referencing by following the link: