19S1_ENGG100_A4 Laboratory report_v1.docx
ENGG100 Assessment A4: Laboratory Report (12%)
Write a laboratory report on the tensile testing experiment conducted in your Week 8 Workshop. Use the single column report format provided on iLearn as a template.
The main purpose of the report is to ensure that other researcher or students could reproduce your results exactly if they were given the same sample. The assessment of your report will be based on your ability accurately to report your experimental procedure and present your view on the validity of the acquired results. The report should be in 3rd person passive voice and should consist of the following sections:
1. Abstract
- Executive summary of the report including any findings from the experiment.
2. Introduction
- Include any background information of the experiment. Any prior knowledge that is needed
in order to perform the experiment or to understand the document should go here. Any equations and theory should also go into this section.
- The aim of the experiment, a simple one liner that states the purpose of your work.
3. Method
- A step-by-step procedure. Anyone who follows these steps exactly should be able to reproduce the experiment conducted. Figures and images of the equipment used may be included but should have a figure caption.
4. Results
- A consolidated account of the data you have acquired in a table form or as graphs. For example, a summary table showing the different ultimate tensile strength values of your samples. All figures might have the appropriate figure captions, axis labels, units, intervals, annotations etc.
5. Discussion
- This section is to discuss your data. Topics to discuss should include how these values compare to the literature values and how valid these numbers are. Include the limitations, if any, of the experiment and possible future work, to elucidate any ambiguity in the results. Topic of discussion may include, the effects of the measured strength and stiffness values, the reliability of the measurements, the limitations etc.
6. Conclusions
- A concise paragraph recounting whether the aim was achieved and any important points from the experiment.
7. References
- Include any references to cited work that is not yours. Use the IEEE for formatting style. Most
references would be in either the introduction section or the discussion section.
8. Appendix
- Include additional information that does not belong in the main body of the document.
The 4 page single column limit does excludes the reference and appendix sections.
19S1_ENGG100_A4 Laboratory report_v1.docx
Marking criteria:
Submit your report with an assignment coversheet in a single pdf file onto iLearn by 23:59 19th May 2019. Late submissions will receive a late penalty of 20% per day after submission due date. Be aware that the server might crash from the increased traffic of last-minute submissions.
Category Item % Description
Professionalism (18%)
Style + Template 3 Appropriate formatting style + Use of report template
Reference 3 References (IEEE style)
CRAAP tested 3 Sources are valid if they pass the CRAAP test and relevant if
they provide the information required.
Labels 3 Labelled figures and graphs
Page limit 2 Within page limit (excluding references and appendices) (4
pages or less)
Language 2 Use of spell checkers and grammar checkers
Coversheet 2 Coversheet
Content (82%)
Intro 6 Giving a well described background information to the theory of the experiment
Aim 6 An aim to the experiment
Methods 6 Clear articulation of steps taken to reproducing the experiment
Passive voice 4 Use of third person passive voice and appropriate academic
language in document.
Data 6 Appropriate data being reported
Calculations 6 Appropriate calculations and manipulation of collected data
into information
Results 6 Appropriate articulation of the important parameters in the
measured samples.
Graphs 6 Appropriate representation of graphs
Tables 6 Appropriate use of result summary table
Lead-in 6 Appropriately summarised the experiment
Compare/contrast 6 Appropriately compare and contrast the measured values of the
Errors 6 Appropriately discussed the errors and validity of the
Application 6 Appropriately discussed the measured properties of the
Conclusion 6 Summary of the experiment and experimental finding