Assessment 1– Literature Review Report (20%)
Due date: Wk 4 (submit through Turnitin-enabled VUCollaborate dropbox- similarity index 15%)
Initial proposal (submit for feedback and approval)
Each individual student is required to prepare a page of brief initial proposal on the chosen research for feedback and approval from the lecturer. The proposal should outline the rationale behind the chosen title, research question and objectives, and review methodology to be followed in this research. The proposal should address clearly the gap in the chosen research area linking green concepts in logistics and supply chain management. Students having difficulties must talk to the lecturer/tutor as soon as possible.
Students are advised to start working on their research report as soon as they get the initial proposal approved. Length must not exceed 12 (about 2000 words) typewritten pages excluding illustrations and references. However content is more important than the page numbers. Use endnote for Harvard referencing style.
The research report must be organised in the following format. Missing of any section will lead to loss of marks.
1. Structured synopsis (aim, methodology, findings, practical and theoretical implications, limitations, originality of idea )
2. Introduction with a rationale behind the choice of title, research question and objective
3. Review Methodology (how do you go about the review and synthesis of articles)
4. Literature review and gap analysis within the literature
5. Discussion for theoretical and practical implications
6. Conclusion and future research agenda
Possible topics which are approved
4 Restructuring Logistics Systems and Supply Chains
5 Reducing the Environmental Impact of Warehousing
7 Transferring Freight to Greener Transport Modes and Improving Vehicle Utilisation
8 Optimising supply chain and vehicle routeing
9 Development of Greener Vehicles
10 Identifying carbon emission indicators and carbon emission measurement