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BSB51915 – June 2018
Assessment Resource Summary
Unit Details BSBMGT517 – Manage operational plan
Assessment Type This is a summative assessment, which need adequate practice prior to undertaking this assessment.
Assessment Methods Case Study Assessment 1
Written Question / Answers Assessment 2
Role-play Assessment 3
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Unit Summary
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and monitor implementation of the operational plan to provide efficient and effective workplace practices within the organisations productivity and profitability plans.
Management at a strategic level requires systems and procedures to be developed and implemented to facilitate the organisations operational plan.
This unit applies to individuals who manage the work of others and operate within the parameters of a broader strategic and/or business plan.
Prerequisite Units
There are no recommended pre- requisite units for this competency.
Version Control
Version Number Date Reason for
revision Who Approved By
TAS-AT1BSBADM504V1.0-05072017 05/07/2017 New course CEO
TAS-AT-V1.201062018 01062018 Version Control updated to align with other materials Academic Coordinator CEO
TAS-AT-V2-04062018 04/06/2018 Version Control updated to align with other materials Academic Coordinator CEO
Re-assessment of Result& Academic Appeal procedures:
If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written letter, clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the Director of Studies. This should be submitted after completion of the subject and within fourteen days of commencement of the new term.
Reassessment Process:
• An appeal in writing is made to the Director of Studies providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal.
• Director of Studies will delegate another faculty member to review the assessment.
• The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
• If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge and the Director of Studies OR if need be an external assessor.
• The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The decision of the panel will be deemed to be final. • If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek independent advice or follow external mediation option with nominated mediation agency.
• Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol in that subject.
The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement based on principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and valid.
Academic Appeals
• If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a right to appeal through academic appeals handling protocol.
• To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the TasCollege- Request for Appeal of a Decision form with all other supporting documents, if any. This form is available via our website. The completed Request for Appeal form is to be submitted to the Student Support Officer either in hard copy or electronically via the following contact details:
Student Support Officer, International College of Tasmania (TasCollege), Level 1, 242 Liverpool Street, Hobart TAS 7000, Email:
• The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Director of Studies and submitted within seven days of notification of the outcome of the re-evaluation process.
• If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand and you must re-enrol in the unit.
• In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you must forward a medical certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
• The decision of Director of Studies will be final.
• Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent external body as detailed in the students’ complaint / grievance policy.
Reasonable adjustments
TasCollege enables reasonable adjustments to be made to assessment procedures for students with special needs, such as people with disabilities or with language or literacy difficulties. Assessing knowledge is usually assessed through written or oral, short answer tests where assessors seek to determine the extent of the student’s knowledge. However, you may need to do the following for a student with disability:
• Ask questions orally instead of in a written format
• Provide equipment such as text enlargers, image enhancers, and voice recorders.
• Give the student more time to complete the assessment; • Allocate a different time for completion of the assessment;
• Offer a separate, quiet room.
• Modifying or providing equipment
• Adapting delivery strategies
• Ensuring that course activities are sufficiently flexible
• Providing additional support to student where necessary
• Customizing resources and activities within the training package or accredited course
• Monitoring the adjustments to ensure student needs continue to be met
“I understand all the above rules and guidelines for the assessment”.
Full Name Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Assessor need to complete this form as this will be used to record student final result. All submission including all checklists are to be attached with this sheet before storing it in student file. No student result will be uploaded in Student Database until and unless all paperwork related to unit is complete.
Student Name:
Student ID:
Unit Code &
Title BSBMGT517 – Manage Operational Plan
First Submission ? Subsequent
submission ?
Attach following documents to this sheet. Result
S=Satisfactory NYS = Not yet satisfactory NA= Not applicable
Assessment 1 Case Study S NYS NA
Assessment 2 Written Question / Answers S NYS NA
Assessment 3 Role-play S NYS NA
Final Result ? Competent ? Not Yet Competent
The Evidence provided is:
? Valid ? Sufficient ? Authentic ? Current
Student Declaration:
I am aware of TasCollege policy on plagiarism as stated in the TasCollege Student Handbook. This assignment does not breach those requirements nor has it been previously submitted for assessment contributing to any other subject or course. The ideas and information that are not mine have been referenced accordingly.
Student’s Signature: Date:_______/_______/_______
Feedback to Student:
Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted the assessment with this student and have provided appropriate feedback. Signature:
Administration use only
Data Entered by Date Initials
ASSESSMENT 1 – Case Study
Instruction for Student:
Whilst researching and writing your project it is important to:
• Read the Assessment description carefully
• Assessment should be in a Word format
• All work is to be entirely of the Student. General Information for this assessment:
• Read the instructions for each question very carefully.
• Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
• For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, ESSAY reports, etc. The student must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
• All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency.
• If the Student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the assessment.
• Submit this document along with your assessment
Assessment 1 – Case Study
Student name
Student ID
Submission Details of Assessment
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See instructions below for details.
Purpose of the Assessment
You will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to develop operational plans in consultation with key stakeholders Task
XYZ Company has decided to relocate their 50 seat call centre to regional Tasmania.
You, as the Call Centre Manager, have been given the responsibility for developing an operational plan for the call centre including resources requirements, key performance indicators, monitoring processes and risk management.
You will also need to develop and implement strategies to achieve the plan including staff recruitment, procurement and monitoring performance.
Key information:
• The call centre has a capacity for 50 seats.
• The call centre operates 24 hours, seven days per week. It is envisaged that staff will work in three shifts:
o Day shift: 7am to 3pm o Afternoon shift: 3pm to 11pm o Night shift: 11pm to 7am
• 15 staff from the Hobart call centre have agreed to relocate to the new call centre.
• The call centre must be fully operational in exactly twelve weeks from today.
• You have a budget of $5,200,000.00.
You will need to access the following XYZ Company plans, policies, and procedures:
• Business plan
• Organisational charts
• Purchasing resource acquisition policy
• Purchasing resource acquisition procedures
• Information management policy
• Information management procedures
• Recruitment policy
This Project has been split into nine separate tasks. Please complete each task in the order they appear.
Task One
Before you can develop the operational plan, you will need to consult with the relevant managers at XYZ Company.
Develop a consultation plan that lists the names of the XYZ Company personnel that you would consult with, explain why you would consult with them and for each one, list five questions you would ask them.
Task Two
Review the key information provided in the task overview, and write a report including the following:
a) Develop a list of physical (e.g. equipment) and human resources required to operate the call centre.
b) Write a proposal for the procurement of the physical resources on your list that includes why each is needed, where it will be sourced from, cost and date needed. You will need to undertake internet research to complete this task. Please ensure that all equipment and other physical resources comply with XYZ Company’ focus on sustainability.
c) Develop at least three Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that you will use to measure the overall performance of the call centre using the SMART method.
d) Develop a process to monitor the progress and achievement of the KPIs. This may be done in the form of an action plan.
e) Develop a system to ensure security and confidentiality of all performance records (such as profit & loss statements and action plans).
Task Three
Conduct a risk analysis of at least three risks to the success of the call centre using the risk assessment matrix in you learner workbook. For each identified risk, you must develop a contingency plan to minimise the likelihood or consequences of the risk occurring.
Task Four
Review the key information provided in the task overview and using the information you provided in the previous tasks and other information as required, develop an operational plan for the new call centre to be fully operational in three months.
You will need to research on the internet for a suitable template.
Your operational plan must include:
• XYZ Company mission
• XYZ Company objectives
• XYZ Company Call Centre strategy
• Action Plan for key deliverables
• Key Performance Indicators
• Budget
• Risk Management
• Outcome
• Approvals
Task Five
Arrange a time with your assessor to present your plan during class time before commencing the next task. You will need to explain and justify each part of your plan, seek their approval and agree on any changes required.
You must also outline the legislative and regulatory context of your plan, and XYZ Company policies and procedures that are relevant to the implementation of the plan, including but not limited to health and safety.
You must ensure you communicate with your assessor in an appropriate business manner, as if you were addressing a senior manager at XYZ Company.
Your meeting is expected to take approximately 15 minutes.
Your assessor will complete Observation Checklist I at the end of your presentation. Please ensure you review the Observation Checklist before you commence your presentation so that you are fully prepared and know exactly what is expected of you.
Please submit the completed Observation checklist I as evidence of this task.
Task Six
Review the key information provided in the task overview and develop a recruitment and development strategy to meet the requirements of the call centre. Your strategy must comply with the XYZ Company recruitment policy and must include:
• Number of staff to be recruited
• Full time or part time, shift work
• Start date
• Skills required
• How you will source candidates
• How you will protect XYZ Company’ intellectual property during the recruitment and selection process
• Initial training to be provided
• Ongoing coaching and mentoring plan
• Risk management and contingency plan
Task Seven
Your proposal for the procurement of physical resources (Task 2b) has been accepted. You are now required to develop a strategy to acquire the resources in the required time frame.
You are to present your strategy as an action plan.
Task Eight
Using the KPIs you developed in Task Two (c), develop a monitoring process for the implementation of the detailed operational plan.
The monitoring process should include the following:
• A breakdown of the overall plan into tasks
• Time lines and responsibilities assigned for each task
• A budget allocation to appropriate tasks
Task Nine
At the end of Week 9, the following things have occurred:
• Only 17 new staff have been recruited as response to the ads in the local paper has been poor
• A local agency can provide temporary staff until all roles have been permanently filled but this will add 20% to the overall salary budget
• The company you ordered the operator headsets from can no longer meet the deadline and the only other supplier who can meet your requirements is 35% more expensive.
Use the monitoring process you developed in Task Eight to prepare a review of the operational plan’s progress to date. This report should cover the following items:
• Analysis and interpretation of budgeted and actual financial information
• Areas of under-performance
• Solutions and actions to be taken
• Recommendations for any variations to the operational plan
• Procedure for approval of any variations
Submission for this task
1. A consultation plan.
2. A short report for Task 2.
3. Risk assessment Matrix and a contingency plan 4. Operational plan.
5. Presentation on operational plan
6. Recruitment & development strategy
7. Strategy to acquire resources
8. Monitoring process for the implementation of the detailed operational plan
9. A short report for Task 9
Appendix 1 – Business Plan of XYZ Company
Business Plan summary
Business name
Business structure
ABN: 55 555 555 555
ACN: 555 5555 5555
Business location
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Date established
Business owner/s
Mark Greg
Sam Nathan
Natalie Gregor
Relevant owner experience
Mark, Sam and Natalie have over 25 years combined experience in telecommunications marketing and product business. Since starting XYZ in 2015, they have successfully grown the business from a single telecentre to over 20 telecentres plus 15 online retail stores nationally.
XYZ telecentres specialise in a range of exclusive services ranging from order taking services to main receiving services including market surveys. The business provides its customers with high quality and innovative products and services. Wherever possible we provide our customers with a ‘green’ solution and service. We employ sustainable business practices.
Target market
XYZ customers include anyone seeking innovative, high quality exclusive service. Customers seeking a ‘green’ solution to their needs are especially welcome.
Marketing strategy
XYZ employs a range of marketing tools including:
• magazine (electronic and print) presence
• an instore/online catalogue
• a corporate website with e-commerce function
• direct marketing to our existing customer base
• a loyalty reward program Future
XYZ is committed to:
• providing high quality and innovative products and services to customers
• meeting the changing needs of customers
• offering innovative product solutions including database creation and capture services
• delivering speedy and personalised service
• employing professional and enthusiastic staff
• providing clean and ‘green’ products and services
• adopting sustainable work practices
• undertaking continuous improvement processes.
XYZ is known for its enthusiastic and inclusive culture. XYZ seeks to maintain professional and well- supported staff.
In 2018–2023 XYZ will consolidate its position in the market as a lead telecentre for green and sustainable solutions for high quality exclusive products/services.
To do this, XYZ will focus on the following business goals:
• Financial stability:
o Increase revenue by 15% (compared to the previous 12 months) by the end of the financial year
o Maintain annual profit levels of 15% of revenue for all products and services, calculated at the end of each financial year
o Reinvest 75% of profit back into the business at the end of each financial year • Market position:
o Maintain the number one rating in the annual national industry customer service awards o Launch new high quality exclusive consumer services to meet customer demand, ahead of competitors, within budget and by the agreed deadlines
• Right people:
o Provide induction training at the commencement of employment to train new employees to be knowledgeable, helpful and enthusiastic
o Provide the financial, physical, human and time resources to support an annual professional development program for all XYZ employees.
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Income 150,000,000 172,500,000 198,375,000 228,131,250 262,350,937
Expenditure 127,500,000 146,725,000 168,618,750 193,875,000 222,998,297
Profit 22,500,000 25,775,000 29,756,250 34,258,250 39,352,640
Reinvest 16,875,000 19,331,250 22,317,188 25,692,188 29,514,480
Organisation chart
See XYZ intranet for the latest organisational chart.
Key personnel
Job title Name Skills
Chief Executive Officer Mike Smith 15 years' financial experience in IT industry Qualified engineer
Postgrad. in business law
Managing Director Financial operations Jone Williams 20 years' accountancy experience Qualified CPA
Member of the National Institute of Accountants
Managing Director Business operations Mary Johns 15 years' experience in a range of telecom and IT businesses
Bachelor of Science
Postgrad. in IT services management Postgrad. in business law
Managing Director Human resources Marvin Munroy 10 years' experience in recruitment and general HR
Bachelor of Management Graduate diploma of psychology
Member of the Australian Human Resources Institute
Products/services Market position
XYZ offers quality, high-end, innovative and exclusive inbound, outbound, bilingual and virtual call centre services. We provide a quality service to our customers, focusing on ‘green’ solutions. We believe in extensive networking to ensure we have the latest high-end consumer services available for our customers.
Unique selling position
Our distribution of telecentres across Australia allows us to provide the personal level of service customers expect with exclusive services. Our customer service is knowledgeable and friendly. We reward our customers for their loyalty.
Anticipated demand
A large number of customers (domestic small and medium businesses) purchase our lower priced services, valued at $500–750. We offer exclusive premium services to our large corporate clients who would spend approximately $10,000–15,000 every month.
Pricing strategy
XYZ applies standard industry mark-ups for lower priced services. Our high-end services are often unique in the market and are priced accordingly, based on our costs and understanding of the market.
Value to customer
XYZ individual customers view us as a destination for quality services with a ‘green’ bias. Our corporate clients trust us to provide high quality products/services that will perform above expectation and impress their clients. Our VIP customers are discerning and rely on us to keep them up to date with the latest in exclusive telecentre services.
Growth potential
XYZ is aiming for 15 per cent growth in revenue per annum. This growth will come in part from technology improvements and innovation resulting in better sustainable services. Growth will also occur naturally as the businesses in Australia continue to increase and accumulate more wealth.
XYZ holds current workers compensation and public liability, product liability, business asset and business revenue insurance. The company accountant holds all details.
Risk management
See XYZ intranet for the current risk-management procedure.
Legal considerations
The following list is current at time of publication and is not exhaustive. Key provisions of relevant legislation from all forms of government, standards and codes of practice such include those related to:
• Anti-discrimination legislation
• Telecommunications Act 1997
• AS 5037:2005 Knowledge Management –- a guide
• AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management
• Australian Accounting and Auditing Standards
• Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) requirements
• Australian Taxation Office regulations
• Certified and workplace agreements
• Codes of practice
• Company law
• Contract law
• Copyright
• Corporations law
• Duty of care
• Employee contracts
• Enterprise agreements
• Environmental issues
• Environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to industry and organisation
• Ethical principles
• Federal and state/territory awards/use of Wageline
• Financial legislation
• Freedom of information legislation
• Fringe benefits tax (FBT)
• Pay as you go (PAYG) tax
• Payroll tax
• Privacy laws and confidentiality
• Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act and superannuation regulations
• Unlawful dismissal rules and due process
• Work, health and safety legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
See XYZ intranet for the current organisation operational plan.
Assessment Resources | BSBMGT517
Appendix 2 - Purchase resource acquisition policy
The goal of this policy is to ensure that products and services purchased by or contracted for XYZ Company conform to the organisation’s needs and comply with the XYZ Sustainability environmental policy.
XYZ will strive, where feasible, to use the most efficient, effective and environmentally responsible purchasing process that meets the organisation’s needs.
The emphasis on purchasing environmentally friendly products is part of the organisation’s clear commitment to its customers, employees, and natural environment. There was a hope that by having an environmentally sustainable purchasing policy, other producers and suppliers will also be encouraged to support and adopt environmentally preferable products and practices.
This policy applies to the procurement of all goods, services, equipment and related services undertaken by XYZ irrespective of the nominated settlement method. Settlement methods include purchasing and contracting activities.
Policy statement
XYZ will maximise the benefits that can be delivered through effective, efficient and environmentally responsible procurement of all goods and services. The organization endeavours to carry out all purchasing activities in a manner that is ethical, honest and fair to all stakeholders.
The organisation will:
• endeavour to always get value for money
• be held accountable for all procurement results
• ensure the decision-making process is transparent and documented
• ensure that all staff involved in the purchasing process possess and demonstrate at all times highly developed professional ethics and standards of personal integrity
• comply with all aspects of Australian laws and regulations that pertain to purchasing goods and services
• integrate the practice of sustainability (wherever possible) into the acquisition of goods and services by, where possible, prioritising products that
Assessment Resources | BSBMGT517
o contain the highest percentage of postconsumer recycled content possible o are made with renewable energy
o are reusable, recyclable or bio-based/compostable
o have minimal packaging
o serve several functions (e.g. generic cleaning detergents)
o have minimal effect on the depletion of natural resources and biodiversity
o are provided by suppliers and contractors who, themselves conduct their businesses in an environmentally friendly way.
All XYZ staff who are responsible for purchasing decisions will undergo training to ensure they understand the requirements of this policy.
Noncompliance with the terms of this policy may lead to disciplinary action.
Authorised purchasing officers
Purchasing delegations are as follows:
Position Purchase delegation limit
• Senior management officers Up to $5,000.00
• Managing directors $5,000.00 to $10,000
• Chief Executive Officer Unlimited
Associated policies and procedures
Refer to the procedures section of the intranet for the following:
• Purchasing resource acquisition procedures
• Sustainability environmental policy
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Appendix 3
This procedure outlines the purchasing actions taken for:
• Purchasing all inventory, supplies and capital equipment • Completing related procurement documents.
Vendor selection
Vendor selection for all purchased items will be in accordance with the XYZ Purchasing resource acquisition policy.
Purchasing responsibilities
The Business Operations Manager is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the XYZ purchasing policy are adhered to. This includes maintaining appropriate procurement methods, placing orders with approved suppliers and forwarding all paperwork to the Finance Manager for payment.
Online purchases
Online purchases should use preferred suppliers wherever possible. Where this is not possible, new suppliers must be evaluated using the XYZ Online supplier procedures.
1. Purchase requisition preparation involves the following:
• All XYZ employees who require a product or service must complete a XYZ purchase order requisition form that details the items for purchase and the date required.
• All completed purchase order requisition forms are to be approved by an authorized delegate.
2. On receipt of a completed purchase order requisition form, the purchasing officer will: review the purchase
• Double-check the calculations for accuracy
• Verify that the signature(s) of approval are authorised officials
• Review that the other boxes of the form are complete
• If the purchase order requisition form is not accurate or complete, return it to the relevant person for amendment
• If the purchase order requisition form is accurate and complete, forward a copy of the form to the accounting department and generate an order
• Send the order to the vendor

Appendix 4 - XYZ Company Recruitment Policy
XYZ Company is committed to selecting and recruiting competent, capable and suitably qualified staff. We’ve adopted recruitment and selection strategies that help us meet our commitment to making quality staff appointments.
XYZ has an experienced human resources team, which includes a HR management team and HR administration staff. The HR team is guided by area recruitment strategies and procedures.
All new applicants must meet the following minimum criteria. They must:
• possess suitable qualifications and experience
• pass job-specific interview questions
• undertake approved reference checks
• pass specified assessment testing
• attend and complete any training course, induction and assessment as prescribed by XYZ prior to or on commencement of their employment.
XYZ is committed to:
• recruiting the best potential people for the job
• ensuring employees are treated with equality, dignity and respect
• complying with any legislative or regulatory requirements in terms of selecting and recruiting staff • defining the competent authority to approve each selection.
All members of the HR team complete a confidentiality form to ensure all confidential information is retained and dealt with discretion and tact.
ASSESSMENT 2 – Written Questions / Answers
Instruction for Student:
Whilst researching and writing your project it is important to:
• Read the Assessment description carefully
• Answers for this assessment should be given in the place provided
• All work is to be entirely of the Student. General Information for this assessment:
• Read the instructions for each question very carefully.
• Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
• All answers must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency.
• If the Student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the assessment.
• Submit this document along with your assessment
Assessment 2 – Written Questions and Answers
Student name
Student ID
Submission Details of Assessment
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Assessment description
• This is an open-book assessment.
• You are to read each question carefully and understand them before you write answers.
• You MUST answer the questions in your own words.
• You have to write answers in the space provided. You can use extra sheets if your answers does not fit in the given space. Please give proper reference of questions when using extra sheets.
• You must answer all written questions satisfactorily as part of this assessment to be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment
Q1 a. What do you mean by an operational plan?
Q1 b. List the types of information that may be included in an operational plan.
Q1 c. What is the difference between a strategic plan and an operational plan?
Q1 d. How can an operational plan assist an organisation to achieve its objectives?
Q2. Mention any two examples of situations where you would seek input from internal and/or external specialist resource managers when developing an operational plan for an organisation.
Q3. a. Provide a list (at least two) of key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be used to measure the performance of the following areas.
a. Productivity
b. Resource utilisation
c. Profitability
d. Performance of employees
e. Market share
Q3 b. List three different approaches to developing KPIs to meet business objectives.
Q4. Contingency plans require the identification of a potential risk and an assessment of that risk.
a. List any three areas of risk facing a call centre with examples.
b. Briefly mention the potential impact of those risks.
Q5. Briefly explain what disaster recovery planning means and what it involves.
Q6. Briefly explain why it is important to do the following:
a) Determine resource requirements
b) Develop and implement consultation processes
c) Develop KPIs to measure organisational performance
d) Develop contingency plans
e) Present resource acquisition proposals effectively
f) Obtain approval before implementing the operational plan
Q7. Briefly explain what standard operating procedures are and how they are used by organisations.
Q8 a. Briefly explain why budgets are prepared.
Q8 b. List the main expenditure categories that should be included in a budget.
Q9. a. Outline a process that can be followed to develop a budget.
b. Briefly explain why performance against budgets is monitored.
Q10. Identify two systems that could help you
a. monitor performance more effectively and
b. manage performance more effectively.
Q11. Provide a description of the following terms:
a. Balance scorecard reporting
b. Triple bottom line reporting
Q12. Answer the following questions about dealing with problems when managing operational plans:
a. Why do problems occur in the implementation and management of operational plans?
b. What type of problems may be encountered?
c. How can these problems be addressed?
Q 13. Explain how operational plans are developed by using the following approaches.
a. Basic strategic planning
b. Goal based planning
c. Alignment planning
d. Scenario planning
ASSESSMENT 3 – Role-Play
Instruction for Student:
Whilst researching and writing your project it is important to:
• Read the Assessment description carefully
• Assessment should be in a Word format
• All work is to be entirely of the Student. General Information for this assessment:
o Read the instructions for each question very carefully. o Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
o For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, ESSAY reports, etc. The student must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
o All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency.
o If the Student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the assessment.
o Submit this document along with your assessment
Assessment 3 – Role-play
Submission details
Student name
Student ID:
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Resources required:
• XYZ Company plans, policies, and procedures
• Computer with internet connection and projector
• Operational plan prepared by student
Instructions for students:
1. This assessment will be conducted in a TAS College classroom in a simulated work environment with access to the resources listed above.
2. You are to arrange a time to meet with your assessor and two classmates to perform the role-play.
3. Your assessor will form you into a group with two other students.
4. You will each take turns playing the role of the Call Centre Manager and present parts of your operational plan to the other two students who will play the roles of team leaders.
5. When playing the role of team leader, ensure you ask questions and provide feedback to the Call Centre Manager, thereby playing an active part in the role-play.
Make sure that your performance includes the following:
a. Consultation process
b. Resource requirements
c. Risk management
d. Recruitment strategy
e. Monitoring processes
5. Your assessor will complete Observation Checklist II to record your communication and interaction skills during each roleplay.
6. It is expected that each role play will take approximately 20 minutes.
7. You are to make sure that you have reviewed the Observation Checklist II before you commence your presentation so that you are fully prepared and know exactly what is expected of you.
8. You must submit the completed Observation checklist II as well as role-play script or explanatory note or presentation slides as evidence of this task.
9. At the completion of the roleplays, both the student and the assessor are required to sign and date Observation Checklist II, verifying that they acknowledge the outcome for this assessment task and have been provided with feedback from the assessor.
Submission details
• As a team manager you need to submit your explanatory notes or presentation slides for your roleplay.
• As a team leader you need to submit role-play script which should include all the questions you need to ask to your team manager and feedback
Observation Checklist II
Student name:
Observation date:
Parts of plan presented:
During the role-play as Call Centre Manager, did student satisfactorily: Comments (if any) Yes No
1. explain their plan?
2. justify the reasons for the decisions they made?
3. ask for (and take on board) the team leaders’ feedback?
4. answer any questions clearly and confidently?
5. use positive and appropriate body language?
6. Use appropriate language and tone?
7. Use active listening skills to ensure the team leaders understood the plan?
During the roleplay as a Team Leader, did student satisfactorily: Yes No
8. Ask questions clearly and confidently to ensure they understood correctly?
9. Use positive and appropriate body language?
10. Use appropriate language and tone when speaking?
11. Use active listening skills?
12. Give positive and constructive feedback to the Call Centre Manager?
Feedback to the student:
Observation Outcome: ? Satisfactory ? Not Satisfactory
Assessor Signature and Date:
Student Signature and Date: