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Assessment Event Cover Sheet
This Cover Sheet must be completed and returned with your assessment event.
Please submit your assessment and completed cover sheet via the Google Classroom ‘Turn in’ function.
Course HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
Student Cohort April 2017
Campus Port Macquarie
Unit Code & Name CHCPOL003 Research and apply evidence to practice
Assessment Event Number 1 of 2
Assessment Due Date
Assessor Name
Reporting of Assessment Outcomes Your result will be recorded and reported to you as: Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (US)
Date Submitted
Student Declaration In submitting this work electronically I also confirm that this is my own original work (unless otherwise acknowledged).
Assessment Event 1 of 2
Written Task
Research project and literature review
Instructions to students:
? You are required to demonstrate that you can identify situations where research is required to support and improve your own work practice by evaluating current trends in your own area of practice, defining research objectives and identifying and accessing credible sources of data and evidence.
? The research project is to be completed in the workplace or simulated work environment.
? You will need to research two (2) different nursing related issues related to your own practice.
? What are current treatment options for an Adult living in Australia with Tuberculosis? ? What are the psychological determinants of successful rehabilitation post Myocardial Infarction?
? Does physical exercise have a role in the treatment of Depression?
? Does experiences with nature have any effect on a person with Dementia?
1. When you have chosen the two research questions discuss their suitability with your TAFE NSW Learning Facilitator / Assessor.
2. Address each research question individually by evaluating current trends in nursing practice, deciding the objectives of the research and determining where you will access credible sources of data and evidence.
3. You should access information from at least five (5) relevant, evidence based academic papers for each research question using the academic databases. Examples include but are not limited to Cinahal and Ebcohost. You can use Google Scholar.
4. Using a regular Google search engine is unacceptable for the purpose of this assessment event.
5. Attach a copy of each academic paper chosen in the Appendices.
6. You need to decide how you will gather the information systematically.
7. Your response needs to include an analysis of information. This analysis should include comparing and contrasting different sources of information, assessing the strength, relevance, reliability and currency of the information and assessing the feasibility, benefits and risks associated with the information.
8. You need to comment on cultural and ethical considerations in each of the research questions .
9. Word count is 1500 (750 words for each research question).
10. You need to demonstrate you can use in-text referencing using the Harvard system. A guide to referencing can be found in the North Coast TAFE Smart Study Guide.
11. Your assessment should be in report format. Provide a separate report for each research question.
12. The report should contain a title page, contents page, an introduction, your research findings, a conclusion, appendices and a reference list using the Harvard system.
13. Choose calibri bold font size 14 for title page and main headings, size 12 bold font for other headings and size 11 for other content.
14. Include a footer with page numbers and your name email address on each page
15. You will use the findings in Assessment One (1) to assist you complete Assessment Two (2).
Your answers must address the criteria as listed in the Marking Criteria for this assessment event.
Marking Criteria
You must meet the criteria below in order to successfully complete this assessment event:
1. Research project, literature review Chooses two (2) relevant research questions.
Identifies the reason/s that the two (2) research questions were chosen in relation to own nursing practice. Reasons can include but not limited to comparison, hypothesis testing, trend identification, knowledge extensions or to strengthen quality of practice.
Outlines current trends that relate to the two (2) research questions and your area of practice.
Identifies and provide details of credible sources of data and evidence for your two (2)research activities.
Identifies how you will evaluate and select your method/s of gathering data and information for each research question.
Identifies cultural and ethical considerations for each research question.
2. Feedback from facilitator Provides evidence that you have consulted with your TAFE NSW facilitator to:
a) Identify two (2) situations where research may be required to improve and support your own practice.
b) Establish and define research objectives and workplace requirements.
Examples of evidence items may include documents such as email feedback, survey results, reports, or recordings of conversations.
3. Chooses five (5) robust and relevant academic papers for each research question. Each academic paper chosen demonstrates currency, an evidence based model and relevance within own practice.
4. Presents finding in an academic report with in-text referencing using the Harvard system. Title page, contents page, introduction, analysis, conclusion, appendices, footer with page numbers; student name and email address, and reference list evident.
Calibri font used with Headings size 14 and 12 bold and content 11.
Sentence and paragraph structure, spelling and punctuation at a level expected of a Diploma level worker.
Analyses, compares and contrasts different sources of information, assesses the strength, relevance, reliability and currency of the information and assesses the feasibility, benefits and risks associated with the information sourced.
5. Word count 1500 Each research question response has a 750 word count.
Assessment Event Feedback Sheet
Feedback Sheet/s must be retained by TAFE NSW as evidence of the assessment decision.
Student Name
Unit Code CHCPOL003
Unit Name Research and apply evidence to practice
Assessment Event AE1 of 2 - Written Task Research - Question One
All criteria must be achieved to be deemed successful for this event.
Marking Criteria S / US Feedback
(must be provided for student)
1.Research project, literature review
2. Feedback from facilitator
3. Chooses five (5) robust and relevant academic papers for each research question.
4. Presents finding in an academic report with in-text referencing using the Harvard system.
5. Word count 1500
Overall Feedback:
Assessment Event Result Yes / No
1. Was reasonable adjustment in place for this student?
If Yes, explain the arrangements and the Disability Consultant involved.
2. Has this assessment event been successfully completed?
3. Is the student required to re-submit? If Yes, explain arrangements.
Assessor Details
I confirm I have provided the above feedback to the student.
Assessment Event Feedback Sheet
Feedback Sheet/s must be retained by TAFE NSW as evidence of the assessment decision.
Student Name
Unit Code CHCPOL003
Unit Name Research and apply evidence to practice
Assessment Event AE1 of 2 - Written Task Research - Question Two
All criteria must be achieved to be deemed successful for this event.
Marking Criteria S / US Feedback
(must be provided for student)
1.Research project, literature review
2. Feedback from facilitator
3. Chooses five (5) robust and relevant academic papers for each research question.
4. Presents finding in an academic report with in-text referencing using the Harvard system.
5. Word count 1500
Overall Feedback:
Yes / No
1. Was reasonable adjustment in place for this student?
If Yes, explain the arrangements and the Disability Consultant involved.
2. Has this assessment event been successfully completed?
3. Is the student required to re-submit? If Yes, explain arrangements.
Assessor Details
I confirm I have provided the above feedback to the student.