Assessment 1. Reflective Essay
Assessment Type: This assessment is designed to allow students to develop good research and interpretation skills for operation of learning organisations. This relates to Learning
Outcome a, b.
Due Date: Week 8 — 6:00 pm Monday
Submission: To be uploaded to Moodle and Turnitin—Word .doc or
Topic: A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. John C.
Maxwell; this phrase reflects the wisdom of leadership and learning in organisation.
A minimum of 10 scholarly references are required in order to pass this assessment. However, for a high mark, you will need to use many references that are more scholarly. It is very important that you assess the internet resource used for credibility. Single-spaced, font Times New Roman 12pt, Calibri 1 Ipt or Arial 10pt. Magazine article format — use a single column format. Title, name and student number.
Task Details:
In your essay explore each of three ways (knowing, going and showing) using the theories of Organisational Learning and substantiate your arguments with the examples of leadership, whether in organisational, societal or personal context. Critical analysis of this topic is also required.
Purpose this writing assessment is designed to allow students to demonstrate their critical and independent thinking skills. It will test students knowledge of organisational learning theories and their ability to be reflective and reflexive (ability to reflect on ones own self).
This assessment is related to Learning Outcomes a, b and c. Topic Leaders and Learning Value 25% Word count 1500 words (+/- 10%) EXCLUDING references References required: 10 academic sources as a minimum including peer reviewed journal articles and books Due date Week 8, Monday by 6.00 pm Submission Soft copy on Moodle through Turnitin, no references Hard copy in class include references Marking guide Students will be evaluated as per Essay Marking Guide based on the five criteria assessed across the marking scale from
Fail to High Distinction. These criteria include:-
(a) knowledge and theory;
b) analysis and application;
c) reflectivity and critical thinking;
d) writing style and structure;
e) evidence of research and correct use of -Harvard Referencing style.
ASSESSMENT 1 MARKING GUIDE document can be found on Moodie Academic honesty Cases of plagiarism; collusion and fraud are not tolerated. KOI expects students to submit their own original work. All students agree to a statement of authorship when submitting assessments online via Moodle, stating that the work submitted is their own original work. Handing in work created by someone else, whether copied from another student, written by someone else, or from any published or electronic source, is fraud, and falls under the general Plagiarism guidelines. This very serious case has led to many students losing their degrees after the fraud had been discovered! Further information can be found on the KOI website