Assessment Information
Subject Code: MAN302
Subject Name: Strategic Business Management
Assessment Title: Assessment 3 – Develop an e-Portfolio that captures the elements of
of developing and analysing strategy in an existing company
Weighting: 40%
Total Marks: 40
Submission: Via Moodle
Due Date Four (4) staged submissions from Weeks 9 – 12
This Assessment will address the following Learning Outcomes:
• LO1: Define dynamic capabilities and explain their role in both strategic change and a business's performance.
• LO2: Explain the relationship between strategy formulation and implementation.
• LO5: Develop a business strategy based on a comprehensive situational analysis.
Assessment brief
Building upon Assessment #1, each student will develop an e-Portfolio over a period of four (4) weeks that captures the elements of developing and analysing strategy in an existing company. Each stage will require the student to research a particular topic and then write a summary of what they have discovered through their research. In addition to the written narrative, students can embed images, diagrams or links to other electronically accessible materials such as websites or reports. Unlike normal written assessments, these summaries will be captured electronically and will be accessible to the lecturer to allow them to ask questions or provide comment. Students will then be encouraged to respond to the feedback they have received.
Each week will be marked out of 30 marks.
The FINAL mark will be the average of Weeks 9 – 12 (/30 + /30 + /30 + /30 = marks received out of 120/4) The presentation marks out of 10 in week 12.
Note: You are to continue from who you chose from any of the following companies.
• Superloop (telecommunications) []
• Mantra Group (Hotel) []
• IDP Education (Education) []
• Collins Foods (Food) []
• Flight Centre (Travel) []
• Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) (Professional Services) []
Presentation: In week 12, you will be expected to give a 5-7 minute presentation to the class on one of the topics in your portfolio (Week 9 – 12). The maximum number of slides to use (if you are going to use them) is 5 (this includes your title slide).
Weekly Portfolio Questions
Week 9
Technology impacts every organisation. How does technology specifically support the company’s value chain? What technologies have disrupted the industry the company is currently in? How have those technologies impacted the industry as well as the specific company? Being innovative, how can the company become an exponential organisation (ExO) using the framework developed by Salim Ismail? Do you think the company, in its current business model, will survive in the next 5 years? Why or why not?
Week 10
Identify two business-level strategies that company utilises or can utilise in its current business model. Develop a brief outline and strategy canvas map that the company can use in developing a
‘Blue Ocean’ strategy.
Week 11
Evaluate the company’s corporate level strategy. Choose a strategy that they have not seem to have pursued and discuss how it would be an advantage for them. Along with the corporate level strategy, discuss how it can be integrated into the existing global strategy (or a potential global strategy if there is not one in place already).
Week 12 Looking at the company’s Key Results Areas (KRSs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), discuss two evaluation tools on how the organisation should evaluate and monitor their strategy. The discussion must relate specific to their KRAs and KPIs; not a general discussion.
Grading Scale
This assessment will be marked using the attached rubric.
Important Study Information Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
For details on academic integrity policies and penalties, the reassessment process, and the appeals process, please refer to
Word Limits for Written Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word count by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Success Centre representative or refer to the study help on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. You can find this by clicking on the top page toolbar:
My Services Academic Success Centre Study Support Resources
Assessment (MAN302 Assessment 3)
Note: each week will be marked out of 30 MARKS. The FINAL mark will be the average of Weeks 9 – 12 + the Presentation Mark in Week 12.
Criteria F (Fail)
0%-49% P (Pass) 50%64% CR (Credit) 65%74% D (Distinction) 75% - 84% HD (High Distinction) 85%-100%
Structure / Theory / Quality of Content and Research
Marks out of 20 Lacks logical flow and structure; Argument supported by theory sourced from nonacademic literature. No discussion of academic research. Cites very few sources. Some errors in logical flow and structure;
Argument supported by basic discussion of relevant theory sourced from a minimal number of academic sources.
Little if any discussion of relevant research. Generally sound logical flow and structure; Argument supported by broad discussion of relevant theory sourced from academic literature. Relevant research acknowledged but not discussed.
Cites several academic sources. Very good logical flow and structure; Argument supported by detailed discussion of relevant theory and research sourced from numerous academic sources. Excellent logical flow and structure; Argument supported by comprehensive discussion of relevant theory and research sourced from numerous quality academic sources.
Academic writing style /
Referencing / KBS
Marks out of 10 Writing style is unclear; lacks academic discipline; numerous spelling and grammatical errors. Several sources are
unacknowledged. Major errors in format of references.
Noncompliance with research scope guidelines. Writing style lacks some clarity; some flaws in logical flow and structure; some use of discipline specific academic language. Several spelling or grammatical errors.
Acknowledged most sources in the text and reference list. Some references in the incorrect format. Compliant with research scope guidelines. Writing style is mostly clear; Mostly written in discipline specific academic language; Some spelling or grammatical errors.
Acknowledged most sources in the text and reference list. Most references in the correct format. Compliant with research scope guidelines.
Writing style is clear and concise; Correct use of discipline-specific academic language. Some minor spelling or grammatical errors. Acknowledged all sources in the text and in reference list. All references in correct format. Compliant with research scope guidelines.
Writing style is very clear and concise; Fluent use of discipline specific academic language. No spelling or grammatical errors.
Expert usage and acknowledgment of all sources in the text and in reference list. All references in the correct format. Compliant with research scope guidelines.
Presentation (Week 12)
Marks out of 10 Presents content with no
PowerPoint or overhead slides. Presenter reads notes the entire time. Distracting gestures (fidgeting) while presenting.
Excessive use of filler words (e.g. um, er, ah, like). Use of offensive language. Use of slang.
Went overtime (did not finish at 7 minutes maximum)
Had more than 5 slides Presenter uses graphics but are not supported by text or presentation.
Text is too dense – too much info on slide.
Presenter speaks in muffled voice. Some use of filler words. Audience members has difficulty understanding presentation.
Went overtime (did not finish at 7 minutes maximum)
Had more than 5 slides Presenter uses graphics but often differs from verbal presentation. Not summarised so presenter ends up reading off board.
Voice is generally clear. Some reading off notes. Sometimes difficult to understand because of rushed speech.
Went overtime (did not finish at 7 minutes maximum)
Had more than 5 slides Text clearly summarises the key points. Graphics and text do not distract attention from the speaker or content. Use of visual aids consistent across entire presentation.
Presenter shows expression consistent with presentation. Uses gestures to point out or highlight presentation materials Voice is clear. Little use of filler words.
Acts in a professional manner.
Kept to the time limit between 5 – 7 minutes
Kept to the maximum number of
slides (5) Graphics and text well integrated into presentation. Text is appropriate
for the content. Visual presentation complements rather than dominates presentation.
Presenter shows enthusiasm for their own work. Uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members would be able to understand presentation. Acts in a very professional manner.
Kept to the time limit between 5 – 7 minutes
Kept to the maximum number of slides (5)