Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Unit Code MN621
Unit Title Advanced Network Design
Assessment Type Individual
Assessment Title Network requirement analysis and plan
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) This assignment is designed to assess students’ knowledge and skills related to the following learning outcomes:
b. Investigate suitable network designs to match requirements;
c. Create appropriate frameworks and standards for network implementation;
Weight 15% of the total assessments
Total Marks 60
Word limit 1200
Due Date • Week 8, (Individual Submission) report on Moodle.
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a title Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.
Extension • If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly to AMS. You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is available at:
• Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description.
Assignment Description
Case study scenario: Local Area Network design
Project Scope: A typical lawyer firm in Australia has six departments namely front desk, trainee, research wing, lawyers and Senior lawyers, finance, and human resource.
Prepared by: Dr Sanjeeb Shrestha Moderated by: Dr Imran Jokhio November, 2018
Service requirements:
1. Only lawyers and senior lawyer and human resource department have access to the finance department and vice versa.
2. Front desk, trainee and research wing don’t have access to finance department and vice versa.
3. Lawyers and senior layers, human resources, front desk, trainee, research wing have access to each other.
4. Print server, file server and internet is available to all the department.
5. Wireless access required in each department
6. Hardware requirements with costs specification
7. Configuration details on the hardware (Routers and Switches)
Report requirements: The report should have a detail explanation of the planning and designing of network. It is recommended that bullet points are included whenever necessary.
1. Project Scope and requirements
2. Network design and justification
The following information are mandatory:
• in plain language, the description of the approach that students have taken in order to realise the project requirements.
Hint: for example, static routing, dynamic routing (name the protocols, RIP, EIGRP, OSPF etc.), Access Control List (ACL) used etc., as per the preference/s.
• Suitable IP addressing scheme in tabular form (assume as many host as necessary for each department)
3. Network topology diagram and implementation (Netsim is mandatory)
• Switch configuration
• Router configuration
• Host configuration
• Access point and server configuration guidelines
4. Timeline and Budget estimation
This section should include the followings:
• Hardware requirements with specification with costs
• Human resources and logistics
• Tentative timeline specifications
5. Demonstration
• Work progression record and consultation on week 6 and 7 by the lab tutor
• Demonstration of a part of the design in Week 8 lab class (hardware platform)
• Demonstration format (no more than 2 persons in a group, at least 3 viva voce questions related to the design, not more than 5 - 7 mins).
Note to the lab tutor: As per the need, the lab tutor can allocate 15 mins in Week 6 and Week 7 for work progression record and consultation.
Marking Rubrics
The following tentative marking criteria will be followed for the assignment.
Marks Section to be included in the report Description of the section
5 Project Scope and requirements Outline of the report (in 3-4 sentences), and briefly discuss the requirements (not more than 10-12 sentences)
10 Network design and justification • Well-designed network diagram.
• Labelled with IP addresses
• Clear description of the approach taken for the design (may use bullet points for this)
10 Network topology diagram and implementation • Well-designed topology diagram with simulating software
• Network devices and appropriate command for the configuration should be detailed for implementation purposes.
• It would be the best to have
• comments for the commands used for configuration. For example, the following commands are for dynamic routing protocol used for the configuration, the following commands for VLANs, creating trunk links, static routes etc.
• connectivity testing ping snapshots.
5 Timeline and Budget estimation • Hardware requirements with specification with costs
• Name of the network device with manufacturer’s name, series, model and ports - Type of the cables - Name of the server, PC with specification such as operating system, RAM, hard disk etc.
• Cost specification of the hardware should be included.
• Human resources cost need to be included on hourly basis.
• Timeline for the completion of the should be detailed.
20 Demonstration in the physical device • Work progression record and consultation will be on week 6 and 7 by the lab tutor.
• Demonstration of a part of the design in Week 8 lab (hardware platform)
• Demonstration marks will be awarded in regards to the stage of the completion of the demo and viva.
5 Summary Well comprehended summary
5 Reference style IEEE reference style
Example of the marking rubric for the Assignment: Total marks 60. The details about the rubric is as follows:
Grades HD
80% and above D 70 - 79% CR 60 - 69% P 50 - 59% Fail
Project scope and
(5) Concise and specific to the project Topics relevant and soundly analysed Generally relevant and analysed Some relevance and
briefly presented Not relevant to the assignment topic
Network design and justification
(10) Demonstrated excellent ability to think
critically and sourced reference material appropriately Demonstrated excellent ability to think critically but did not source material appropriately Demonstrated an average ability to think
critically and sourced reference material appropriately Demonstrated an average ability to think critically but did not sourced reference material appropriately Did not demonstrate
the ability to think critically and did not sourced reference material appropriately
Network topology diagram and
implementatio n (10) All elements are present and very well integrated Components present with good cohesion Components presented and mostly well integrated Most components present and an average integration Lacks components and not integrated well
Timeline and Budget estimation
(5) Excellent description and
justification and well budgeted Excellent description and
justification and but poorly budgeted Good
description and
justification and well budgeted Good
description and
justification but no well budgeted Poor description and
justification poorly budgeted
Demonstratio n (20) Logic is clear and easy to follow with strong arguments Consistent logic and convincing Mostly consistent logic convincing Adequate cohesion and conviction Argument is confused and disjointed
(5) Excellent comprehensio n and precise Excellent comprehensio n and but fuzzy Average comprehensio n and but clear Average comprehensio n and but fuzzy Not well
d and fuzzy
IEEE Reference style (5) Clear styles with excellent source of references Clear referencing style Generally good referencing style Sometimes
clear referencing style Lacks consistency with many errors