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Assessment Tool BSBMKG501
Identify and Evaluate Marketing Opportunities

Version 5.0

Table of Contents
Pre-assessment Checklist 1
Assessment Submission Sheet 2
Assessment Information 3
Submission Requirements 4
Preparation 4
Writing and Submitting the Assessment 4
Style Guide for Assessment Submission 5
Assessment Activity 1 – Knowledge Questions 6
Question 1 6
Question 2 6
Assessment Activity 2 – Report Writing 7
Report Structure 8
Assessment Activity 3 – Presentation 9
Assessor Marking and Feedback Form: Presentation Checklist 10
Assessor Marking and Feedback Form: Assessment Activity 1 & 2 11
Appendices 12
Appendix A: Idea Screening Matrix 12
Appendix B: Cost-Benefit Analysis 13
Appendix C: Risk Analysis 14
Appendix D: Competitor Analysis 15
Appendix E: Return on Investment (ROI) Template 15

Assessment Submission Sheet
Course Title Course Code
Unit Title Identify and Evaluate Marketing Opportunities Unit Code BSBMKG501
Version 5.0 Created on
Please read and sign this assessment coversheet and submit it together with your assessmentto your Assessor by the due date.
Student Name StudentID
Assessor Date Due
Declaration I affirm that all work submitted in this assessment is my own work and does not involve plagiarism or teamwork other than that authorised for any particular assessment activity. I have read the Student Assessment Handbook under Section 2 Assessment Guidelines and understood the serious consequences in case this work is found plagiarised.
Student Signature: Date Signed: ____/____/____
Assessor Use Only
First Submission Date Re-submission Date Re-assessment Date
___/___/____ 0S
___/___/____ 0S
Feedback: Trainer/Assessor’s Comments:
I hereby confirm that I have been given feedback from the Assessor and I agree with the assessment outcome.
Student Signature Assessor Signature Date ___/___/______
Student Feedback on Assessment: Would you like to make any comments about this assessment?

Assessment Receipt
Student Name Student ID
Course Code & Title Extension Granted Yes ? No ?
Unit Code& Title Date Received ___/___/____
First Submission ? Re-submission ? Re-assessment ? Received by

Pre-assessment Checklist
Candidate’s name:
Units of competency: BSBMKG501 – Identify and Evaluate Marketing Opportunities
Checklist Comments
•Talked to the candidate about the purpose of the assessment.
•Discussed the assessment environment and the process covering whenthe assessment will occur, wherethe assessment will occur,whowill assess the candidate, and the feedback process.
•Printed the unit outline and explained the unit of competency including each element, performance criteria, foundation skill, performance evidence, and knowledge evidence that the candidate will be assessed on.
•Discussed the various methods of assessment, assessment instruments, submission requirements and the due date.
•Discussed what resources are required to successfully complete this assessment.
•Discussed what performance level is required for each assessment task.
•Organised the necessary arrangements to meet the assessment conditions essential for the candidate to carry out each assessment task.
•Ensured that the candidate read and understood the Student Assessment Handbook involving following concepts:
authenticity of candidate’s work
re-submission, re-assessment and study plan policy/procedures
appeals process
regulatory information
confidentiality procedures
•Discussed special needs (if any)of the candidate and made the necessary arrangements.
•Summarised information and allowed candidate to ask questions.

Assessment Information
This assessment tool is designed to gather evidence on your knowledge as well as abilities on identifying, evaluating and taking advantage of marketing opportunities by analysing market data, distinguishing characteristics of possible markets and assessing viability of changes to operations. Also, it collects evidence on key foundation skills outlined in unit of competency details. Your Trainer/Assessor will go through the unit of competency at the very beginning of this unit explainingeach element, performance criteria, foundation skill, performance evidence, and knowledge evidence that you will be assessed on via this assessment tool. You can find more information at
This assessment has three parts:
Assessment Activity 1 – Knowledge Questions: you will provide your responses to two written questions that assess their knowledge on relevant legislation, codes of practice, ethical principles, and national standards that affect marketing operations, as well as, statistical methods and techniques to evaluate marketing opportunities including forecasting techniques.
Assessment Activity 2 – Report: based on the FitLite Health Club business simulation, you will write a report on marketing opportunities based on the information provided in the Strategic Marketing Plan 2015-2020.
Assessment Activity 3 –Presentation: you will present your written report, gather feedback from key stakeholders and make refinements as suggested.
Your Trainer/Assessor will provide you the following document and discuss in detail prior undertaking this assessment:
FitLife Strategic Marketing Plan 2015-2020.
In order to be deemed competent in this unit you must obtain satisfactory outcome in each part of this assessment.
You must collate the following documents andsubmit to your Trainer/Assessor:
knowledge question responses (Assessment Activity 1)
report written in a professional format (Assessment Activity 2)
slideshows used in your presentation (Assessment Activity 3)
final version of your written report (after the presentation and feedback session).
Please refer to the following section “Guide for Preparing and Submitting Assessment” given in the next page to see submission requirements.
Remember! Your Trainer/Assessor is your best source of help. If you have any special needs, make sure you check with your Trainer/Assessor in advance of undertaking this assessment.

Submission Requirements
Read each task carefully, to make sure you know what is expected of you. Check whether the task has multiple parts, and make sure you answer all parts.
Word limit for your reportis 2000 words at maximum (± 10% rule applies). Word count for each knowledge question is given within the question. Your word count does not include assessment cover page, table of contents, bibliography and appendix.
Your report must follow a logical structure.Ensure coherence throughout your documentation. A backbone structure is provided to you in Assessment Activity 2 – Report Writing: Report Structure.
Research widely and use a variety of reputable sources. Refer to the Style Guidefor Assessment Submissiongiven in the next page to comply with referencing standards.
Remember to observe the principles of academic honesty, as we do check assessments for plagiarism.
Writing and Submitting the Assessment
Your report must be written in a formal format. Also, ensure your slides are laid out in a formal format too.
Slides printed in a handout format having four slides in a page.
Write and save your assessment as a Microsoft Word document to your computer.
Give a title to your assessment and use headings and subheadings when appropriate.
You must submit your assessment as one portfolio where each part must have its own cover page having:
Course Code, Course Name
Unit Code, Unit Name
Date of Submission
Your Student Number
Your Full Name
Your Trainer’s/Assessor’s full name
Number the pages in the bottom right hand corner.
Do not repeat the wording of the question in your assessment. Simply place appropriate headings and then start your answer.
Use a Word Count tool to calculate the number of words you have written. The word count should not include text appearing in tables, graphs, footnotes, captions and references.
Make sure you present a professional looking portfolio. Use a document folder to collate all your documents together. Ensure quality print.
Print and include any documents you use externally and reference any other information for your assessor.
Save a back-up copy of your assessment on a portable storage medium, in case your computer fails or is stolen, and/or keep a printed copy.
When submitting your assessment, please submit it as one document – don’t submit the title page, the references and the body separately. If you do this, your assessment will be returned to you for re-formatting.
You must only submit the final version (Stage 2) of your report within your portfolio. Refer to Assessment Activity 2 – Report Writing: Report Instructions for detailed instructions.
Refer to the Style Guidefor Assessment Submissiongiven in the next page for writing your assessment.

Style Guide for Assessment Submission
Proofreading Ensure the following in your report:
appropriate tone, language and grammar
coherent structure
visual consistency
free of spelling and punctuation errors
Headings and Subheadings Use ‘Styles’ to ensure consistency (Home ? Styles ? Headings)
Use the titles in your assessment tool’ e.g.: Assessment Activity 1
Citation and Reference List Using Harvard Style Guide, provide in-text citation and Bibliography for each external source you use in your report.
Capitalisation Use initial capitals for positions,personal names, place names, nationalities, and groups of people
E.g.; Chief Executive Officer – BillGates – Sydney – Australia – Australian
Write company/brand names as they are commercially used
E.g.; Microsoft - iPhone
Cover Page Attach your portfolio with a cover page including:
Course Code & Title
Unit of Competency Code & Title
Date of submissions
Your Student ID and Full Name
The details of your Trainer/Assessor
Version number
Structure Follow a logical and sequential structure in your portfolio preventing ambiguity for your Trainer/Assessor.
Wording Do notwrite the question in your assessment. Simply place appropriate headings and then your answer.
Word count for written tasks is given within each task. Your word count does not include assessment cover page, table of contents, bibliography, table/figure captions, and appendix (if any).
Lists Use bullet-lists to list items or summarise content
Ensure consistent indenting and format
Use correct punctuation; nothing after each list, only full stop at the end of the last item
Use two-level spacing for nested lists
Example 1
Example 2
Font Ensure readability and legibility in text by using an easy-to-read font colour, type and size.
E.g.: black, Calibri (Body), 11pt
Footer Insert unit code, date and your full name.
Spacing Use 1.15 as line spacing.
Printing Use Moderate margins for printing (Page Layout ? Margins ? Moderate).
Print Black/White unless stated otherwise by your Trainer/Assessor.
Plagiarism Always abide with the principles of academic honesty, as we always check assessments for plagiarism. Provide in-text citation and Bibliography using Harvard Style referencing.

Assessment Activity 1 – Knowledge Questions
Question 1
Write a report on how relevant legislation, codes of practice, ethical principles, and national standards affect marketing operations. You must include the following in your response:
codes of practice confidentiality and privacy issues ethical principles
legislation and regulations social responsibility and cultural diversity safety issues
You must ensure that all of the legal and ethical requirements listed above are currently active. You are to be deemed unsatisfactory for this task if you include outdated information such as a superseded legislation.
The word limit for your summary is maximum of 750 words (± 10% rule applies). Make sure you insert citation for your research following the prescribed citation format (refer to “Style Guide for Assessment Submission”).
Question 2
Briefly describe the following statistical methods and techniques to evaluate marketing opportunities, including forecasting techniques. For each item, you must provide a definition and how it can be used to evaluate marketing opportunities.Write in your own words. Maximum length of answer for each item is 50 words.
Bootstrapping Brand-choice models Experimental design technique
Central tendency Conjoint analysis Cross-tabulation
Perceptual maps Intention survey Data mining
Extrapolation Game theory

Assessment Activity 2 – Report Writing
Business Simulation: FitLife Health Club
Read the FitLife Health Club Strategic Marketing Plan 2015-2020and familiarise yourself with the company. It provides essential information on the company’s current status, future strategic direction and background, including the following:
Executive Summary
Company Background
Mission, Vision and Values
Statement of Goals and Objectives
Situation Analysis (including SWOT, BCG matrix, PEST/STEEP Analysis, and Market Trend Analysis)
Statistical Analysis on Market Share, Competitors and 5 years Revenue Analysis
Market Segmentation and the Marketing Mix
Target Markets
The Marketing Mix
You are encouraged to conduct external research from reputable and quality sources. Ensure you comply with the academic honesty standards outlined in Guide for Preparing and Submitting the Assessment section.
You must submit only the finalised report (refer to Stage 2 below) in your portfolio.
Your report will have two stages:
Stage 1: you are required to draft a report in which you need to identify and evaluate marketing opportunities to determine whether they can meet organisational objectives. It must also clearly document how current business operations need to be modified and what resources required to take advantage of newly identified and evaluated opportunities.This draft version will then be presented to the audience (Assessment Activity 3) to collect feedback, which you will then reflect the feedback on your final report.
Stage 2: you are required to finalise your reporttaking the feedbackgathered during your presentation (Assessment Activity 3) into consideration. This will be the final version ready to be submitted to your Trainer/Assessor with your portfolio. Your Trainer/Assessor will lead the feedback process.

Report Structure
Your report must have the following structure in an exact order:
Section Details must be covered
Cover page See section Writing and Submitting the Assessment(page 4).
Executive Summary Terms of reference, Statement of topic
Key findings summarised
Recommendations summarised
Table of Contents List of numbered sections in report and associated page numbers.
Introduction Brief background information of the report.
Make the purpose of the report clear to reader (Trainer/Assessor).
Marketing Opportunities This section focuses on idea generation and must cover the following:
marketing opportunities, potential new markets, opportunities to penetrate into these markets, and their likely contribution to FitLife
entrepreneurial, innovative approaches and creative ideas to develop into profitable marketing opportunities
Evaluation of
Marketing Opportunities This section focuses on idea screening and must cover:
analysis of opportunities in terms of their likely to fit with FitLife’s goals and capabilities as outlined in the strategic marketing plan
how each opportunity may have an impact on current business and customer base
assessment of financial viability of each marketing opportunity taking external factors, costs, benefits and risks into consideration
investigation of potential competitors
determine probable return on investment
rank marketing opportunities on their viability, and likely contribution to the business
Evaluation of Changes to Current Operations This section must cover:
changes needed to current operations to benefit fromidentified marketing opportunitiesand the viability of making such changes
how you would ensure continued quality of service to existing customers whilst facing an increased or different customer base yielded from the changes
resource requirements for changed operations
newly identified marketing opportunities, required changes and the viability of making changes to current operations in order to accommodate smoothly
Conclusion Summary and evaluation of thereport's findings with the keyrecommendations.
Bibliography List of reference material consulted during research for report.
Appendices (optional) Information that supports your analysis. Not mandatory.
You must ensure that you use appropriate headings and subheadings in your report based on the report structure tabled above.
See the Appendices section at the end of this assessment tool for sample templates that may be included within your report; you can use or modify the templates to suit your own needs. You must note that the templates are not a complete report. Your report will be considerably more detailed and require more work. The aim here is to provide you a set of useful tools to assist in your report writing.

Assessment Activity 3 – Presentation
You are asked by the FitLife Health Club management to present your ideas to your colleagues. The objective of your presentation must be to:
communicate with the audience clearly, understandably and creatively
present your ideas, findings and recommendations credibly to convince the audience and gain support and agreement
satisfactorily answer questions and objections
organise material in an effective and logical sequence and format for the presentation
develop a range of support materials that can be used to present a variety of ideas and concepts for your presentation
adapt to the cultural requirements of the stakeholders as they are from diverse backgrounds with diverse abilities
apply techniques to control the flow of information
get feedback on your ideas, which then will be reflected on your final report.
Conditions of Presentation
You must make this presentation professional, delivering the materials with confidence and being knowledgeable and flexible in responding to queries and feedback (see criteria in the checklist provided in the following page).
All resources must be provided to candidates in order to facilitate in delivering their presentation.
Your presentation must cover all aspects of your report in summarised form so that you can clearly communicate this material in a maximum time of twenty (15) minutes, including Question/Answer session.
Prepare a visual PowerPoint presentation to be presented to your group. Dress up professionally. Your assessor will be assessing you on your presentation and responses using the checklist given in the following page (refer to the section Assessor Marking and Feedback Form: Presentation Checklistin the next page).
During your presentation, you will be given a final feedback by the audience, including your Trainer/Assessor. This will give you a final opportunity to adjust your report in response to feedback before the final submission. Your Trainer/Assessor will give you the final deadline to make the necessary adjustments and submit the finalised version.
Print and include any documents you use from an external source and reference any other information for your Trainer/Assessor.
You must submit your final report along with the slides to your Trainer/Assessor for approval on time without requesting extensions – this is a requirement of the assessment due to timely project delivery. Also, you must ensure that your report follows the prescribed format (refer to section: Guide for Preparing and Submitting Assessment).
Note: your presentation performance will be assessed based on the items listed in the Assessor Marking and Feedback Form: Presentation Checklistprovided in the following page.
It is a good practice to familiarise yourself with the checklist prior giving your presentation. This will enable you to understand what is expected of you to be deemed satisfactory for your presentation. Also, this will give you an opportunity to fully equip yourself for the presentation.
Remember! Your Trainer/Assessor is your best source of help. If you have any special needs, make sure you check with your Trainer/Assessor in advance in order to make the necessary arrangements.

Assessor Marking and Feedback Form: Presentation Checklist
Assessor Use Only Student name & ID:…………………………………………………………………….
Assessors please tick if the evidence supplied is enough to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Also, write comments on the quality of this evidence.
Performance Criteria: S NYS Comments
Criteria & Content
included introduction, development of ideas, and conclusion
supports subject and central message with details and examples
clearly defines and explains subject and central messagewith confidence to audience
places ideas in clear, concise, and logical order
identified and evaluated marketing opportunities to determine whether they can meet organisational objectives
covered evaluation of changes to current operations including resourcing requirements
Culturally Appropriate Communication Skills
maintained eye contact, appropriate facial expressions, posture and gestures
supported the verbal message with appropriate vocal pitch, tone and pace
stayed focused on subject throughout the presentation
matched their language and style to suit the subject, the formality of the situation, and adapted to the cultural requirements of the stakeholders
used techniques to engage the audience
presented opinions, ideas and organisational requirements clearly and creatively using language and presentation techniques appropriate to audience and environment
elicited views and opinions of others by listening and questioning
encouraged stakeholders to raise their queries and responded to all queries raised by the audience
applied techniques to control the flow on information
inspired the audience through positive, genuine and forthright manner
dressed appropriately and looked professional
delivered on a timely manner
Final Results: ? S ?NYS Final Comments:
Assessor Initials: Date:

Assessor Marking and Feedback Form: Assessment Activity 1 & 2
Assessor Use Only Student name & ID:…………………………………………………………………….
Assessors please tick if the evidence supplied is enough to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Also, writecomments on the quality of this evidence.
Assessment Task S NYS Comments
Assessment Activity 1 – Knowledge Questions
Question 1
Question 2
Assessment Activity 2 – Report Writing
Content Identifying
Marketing Opportunities
Evaluation of
Marketing Opportunities
Evaluation of Changes to Current Operations
Final Result: S / NYS Final Comments:
Assessor Initials: Date:

Appendix A: Idea Screening Matrix
Screening Matrix can be used to keep track of opportunity assessments in which it summarises each of the opportunities. Also, it provides a way to rank and/or score each opportunity.
Opportunity Name Fit with strategy? Market Size
$ Revenue/
$ Value proposition identified? Size of investment needed Technology available? Time to profit

Sourced from Marketing Black and White by Brian Monger, Chapter 6 – Planning: Identifying Marketing Opportunities
Monger, B. (2007). Marketing in Black and White. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Pearson Australia.
Appendix B: Cost-Benefit Analysis
Costs Marketing Opportunity Details Cost in First Year
e.g.; repositioning to a new audience Repositioning a product due to major shifts in target customer’s behaviour:
development costs
cost for re-educating the market
loss if existing sales $139,750

Benefits Marketing Opportunity Benefit details Benefit within12 Months
e.g.; repositioning to a new audience Improved customer retention as a result of redesign $305,500

Payback Time: $139,750 / $305,500 = 0.46 of a year, or approximately 5.5 months.
Sourced from MindTools Club:
Appendix C: Risk Analysis
Identify the existing and possible threats that you might face. These can come from many different sources. For instance, they could be:
Human – Illness, death, injury, or other loss of a key individual.
Operational – Disruption to supplies and operations, loss of access to essential assets, or failures in distribution.
Reputational – Loss of customer or employee confidence, or damage to market reputation.
Procedural – Failures of accountability, internal systems, or controls, or from fraud.
Project – Going over budget, taking too long on key tasks, or experiencing issues with product or service quality.
Financial – Business failure, stock market fluctuations, interest rate changes, or non-availability of funding.
Technical – Advances in technology, or from technical failure.
Natural – Weather, natural disasters, or disease.
Political – Changes in tax, public opinion, government policy, or foreign influence.
Structural – Dangerous chemicals, poor lighting, falling boxes, or any situation where staff, products, or technology can be harmed.
Calculate out both the likelihood of these threats being realized, and their possible impact.
Risk Value = Probability of Event x Cost of Event
Note: A risk is an event that -may- occur. The probability of it occurring can range anywhere from just above 0 percent to just below 100 percent. (Note: It can't be exactly 100 percent, because then it would be a certainty, not a risk. And it can't be exactly 0 percent, or it wouldn't be a risk.)
As a simple example, imagine that you've identified a risk that your rent may increase substantially.
You think that there's an 80 percent chance of this happening within the next year, because your landlord has recently increased rents for other businesses. If this happens, it will cost your business an extra $500,000 over the next year.
So the risk value of the rent increase is:
0.80 (Probability of Event) x $500,000 (Cost of Event) = $400,000 (Risk Value)
Sourced from MindTools Club:
Appendix D: Competitor Analysis
Competitor Established Date and Size Market Share (%) Value to Customers Strengths Weaknesses

Appendix E: Return on Investment (ROI) Template
Return on Investment=((Investment Gain-Investment Cost))/((Investment Cost) )×100
Year Costs Cumulative Costs Benefits Cumulative Benefits
Return on Investment=((?Total?_(Cumulative Benefits)-?Total?_(Cumulative Cost) ))/((?Total?_(Cumulative Cost) ) )×100