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Assessment Written
Student Name CIT Number
Competency Title, Code and Banner Code
CRN Analyse and Present Research Information – MGNT309
12439 – ONLINE
Assessment Type ? Written ? Case Study ? Project ? Assignment ? Other
Assessment Name Individual Task - Assessment 1: Written Report & Theory Questions
Assessment Date Week 16
Student Statement: This assessment is my own work. Any ideas and comments made by other people have been acknowledged. I understand that by emailing or submitting this assessment electronically, I agree to this statement.
Student Signature Date
PRIVACY DISCLAIMER: CIT is collecting your personal information for assessment purposes. The information will only be used in accordance with the CIT Privacy Policy.
Assessor Feedback
? Student provided with feedback
Attempt 1 ? Satisfactory
? Not Yet Satisfactory
Date / /
Attempt 2 ? Satisfactory
? Not Yet Satisfactory
Date / /
Assessor Name Assessor Signature
Note from Assessor: Please record any reasonable adjustment that has occurred for this assessment.

Individual Assessment Task Instructions for Students:
You are required to analyse and research information relating to cyber security issues for a type of scam. The report is to focus on why and/or how effective cyber security protocols are important for small business operators.
You will present your findings in an 800 word report and a template has been provided for this.
Your written report is to demonstrate relevant and valid research, analysis and discussion, begin with an introduction and end with a logical conclusion, and provide recommendations. A reference list and cover sheet must also be attached, which has been signed by you to indicate the work submitted is your own. It is expected that you will proof read and spell check prior to submitting your work.
You will also be require to answer six theory questions relating to your research task.
Time Allowed You will be given this assessment at the start of the course and can therefore dedicate as much time outside of class as is necessary to complete this task. The draft report is due in week 15, and the final report is due in week 16.
Assessment Range and Conditions: This is an open book assessment. Your draft report may be proof read by CIT’s academic support and you are encouraged to receive feedback from YourTutor which you can access through e-Learn. It is suggested you make full use of the resources available on e-Learn, in your subject eBook as well as support from CIT Librarians and your teacher.

Evidence of plagiarism within any piece of final submitted work will result in an automatic Fail grade being applied to student work.
Your FINAL report will be uploaded to an e-Learn drop box and is due in week 16 of your course.
Materials Provided: A computer with word processing software, CIT Report Template, CIT Business Style Guide, Acknowledging the Source, and access to the CIT Library for the borrowing of relevant books, online access to subject materials.
Materials you may need: You will need a USB to save your work.
Information for Students: You may have two (2) attempts for this assessment.
• If your first attempt is not successful, your teacher will discuss your results with you and will arrange a second attempt.
• If your second attempt is not successful, you will be required to re-enrol in this unit.
• Only one re-assessment attempt will be granted for each assessment item.
Please note: Tuition on types of scams will not be provided, as this research it is not the aim of this assessment task, however links to the ACCC site will be provided. The aim is for you to improve your research skills by identifying and accessing a range of different information, evaluating and analysing that information and then presenting a cohesive business report suitable for management.
To achieve a Satisfactory result, your teacher will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the key skills/tasks/knowledge detailed in the Assessment Task to industry standard.
Assessment Task 1
Please action the below emails from the CEO.
Date: Mon, 15 October 2018:
From: John Coco, Chief Executive Officer
Subject: Outcomes from last weeks meeting
To: All Staff
Hello team,
Firstly, a big thank you to the staff from the ACCC who presented a Cyber Smart Information Session to our team in last months meeting. The session highlighted for us as a small business the vital implication of good cyber security protocols to ensure the safety and confidence for our online clients.
Additionally, the information outlined some of the common scams targeting small business.
This is a great concern to us as we aim to increase our online product lines in the next 12 months.

To better prepare ourselves for potential cyber security threats, I will be asking staff from the IT department for a report on common scams affecting small business. This research is vital as these scams can directly influence our client’s confidence for purchasing online with us.
I will make the report available to staff, and additionally it will be sent to the Board of Directors who have expressed their interest in better understanding our Cyber Security protocols.
John Coco
Chief Executive Officer

Date: Mon, 15 October 2018
From: John Coco, Chief Executive Officer
Subject: Report on scams
To: IT Department
Hello Joey and team,
As you can see from my previous email, good cyber security protocols are vital to ensure the safety and confidence for our online clients.
To inform what security protocols would be most suitable for our business, I would like you to write a report identifying common scams targeting small businesses like ours.
The report will need to well researched and contain statistics and a SWOT analysis.
Please file your report in accordance with our organisation’s Records Management Policy, noting that this is an UNCLASSIFIED document which will be distributed to management by email.
John Coco
Chief Executive Officer
Look Fit, Inside and Out
Report Criteria
I have attached a Report Template with detailed section headings for you to follow.
Please ensure you follow the CIT’s Business Style Guide and ensure that your report is written in your own words. Ensure that you reference all sources that are cited within the text of your report as well as any attachments (minimum of three).
You will also need to provide a Reference List using Harvard or APA style, written in accordance with our organisational requirements “Acknowledging the Source”3rd edition.
You will need to record the Boolean operators and other search tools that you use as these may be useful to other staff members conducting research – see information on referencing below.
Your report needs to be 800 words (plus or minus 10%), not including your Reference List or attached documentation.
Finally, please ensure you have your draft proofread as the final copy of your report will be presented to our Board of Directors.
Draft Due : Week 15
Final Due: Week 16

Analyse and Present Research Information
Report Template
Student’s Name
Student ID Number CIT
“I certify that the work presented in this assignment is my own work or has been acknowledged from the sources indicated.”
Student’s Signature: ________________________________________________________________
Please complete information below, if you have received assistance from the Study Support Centre, ESL Tutorial Support or English Support for International Students.
Proof reader: ________________________ Signature: ________________________
Feedback received from Your Tutor attached ?
(800 words) Draft Assessment
Feedback Given Date:

Teacher’s Name
• Your report MUST be presented in accordance with the BS&T Style Guide.
• Your report MUST include the following sections and must be 800 words (plus or minus 10%)
Provide the intended distribution list here and security procedures.
Table of contents
Ensure you display all levels of headings. You should not use level four headings or higher for this length report however any diagrams, tables or figures must also be labelled and listed accordingly.
For example:
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Intended audience
2.0 Cyber security in the business world
1 Introduction
• This should include a brief summary of the research you conducted, the objective and purpose of your research as well as the intended audience of the report.
2 Small Busines and Cyber Security
• Write a brief section on the cyber security context for small business today.
• Why &/or how are effective cyber security protocols important for these tools in a business environment
• You may decide to write about business in general ( can be fictional ), a particular industry, your own workplace or a sector that you wish to pursue in the future.
3 Strengths and Weaknesses for Business in a Cyber Security contex
• Outline the key ideas found in your research. You should focus on the scam you have chosen to complete a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). You may like to present this information in a table, as an appendix or in dot point format.
• You must include some relevant statistics to support your ideas.
• Identify any legal and ethical obligations that may need to be considered. Does your organisation have policies in place?
4 Conclusion
• A conclusion summarises your key findings and pulls the various sections of your report together.
• Do not introduce new ideas in your conclusion.
5 Recommendations
• Explain and justify your recommendations for your intended audience.
• You must have at least three (3) recommendations for how business can utilise and expand from awareness, training and IT security protocols.
6 List of attachments
• All attachments MUST be labelled with the attachment name indicated in the top right-hand corner.
7 References
• Do not forget that you need to cite your sources, whenever you use a direct or an indirect quote relating to the work of someone else’s ideas. Even if you have re-worded the work of another, you MUST demonstrate that you have done this through the use of paraphrasing techniques.
• Refer to the ‘CIT Acknowledging the Source’ booklet for the Harvard or APA format. A link to this book which is available within the eBook within your e-Learn subject site.
• You need to use at least three academically valid sources from a range of source types (journal articles, books, newspaper articles and websites ).
• Do not forget to make sure that the sources you use are reputable.
Task 2
Research Questions
Please answer the following questions based on the analysis and research you undertook to develop your report:
1. Define:
• the objectives of your research
• the organisational requirements of this task
• the resources used for this task (online and/or print)
2. Describe how you ensured that your methods of collecting information were:
• Reliable
• Valid
• relevant to the requirements of the research
• efficient and effective
3. List two (2) techniques you used to analyse data
• Please provide a screen shot of the Boolean operators and other search tools you used to source at least two resources from your Reference List.
• Explain the organisational systems for recordkeeping and filing of this report; give an example of:
• a file path
• how you would manage version control from drafting to finalising the document
• any relevant security procedures for the distribution and storage of this report?
• Identify the legal and ethical obligations relating to workplace information and the organisational policies you have referred to.
• How are you going to distribute your research findings?
Assessment Marking Criteria – Student Name ……………………….
Organisational requirements Student Teacher
FINAL Teacher
1. Organisational template used correctly - 800 words (plus or minus 10%)
2. CIT Business style guide followed
3. Referencing replicates” Acknowledging the source”
4. Boolean operators and other search tools documented
5. online and/or non-electronic sources of information used
6. Minimum of three references
7. Report proofread and replicates industry standard no more than three spelling or formatting mistakes per page
8. Recommendations discussed with (teacher)
9. No evidence of plagiarism or paraphrasing displayed in final submitted work
10. Report filed correctly
Gathering and organising the information Student Teacher
FINAL Teacher
11. Information gathered and organised in a suitable format for dissemination.
12. Information accurate and relevant
13. Methods of collecting information were reliable
14. Online research and/or non-electronic sources of information were used.
15. Information was modified maintained and stored in accordance with organisational requirements
Research and analyse information Student Teacher
FINAL Teacher
16. Objectives of research clearly defined as per organisational requirements
17. Data research used is valid and relevant
18. Boolean operators and other search tools used effectively
19. Reliable methods of data analysis used
20. Assumptions and conclusions are clear, justified and supported by evidence.
Present information Student Teacher
FINAL Teacher
21. Recommendations and issues in correct format, style and structure – BST Style guide followed
22. Research findings distributed in accordance with organisational requirements
23. Verbal feedback from supervisor was obtained on suitability and sufficiency of information and findings (Session 7)
Teachers Feedback : DATE: