Tasmanian School of Business and Economics
Semester 2, 2018
Assessment Task 2: Assignment (20%)
Your assignment involves two case studies of equal weighted marks. The case studies are sourced from Principles ofManagerial Finance by Gitman, Juchau and Flanagan, 2011, 6th edition. The textbook is available in the Mon-is Miller library in hardcopy and ebook
( The two case studies are Lasting Impressions Company (chapter 10) and Track Software Limited (chapter 3). As part of your research you may find it helpful to read those two chapters.
You are required to analyse financial information and apply relevant financial techniques and knowledge to make financial decisions and recommendations. These decisions and recommendations need to be communicated clearly in written form.
1200 words maximum - this requirement refers to the written analysis section of the assignment only and is a -maximum-. Students will not be penalised for using fewer words and making their report more succinct. If you submit over-length work there will be an automatic 10% penalty of the total possible marks for this assessment. Title pages, calculations section, reference lists and any appendices are NOT included in the word count.
Assessment Criteria:
Please see the assessment rubric at the end of the assignment for information on the assessment criteria which will be applied when marking the assignment.
Percentage Weighting: This assignment is worth 20% of the final mark for the unit.
Due Date: Monday 24 September, 2018 by 2 pm.
Submission Information:
Assignments are to be submitted through the assignment submission folder on the unit's MyLO site. You may only submit your assignment to MyLO once.
A paper submission is also to be made to the Assignment Drop Box on Level 2, TSBE, Centenary Building, Sandy Bay Campus. For Distance students the assignment may be posted by the due date to:
Tony Stanger (BFA728)
Tasmanian School of Business and Economics (TSBE) University of Tasmania
Private Bag 84, Hobart TAS 7001.
A signed assignment coversheet should be downloaded from the assignment folder on MyLO and must be submitted with the paper submission. Assiglments without a coversheet will not be marked.
Late work will be penalised unless you have been granted an extension by the unit coordinator.
Calculations may be prepared in an Excel document, however your submission must be in the form of a single Word document for the electronic version.
This is an individual assignment. Under no circumstances should you share your workings or any part of your assignment with other students — this constitutes academic misconduct and actions will be taken. All similarity reports on Turnitin will be thoroughly checked for matching with external sources and with other BFA728 assignments. You are asked not to discuss the assignment with other students on MyLO. You may ask general questions on MyLO if there is something you need clarified but you should not discuss any calculations or where you have found any relevant information with other students.