A Term Paper of Computer Networks

Due Date: April 12, 2013

Research Paper
(Use the APA format where appropriate)

This paper can be a review paper that comments on current solutions on a specific topic, or a research paper that proposes your own opinions/solutions. You don’t have to implement an application for this option. However it is fine if you wish to conduct experiments on the topics discussed. As a general rule, papers that incorporate your own comments/opinions will normally receive higher grades.

You can visit sourceforge’s website for a list of sample networking applications ([]=trove%3A150) that you may be interested in. Although you may not be able to implement a full-featured system as those shown on the website due to time constraints, an operational prototype is required for final submission.

Potential topics for both options include (but not limited to) the following. Your choice of the topic is usually more specific than any of these topics.

? Addressing & location management
? Mobility Models and Systems
? Quality of Service
? Wireless Protocols
? Routing & Multicast
? Congestion control
? Scheduling & buffer management
? Multimedia protocols
? Network applications & services
? Network architectures
? Switches & switching
? Network design & planning
? Traffic analysis & control
? Network management
? Web performance
? Peer to Peer Communications

Some reference journals such as electronic library’s universities, IEEE, ACM databases. I wish you can stay focused on the top publications in the field.

Make sure that you cite all relevant articles that are referenced in your paper. Use the APA format where appropriate. Failing to do so may lead to the loss of points in your submission.

The report should have no less than 15 pages, double-spaced and not counting the title page, table of contents, bibliography, or any figures. It should include a bibliography that appears as references in the body. Your paper should use headings and sub-headings to reflect its structure. Please proofread your paper carefully to ensure that it contains no spelling or grammatical errors. It should conform to the standards of academic integrity described in our program guide and the course syllabus. Use the APA format where appropriate.

Note: A review paper usually should include multiple (>=5) references. I would like to see references from referred conference proceedings or journals. You may want to explore the electronic library at universities to find useful papers. IEEE and ACM databases are generally used by the research community. Not just the publications sponsored by the Computer Society. References such as Wikipedia can be used at the early stages when you explore a topic, but you are discouraged from using them since the information are generally considered unreliable for scientific papers. Usually you should summarize different resources instead of reiterating the exact words. It is also important to show your ability on critical thinking – I wish you include as many comments (in your own words) as possible.