Big data is a new revolution in performance measurement systems that can influence the way in which companies do their businesses.
Write a report addressing the following issues:
• Discuss whether big data improve performance measures and influence the changes in performance management systems?
In order to answer the above issues, the suggested journal article (Samuel Fosso Wamba, Angappa Gunasekaran, Shahriar Akter, Steven Ji-fan Ren, Rameshwar Dubey, Stephen J. Childe, 2017, Big data analytics and firm performance: Effects of dynamic capabilities, Journal of Business Research, 70, pp. 356-365) can be very good point to start with. You then need to search additional primary-source references i.e. peer-reviewed journals, scholarly books or book chapter, video, or discussion thread, or blog (avoid Wikipedia type material) and find out another six published research papers themed on “big data and performance measurement”. You should provide evidence that you have carefully examined the literature, understood the articles you have selected, and have been able to summarise their essential contents by integrating these articles into your own arguments and perspective.
• Word Limit 1000 words excluding ref
• Harvard Referencing
Criteria/level Poor Acceptable Good Very good Excellent
Discussion relating to the use of big data for improving performance management.
(GLO1 – Discipline specific knowledge)
(30 marks) 0 marks
No attempt is made to discuss the use of big data or the discussion does not focus on issues relating to performance management.
(0-14.9 marks) 12.5 marks
A sparse examination of the use of big data for measurement purposes provided but no attempt made to discuss these, rather providing facts. The application of big data in relation to performance measurement rudimentarily addressed.
(15-17.9 marks) 15 marks
A detailed examination of the use of big data for measurement purposes, providing alternate perspectives, and discussing these in general and in relation to the use of big data in performance management or measurement purpose, introducing challenges.
(18-20.9 marks) 17.5 marks
Highly developed skills in discussing with clarity, the application of big data in measurement system general, debating in depth, alternate perspectives and then discussing these in relation to performance management.
(21-23.9 marks) 25 marks
Detailed, accurate, thoughtful, mature discussion of the application of big data in general, logically synthesising the application in relation to performance management, applying examples, demonstrating understanding of the various implications and challenges relating to implementing big data in performance management.
(24-30 marks)
Quality of sources.
(GLO3 – Digital literacy)
(20 marks)
0 marks
Poor choice of relevant and quality resources.
Resources selected are not credible, current or reliable.
(0-9.9 marks) 7.5 marks
Acceptable choice of relevant and quality resources.
Resources selected are appropriate, and credible, although more current and reliable resources are available.
(10-11.9 marks) 9 marks
Good choice of relevant and quality resources.
Resources selected are credible, current and reliable, although the work would have benefitted from use of more diverse resources.
(12-13.9 marks) 10.5 marks
Very good choice of relevant and quality resources.
Resources selected are credible, current, reliable and diverse, demonstrating ability to source important information within the discipline area.
(14-15.9 marks) 15 marks
Excellent choice of relevant and quality resources.
Resources selected are credible, current, reliable and diverse, providing opportunities to developing new meaning that could contribute to the existing body of knowledge.
(16-20 marks)