Enterprise Leadership 700252
Assessment task 2: ESSAY
This task is worth 30% of your total assessment for the unit
This assessment task comprises of 2 Parts. Please see below for details;
Explain the special attributes of the generation Y (Gen Y) workforce and why managers may need to provide particular attention to these attributes. Discuss the four ways to shape behaviour, and how a manager might use these to promote learning amongst a GEN Y staff cohort to ensure a productive work environment. Use illustrations and credible research to support your points of discussion.
Part 1:
Due date: Week 6 tutorial class (within the first 10 minutes) Length: 600 words (±10%).
Submission: Typed, Printed- Hardcopy, to be handed to your class tutor. Cover sheet and marking guide to be attached to submission. Must be staple bonded.
References: Minimum 2 academic references
Weighing: 5% of final mark
Component: Individual
Instructions: The purpose of the draft to ensure you are effectively developing your Essay towards relevant, enriched, and quality content/context, and to prevent unnecessary errors for the final submission. You are expected to include;
1- An Introduction with general statements, a clear thesis of the topic in question, and an outline of the main arguments.
2- Develop a planned structure that consists of a logical progression of ideas and/ or events relevant to the topic specifications.
3- A minimum of one illustration as well as elaborations supportive of the topic questions.
4- Provide evidence of research and data to assist with illustrations supporting the points of discussions. A reference list and in-text citations must also be present.
N.B. The criteria in the draft essay marking guides form part of these instructions and must be complied with.
Enterprise Leadership 700252 - 2018 2 1 | P a g e
Part 2:
Due date: Sunday 9.00pm of week 7 via Turnitin
Length: 1250 words (±10%).
Submission: Softcopy, online only via Turnitin. Complete essay submission inclusive of reference page
References: Minimum 3 academic references
Weighing: 25% of final mark
Component: Individual
Instructions: You must develop a complete written Essay successfully addressing all components of the “Essay Topic”, which is announced on page 1 of this document.
N.B. The criteria in the essay marking guides form part of these instructions and must be complied with.
Further Submission requirements:
• You are required to present an essay, which complies with good essay structure.
• You will need to proofread and edit your essay a number of times to ensure that it is clear and succinct.
• Present your essay in 12 font Arial, left justified, double-line spacing
• The List of References will appear on a separate page at the back of your essay. References will be listed alphabetically. Harvard style referencing applies.
• Harvard style in-text citation acknowledging your sources of information is mandatory.
• Ensure you state the page number in the in-text citation. This indicates where the information is located in the scholarly resource.
• Use the WSU Library Database. Business Source Complete is recommended. The database selected is visible in your List of References.
• The word count does NOT include the List of References.
• You will be able to view your assignment feedback in Turnitin after two weeks of submission
Go through the essay writing process by analysing the question, brainstorming, research and reading, note taking and organising your information. Write an essay plan, draft and re-draft, write and then proofread your final draft. Read and understand the marking criteria. Seek advice from your tutor when necessary and consider the services of The Study Lounge. Also the LIBRARY tab in vUWS has a multitude of services to help you with the completion of this task.
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