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Group assignment – Literature review
Key information
Unit code and title ACCT20074 Contemporary Accounting Theory
Assessment mode Literature review and analysis
Assessment type Group work (maximum of 4 members)
Word limit 3000 words (upper limit)
Assessment weighting 30%
Late submission penalty 1.5 mark per day
Extension Must request to the unit coordinator with supporting documents
Assignment background
Measurement has been highly contentious issue in the accounting and financial reporting. Conceptual Framework has been criticised for failing to address this issue. Problems associated with the use of the historical cost method, particularly at the time of changing prices, has prompted a need for searching an alternative measurement method. While the fair value is being considered a possible alternative, it has its own weaknesses and limitations and this has been debated relatively extensively in current literature. For example, studies primarily based on emerging economies have consistently reported the challenge of using fair value in those countries (He et al., 2012; Albu et al., 204 & Irvine, 2008).
Assignment tasks
Task 1
Prepare a literature review about the contextual issues of implementing fair value measurement method in general and in emerging economies in particular.
Task 2
Analyse the use of fair value measurement by investigating financial reports of two companies. Of the two companies you have chosen to investigate, one of them must be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) whereas other on a stock exchange of one of emerging countries. Make sure that both companies belong to the same industry group.
Task 3
Using the concept of institutional theory and your analysis in task 2, prepare a research report critically outlining whether companies are likely to embrace the fair value measurement methods in coming years.
Structure and presentation
• Cover (title) page (not included in the word count)
• Executive summary/synopsis
• Table of contents (if applicable)
• Introduction
• The answer itself of all 3 assignment tasks
o Task 1
o Task 2
o Task 3
• Conclusion/summary
• References - APA referencing style (not included in the word count)
• Appendices (if applicable – not included in the word count)
• 1.5-line spacing
• Times New Roman 12-point font
• 2.00 cm margins on all sides
• Clearly label section and subsection
Submission requirements
• You must submit your assessment in the form of a single report strictly adhering to the structure and presentation outlined above.
• You must submit the assignment before the due date unless you have formally requested and granted for the extension.
• Only one assignment must be submitted from each group.
• Your assignment will be subject to ‘turn it in’ similar check for possible case of plagiarism. In addition, your assignment will also be strictly scrutinised for possible contract cheating/ghost writing (i.e. getting someone else to write for you).
• It is important that you proof read and recheck your assignment carefully and thoroughly before submitting.
Citation and referencing
This is investigative research assignment which include literature review component. It is important that your group conduct a research and gather relevant literature, cite and reference them appropriately using the APA referencing style.
Make sure that you use types of literatures that are considered credible and authentic. They may include:
• Journal article (peer reviewed only)
• Textbooks
• Thesis
• Government regulation or policy document or accounting standards, conceptual framework
• Court cases (decisions)
• CPA and CIAA, IASB, AASB websites and article
• Media report
• New paper article
Do not use
• Wikipedia
• Blogs
• Google articles
Assessment criteria
As you can probably guess, there is no single -correct- answer for this assignment, although there can be many -incorrect- answers. You will be assessed on:
• Quality of research and literature review - 80%
• The readability (format, presentation, English expression and articulation) of your literature review -10%
• The evidence of contribution to the group by way of peer review by your team member -10%
Note: You must cite and reference all literature appropriately using APA referencing style. Failure to cite and reference properly will attract penalties up to 5 marks. Please use the APA referencing guide available freely to CQU university and other universities websites.
Warning: Plagiarism or academic misconduct will attract worse penalties which may include your assignment being marked down to ZERO and disciplinary action. Plagiarism may include, but not limited to:
• Copying other’s work
• Using others’ view/opinion/findings as your own without acknowledging the sources (i.e. not citing and referencing)
• Contract cheating (i.e. getting someone else write for you.
Evidence of contribution to the group
Evidence of regular team discussion and communication
Date Type of communication (e.g. meeting, email, call) Issues discussed
Declaration: We declare that each of us have contributed approximately equally and the work we have completed and submitted is original and our own to the best of our knowledge except where cited.
Student ID Student Name Signature Date
Team leaders’ report
Write a report in maximum of 250 words clearly describing working in the team, challenged faced and measures taken and particularly if any of the team members were not fulfilling their minim role as the team member.
Note: All 3 documents must be included in the appendix section of your assignment.
Key Criteria Exceeds expactations (HD) 85–100% Exceeds expectaGtions (D) 75–84% Meets expectations (C) 65–74% Meets minimum expectations (P) 50–64% Below expectations (F) 50%
Organisation/structure/Presentation (3 marks) The ideas are arranged in an extremely logical, structured and coherent manner. The introduction and conclusion clearly set out what is covered in the report. The ideas are arranged in a fairly logical, structured and coherent manner. The introduction and conclusion indicate what is covered in the report but not in a clear and succinct manner. The ideas are arranged in a logical, some-what structured and coherent manner. The introduction and conclusion give a basic overview of what is in the report. The report follows a basic structure, but the reader has to work hard to understand it. There is little, if any, coherent structure to the document.
Content knowledge, analysis & literature review (24 marks) Demonstrates a balanced and very high level of detailed knowledge of core concepts by providing a very high level of analysis. Utilises current, appropriate and credible sources. Demonstrates a balanced and high level of knowledge of core concepts by providing a high level of analysis. Utilises mostly current, appropriate and credible sources. Demonstrates a good level of knowledge of some of the core concepts by providing some level of analysis. Utilises some current, appropriate and credible sources. Demonstrates limited knowledge of core concepts by providing a limited level of analysis. Utilises few current, appropriate and credible sources. Demonstrates little, if any, knowledge of the core concepts with extremely limited, if any, analysis. Utilises little, if any, current, appropriate and credible sources.
Contribution to the group (3 marks) Demonstrated an excellent evidence of group work Demonstrated very good group work. Reasonable level of group work demonstrated Acceptable level of group work shown. Very poor or no group work shown