Nice to talk to you through your website.
I would like to inform that i'm planning to publish one article or two for a Phd purpose.
The required article will be about measurement of efficiency of major transhipment ports between China and Morocco –
You can use a data envelopment analysis approach or other approach which seems more easier for you . I'll be glad to hear your suggestions. To make the research more clear here below the list of preferred container terminal ports which we need to analyse.
Tanjung Pelepas port
Valencia port
Algeciras port
Tangier MED port
Las Palmas port
Required words : Around 4500 words
Required pages : Around 14 pages more or less
Delivery time: maximum 2 months, the more shorter the more better.
If you have any other research topic to suggest, pls let me know i can easily change the research topic completely but it should be generally speaking about transshipment ports or container terminals .... In other word any topic within the maritime logistics field.
Finally once you understand my inquiry pls let me know the overall cost to write one article or 2 articles.
I'm open for your suggestions.
Waiting for your reply sincerely.